October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

My hospital lunch choice is butternut squash soup, then mushroom and leek stroganoff and then an apple. Thought ice cream wasn't a good idea incase I wasn't here. Other options where a chicken curry or fish pie- but I didn't fancy them. I have dry shampoo at home but forgot to pack. I think asking my OH to get that might be a step to far in him understanding what I mean! I have stuff with me but hope to be out this afternoon so can do it in my own, nicer shower. If not I'll go for it later.

I'm supposed to be cooking a ham today.....! We've got slow cooked duck legs for dinner tonight if I get out. They were planned for yesterday!x
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Scan is at 1215- typical, lunchtime! Then I have to wait to see a doc. But I plan on asking a lot of questions at the scan
Hope your scan went well Amy. I have bought 2 large cans of dry shampoo as I can see I will need it in the first few weeks baby is here!

I have been having period type cramps for the past half an hour. Think I will go and lay down for a bit and sleep if I can.
All fine on the scan. Couldn't measure the head as it was too low down, but from everything else estimate weight is 6lb 12oz. Puts me back in the middle of the range for me. Shows how subjective the tape measure method can be. Now just need to wait for the Dr to decide what he wants to do- hopefully just discharge me.

Bonus- I got back in time for lunch, and it was nice x
Glad everything was well with the scan Amy and the little one is fine . Also good that you came just on time for lunch :D I am confused with all measurements to be honest and their accuracy . If head is very low down who knows , maybe she will make an appearence soon :D

I can't wait for my mw appt on Thursday to see if anything changed in terms of position , usual tests etc as I do no think they do anything different . I am gutted I didn't had a scan for so long and I think maybe they missed something with the baby , wish I could keep positive until the end
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Brilliant news about the scan! Good weight too. Hope you're able to get home tonight for your dinner!! Glad lunch was good :lol:

39 week appointment tomorrow! Can't wait to see what midwife says....also weird to think I may only have a handful of appointments left.

Currently experiencing period type pains and feel like I have to poop but can't!!! Sorry for TMI haha
I think the measuring thing is very hit and miss. On the general NHS measurement guide I have been around 50th percentile throughout, but on my personal GAP grow chart thing I have been measuring 4 weeks ahead each time? I am very intrigued to see how reliable the weight estimates are from the scans! I'm due to have a 9lb baby!! Let's see how close their estimations are!!
I'm getting fed up now. Not seen anyone since I came back. I've asked my husband if he can come and break me out. Its so hot in here and the ward is almost full.

I'm 38w today and got my 38w appt tomorrow morning. I hope I'm home for it.
Given current measurements in hoping for a 7 to 7.5lb'er x
Wow, lots going on in here!
Glad all is well amythomas, I bet it's boiling in hospital today though! I Have very long thick curly hair, and thanks to the induction date, was able to wash my hair that morning...since the birth however, a different story, lol! I just spray with water, up in a bun, oh and facial spritz!! I've been using lots of a body shop facial spritz, it's been a god send when I literally don't have time to put moisturiser on!

Jordan, you will be fine, I felt exactly the same as you. My daughter was an induction, but an emergency one, and to have a planned one was a strange concept...I haven't had the time to go into detail yet, but this one ended up being practically an emergency as well!

We were doing great, but had a difficult night last night. I got stuck into a Gina ford type routine with my first and intended to with this one. Then when she came, it all went out the window, I ended up breastfeeding at night (something I NEVER intended to do, breastfeed, at all!), and the midwife said it was now considered safe to co sleep for the first few weeks (she hated going in her Moses basket).
So today, we are back on my schedule, lol! She is currently sleeping in her Moses basket in the lounge so she learns that it's a nice place to sleep. And she is now having a good quantity of milk, every 3-4 hours. Will see what tonight brings....
Wow, lots going on in here!
Glad all is well amythomas, I bet it's boiling in hospital today though! I Have very long thick curly hair, and thanks to the induction date, was able to wash my hair that morning...since the birth however, a different story, lol! I just spray with water, up in a bun, oh and facial spritz!! I've been using lots of a body shop facial spritz, it's been a god send when I literally don't have time to put moisturiser on!

Jordan, you will be fine, I felt exactly the same as you. My daughter was an induction, but an emergency one, and to have a planned one was a strange concept...I haven't had the time to go into detail yet, but this one ended up being practically an emergency as well!

We were doing great, but had a difficult night last night. I got stuck into a Gina ford type routine with my first and intended to with this one. Then when she came, it all went out the window, I ended up breastfeeding at night (something I NEVER intended to do, breastfeed, at all!), and the midwife said it was now considered safe to co sleep for the first few weeks (she hated going in her Moses basket). It then all went wrong last night :roll:
So today, we are back on my schedule, lol! She is currently sleeping in her Moses basket in the lounge so she learns that it's a nice place to sleep. And she is now having a good quantity of milk, every 3-4 hours. Will see what tonight brings....
I don't even have an estimated weight of the baby , don't know if it is better or worse . I will ask the midwife what her opinion is however without a scan I am expecting her to guess. I am just terrified because I am petite and I don't want to have a big baby :( On all appt I measured 2-3 weeks ahead and on my 36 weeks bang on 36 cm.
Done the cooking and some cleaning and I am sweating , don't want to imagine breathing on a full ward , I think I will also buy a handhelf fan .
Glad the scan went well Amy. That sounds like a lovely weight. I would like my baby to be 7 lbs. Why are they keeping you hanging around, what are they waiting for??
At my 36 week appointment last week I was measuring 32 and a half cm. To me this seemed extremely behind but my midwife dismissed it ? She said as long as the baby is 33 and a half cm by 37 weeks ( this Wed for me) that it's okay. Anyone else think that sounds weird?
I think they were busy, but my husband came in and spoke to them and we saw a Dr 10mins later.
I'm being induced on Wednesday! Arrggghhhhh. Massive last minute stress and panic. I have so much to do tomorrow!
Hey everyone, I wrote a post earlier, but apparently it went to the moderators, and hadn't appeared - lol, not sure what I wrote!
Wow, lots going on on here! Great news on all the progress ladies, just enjoy the last few days - there seems to be lots of inductions for these October babies - who seem to want to be September babies!

