October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Ah Olivia, you need to enjoy the waiting game! I have been induced both times and really miss the sign spotting and suspense of being in labour.
Like Jordan, this is my last too, so I'm trying to soak it all up and document everything!

I feel like I'm recovering ok actually - I didn't have any stitches or tears, so all seems to be functioning well and pain free down there. I do feel incredibly sore around my lower back, I think I seriously pulled some muscles.
Essentially, when they induced me, they kept turning the drip up, every 15 mins, it would get turned up - then all of a sudden, the pain got incredible, and I knew I was close. But I'm not sure the midwife believed me - I still had my trousers on! I think they thought I was putting on the pain, I'm not sure...but I could feel her head, and she kept saying she couldn't pick her up on the monitor. My trousers were apparently covered in blood, with blood pouring though every contraction. She then took them off and was like 'oh, that's why I couldn't pick her heartbeat up, she has moved down and her head is about to come out'! Yeah, no shit! She was born literally 10 mins later! But for some reason, the pain was completely in my back, it was intense. Even lying on the bed was agony, but coz of the drip and monitor I couldn't move, so I writhed around apparently like I had the exorcist within me! I was lying completely on my cannula, so that area is still hurting, lol, but I think I really twisted my back...she ended up coming out with her hand up around her face, which I think may have contributed to the intense pain, I don't know. I also had massive issues with my placenta in that it wouldn't come out! I walked to the loo, nothing, the last thing I wanted to do was push again, and I think they were close to sending me to theatre - thankfully it came out! Hope my story hasn't freaked you all out too much!

My bp is now too low - you can't make this stuff up. It was 102/70 today....but as my notes say from the doc that I have to take the medication and I have to be seen every day, then they have to speak to a doctor before they can change it. Hoping at the check up tomorrow, we can start to chill out on the daily hospital visits!
Ouch Lea, sounds like your midwife was a bit off the ball with that one! Awesome you didn't need stitches, especially since she arrived quite quickly. Did they say she was back to back or anything? My first labour was all in my back and I remember having a bad back for a couple weeks after :/

I can't believe we're having another two 'October' babies this week! Good luck Jordan and Amy :)

I feel like I'm the only one that's still going to be pregnant in October haha, I'm 36+5 but to be fair the days are passing by quickly. I think once I'm 37 week and start looking out for labour signs then everything will slow down. X

Lea- did they start with the pessaries or go straight to the drip. Mine have said I'll have the 24hr pessary but as its due to reduced movements I have to stay in. Then they'll check and either do 6hr gels or, if they can, break my waters. Then if nothing after that they will do a drip. So it could take days. Not looking forward to that as I have to stay in, but I think once I'm there I'll be more relaxed.

I do feel a bit like I'm missing out on waiting for all the labour signs, but I'm pleased to know that I don't potentially have another 4 weeks to wait. And I expected to go overdue and be induced, so I'm not fussed about being induced, just surprised its early. But at least I get to miss everyone texting to see where she is. I've not told anyone what's happening.

Digital- make the most of any time off cos once something happens it can happen quickly. I wanted a week to chill after finishing work. I spend Monday in hosp and today has been manic. xx
Lea- did they start with the pessaries or go straight to the drip. Mine have said I'll have the 24hr pessary but as its due to reduced movements I have to stay in. Then they'll check and either do 6hr gels or, if they can, break my waters. Then if nothing after that they will do a drip. So it could take days. Not looking forward to that as I have to stay in, but I think once I'm there I'll be more relaxed.

I do feel a bit like I'm missing out on waiting for all the labour signs, but I'm pleased to know that I don't potentially have another 4 weeks to wait. And I expected to go overdue and be induced, so I'm not fussed about being induced, just surprised its early. But at least I get to miss everyone texting to see where she is. I've not told anyone what's happening.

Digital- make the most of any time off cos once something happens it can happen quickly. I wanted a week to chill after finishing work. I spend Monday in hosp and today has been manic. xx

I was booked,in for the pessary. They did a cervix exam first and said i was 2cm dilated and looking favourable, so the pessary wouldn't stay in.
I was transferred to the delivery suite where my waters were broken - but it was tough, I'm not sure they were ready, and was only 3cm dilated then. It was clear a few hours later that labour was not progressing, so they put me on the drip. I was worried about being sent home too, and waiting around for days, but they were really keen to get it kick started. My drip was turned up every 15 mins, and she was born about 5 hours later. I dont thunk they will keep you hanging around either - it may be fast, intense and painful, but it's quick! That was my second induction, and both where very fast.,
Hey ladies. My appointment was fine. Measuring ok. Booked in for a sweep next Tuesday. Although since leaving the appointment I've felt rather......odd. We went shopping in Sainsbury's and I started to feel faint, like my blood pressure or blood sugar levels had dropped. So I picked up a bottle of Lucozade and drank it as we finished shopping. We came home and I felt a bit odd still. We then had to go to Asda and as we were walking around, the only way I can describe it was feeling drunk or high. Very lightheaded and away with the fairies hahaha we came home and I can't sit still. I feel so uncomfortable, sick and lightheaded still. I have a feeling baby will be here by the end of the week. Been getting period type pains again and tightenings.

I hope that makes sense, I have no concentration and feel out of it!!!
Sounds interesting Olivia. Hopefully its the start of something for you. From a lot of things I've read people have reported feeling off before hand. Something they cant really describe, but just odd.