All is well here, loving newborn cuddles, and even after 3 days she has changed so much!
Flick, how are you getting on? Our little ones share birthdays and we're almost the same weight! Will be interesting to see what they weigh at the day 5 check up.
Oh, I'm on bp meds still! Blood pressure went up,a lot in labour, and now I have to see a midwife every day for 2 weeks!
Glad the scan went well Amy! Looks like we could both be welcoming our babies on Wednesday! Im guessing your probably feeling the same mix of emotions i am, scared, nervous, excited, stressed!
I’ve literally been breaking down crying at the most ridiculous things like putting Callum to bed tonight because it was the last time i will do it before hes a big brother and his whole wee world changes! Im a total riot!

Tea lady i would wait and see what they say at the 37 week appointment because the measurements they take are so subjective depending on who is actually taking them.

Lea hope your bp sorts itself out soon for you! Its scary how quickly newborns change, this is my last so im really aware of making sure i enjoy and cherish every moment because its the last time im going to get to do it. Xx
Wow amy!!! All happening for you! More babies this week!

Lea, glad everything is going well for you :) hope you're enjoying these first few days with baby :) hope your blood pressure sorts itself out! How are you recovering from birth?

Hope all is well with Flick and we hear from her soon!

I noticed tonight that my boobs have got bigger? Had a few pains tonight but i think it was just baby moving and hitting cervix! Midwife tomorrow. Can't wait to see what she says! My husband asked if we should take my hospital bag with us incase she tells us to go straight away - we live a 5 minute drive away - I think someone's getting nervous haha

39 weeks tomorrow!!!!
I am bricking it!

Hubby has gone off to work as he has loads to do ready to finish tonight. His plan is to put a weeks leave in and then take 2 weeks paternity (he's only been in work for 2.5 weeks, hahaha). I'm up and thinking of all the things I need to do today- washing, resorting my bags with all the things I realised I needed, MW appt, shopping, and trying to sort out my panicked mind! I'm pleased to know she's coming, and it will save me weeks of wondering, but I am really nervous. I cant believe that by the end of the week she will be here. I cant believe I have to give birth (!) and that I will have a baby to look after all the time. Don't get me wrong, I want her and got most things ready- but I feel so unprepared and keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing. Hahaha- bit late now!

Jordan- thank you for the message and making me realise this is all normal. I hope all goes well for you and I am sure we will discuss over the next few days!

Tealady- I would definitely wait and see what they say. As my measurements the last few days showed the tape measure method is highly unreliable. As long as you are tracking up on your personalised scale its all good. For me to go from measuring 34w when i was 36w and then be measured at 29w at practically 38w shows how terrible. Esp as the scan shows she should be around 6lb 12 now. However, if you are concerned push them for a scan. You have a legitimate need for one and they should give you one to reassure you.

Olivia- I'm mot surprised your OH is nervous. When mine was told I was staying in the night he looked nervous. But I think him knowing he needed to get my stuff was a bigger worry for him (he probably knew he'd go wrong!) even though bags were packed.

I hope you're recovering ok lea and the bp picks up. I suppose it gives you a chance to discuss any concerns with your MW. I am worried about post birth recovery. But then it sounds like I'm worried about everything! And I hope all is good with Flick.

Sorry for the massive message. There may be a few panicky ones over the next few days!xx
Eeeek , can't believe we are going to have 2 more babies this week ! I can imagine that a mix of feeling takes over as tomorrow will be happening Amy , but fingers crossed that the process will go smoothly and you both will hold your babies soon !
Lea glad you are enjoying the time with your little one , everyone tells how much they change in the beggining but guess I will see it on mine . Also hope bp will sort out itself soon , try to take it easy .
I woke up a bit sad , wish something will happen to me too and get to see this little one soon ! Anyway I will probably freak out too when things will start .
Jordan good luck today xx
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Allysa, I will be exactly the same! I have moments when I realise this could be the last morning I wake up pregnant! Then I think I hope it is today. Then I get scared and say no....baby has to stay inside forever hahaha the not knowing when it will happen is making me a nervous wreck. Everyone else seems to be getting inductions or dates to work around.....feel like I've slipped through the net! I'm now the "most pregnant" on the Facebook group at 39 weeks and I'm seeing girls at 37 weeks go into natural labour!? My body doesn't know what it's doing hahahaha got a feeling I'll get to 41 weeks!

Amy, I think I'd be a mix of emotions! Happy, excited but also completely bricking it! But you have been given the gift of time! So atleast you can prepare! Even if it is 1 day. I have a routine of washing my hair as soon as I'm up incase today is the day! Ensuring all the housework is done incase today is the day.....i know I sound lazy but it's exhausting hahaha and don't even get me started on food shopping. How can I meal plan when I have no idea what's going on....finding it hard work now. But I know I'm lucky as I have no problems apart from the "When will it happen" thing....

Jordan, you must also be feeling the same excitement/ worry as Amy. I hope everything goes ok for you and you get your baby safe and sound :) your little boy must be super excited? My OH has a 13 year old son who stays with us half the week....he seems more "jealous" than anything. But that's a whole other drama! I wish you all the luck :D

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