I've been hoping all day that something would make it all kick off naturally so I wouldn't feel like I was evicting her! Got a really painful back but I fear that's just normal pregnancy stuff. I would love to go in tomorrow and find I was already dilating. But there's nothing to make me think I might be.
I am secretly pleased I haven't got to do anymore nesting or prepping. No matter how ready I am I think I'd carry on pushing myself until she came, so its nice to know that that part is done x
I don't know what I want. I want to lay down in the dark. Then I want to get up. Then I want to eat. Then I want to be sick. I feel horrible :(
Evening ladies

So had my 5 day check yesterday, Noah lost 6.3% so is 6lb 12oz now but they are really happy as he is solely breast fed! Milk very much came in today, Christ must be 4 cup sizes bigger and dripping lol! Am so run down though, so tired, have to inject myself because of the c section, am on different drugs etc got an appointment for the heal prick tomorrow, have mini meltdowns as can't do what I want due to the scar, Noah is tongue tied so need that sorted and he is jaundice so it's just a whirlwind of emotions 24/7!! But I am so in love, struggle to get he is here! I check the feed hoping to read about the next birth, can't wait to see! Xx
Ahhh glad to hear Noah is doing well Flick :) it must be frustrating that you can't do certain things due to scar :( I dont know too much about c sections but what's the injections for? I've noticed my boobs have got bigger over the last couple of days.....reminds me of how they felt in early pregnancy!

I feel completely fine now apart from tightenings! I have no idea what that feeling was about but it was strange!

Good luck tomorrow ladies, I hope everything goes well for you both x x x
Morning ladies x
Got a bit more sleeping this morning as I have been awake a good couple of hours during the night .
Flick glad you and Noah are both fine , apart of struggling with post op issues :( what injection are you having ? Hope Noah's tongue tie can be solved soon too. Most important is that you are both well recoveribg even if I imagine it is not easy ..
Lea thanks for sharing your birth experience ,it gives me hope that it can happen without tearing which is my biggest fear . I am ready for it anyway . Hope your back will get better soon .

Jordan , any news ?? Wishing you and Amy today best of luck , I will be checking to see how it is going for you both . So happy we might have at least one baby today x

Yesterday I have been walking and shopping all day . Bounce on the ball and having raspberries leaf tea when I was back . Nothing seems to happen for me in the nearest future I believe .I just have loads of tightenings too Olivia , my bump is almost always hard , it doesn't hurt or something though. We shall see ..baby was a bit quiet yesterday but really active in the evening . He seems so be squeezed . Hope he will make his way out soon haha , I wish !

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Morning ladies. I've been awake since 0400 cos I needed a wee and then my head was going. Had a backache so I had a bath to help it. In the hosp now and on the monitor for 30mins, then they'll but the pessary in. So, the waiting game begins.

Flick- pleased you're both generally ok. I hope the uncomfortableness from the c section gets better soon, and that the tongue tie gets sorted quickly.

Jordan- I hope all is going well x
I have no idea how this baby still fits :lol: I have limbs poking out everywhere and head is as low as it'll get until I start dialiating. I'm expecting a baby the size of a toddler I think :lol: I haven't had the tea for a few days since I've been ill. Can't stomach it! But I may have some today as I genuinely feel ready to have this baby now! Never thought I would say that! I would love an October baby though :(
Amy, I didn't see your post! I wish you all the luck! - not that you'll need it. But I hope it all goes well for you :) and can't wait to see pictures later.

I woke up around half an hour ago and tightenings started 10 or so mins ago with some dull period pain type ache. Will keep an eye out but for now I'm going back to lay down - incase this is it!
Olivia, it sounds like your body is prepping for something/someone! Do you feel a bit better today?

Good luck for inductions today! Amythomas, time actually goes quite quickly stuck in hospital, especially if there is lots going on. Keep us updated - I was so excited when they said I was 2cm already - and then ended up on the blimmin drip anyway.

Hopefully got the 5 day check today, glad yours was good flick, and well done for him not loosing too much weight when breastfeeding. Now your milk is in, that should start shooting up! After reading how you are feeling, I think I'm lucky at the mo - tho that could change at a moments notice! Physically ok, apart from aches, and even managed a walk yesterday - with baby in a wrap! God it was a faff initially, and think with practice putting it on will become second nature, but princess stayed asleep the entire time!
She woke up once last night at 3am - had feeds at 10 and 7, so with me napping in between, I've managed a few hours sleep...
Glad everything is going well for you Lea :) cant believe its almost 1 weeks since our group welcomed the first babies :D and won't be long before we have the next ones.

I am just sitting here watching baby kick away (not much room now so got limbs all over the place) making the most of this as I know it will be over at any time now
Lea, I've been meaning to ask both of you how the nights are!

Sounds like she's a good little thing. How are you finding everything else.. ..post birth?
Good luck for today Jordan and Amy, I'll be thinking of you both :)
Got my 37 week appointment this afternoon. Absolutely exhausted as been up since 3.00 AM. Anyone else not remember what a good 'normal' nights sleep feels like?!
Flick, how are you finding recovery from the c-section pain wise? How much mobility do you have and how painful is it?
Hey everyone, all quiet at this end so far! Came up last night and got an examination, they told me im 2-3cms dilated and that i dont need the pessary, they are going to just go straight ahead and break my waters. Been waiting since then to be taken to the labour ward but so far no joy!
Getting seriously impatient now, my mum has flown home from Switzerland to be here, but she has to fly back on Sunday soni need them / little madam to move their butts and get the ball rolling so she has as much time with her as possible!

Hope everyone else is keeping well xx

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