October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I felt prepared Olivia, now I do not. This is a major kick up the arse!
Hope your ok Amy! Its better to be in there with them keeping an eye on you than not! Are they letting your hubby stay with you?

Our day escalated quite quickly and i’ve now been booked in to get induced, to go up on Tuesday night and stay, they will use the gel on me and then hopefully be able to break my waters on Wednesday. Had an examination and the MW said my cervix is quite far forward and soft so it looks like my body is heading in that direction anyway.
Not sure how i feel regarding another induction, or the fact that baby will be here with us for definite this week. Im a bit terrified and emotional that this is my wee guys last few nights of just us before his sister comes along. Hormonal wreck.com lol!
Oh no Amy ! That was probably unexpectable but if they consider it 's worthing to keep an eye on you overnight I believe you are in the right place . I still can't understand these measurementsi, makes such a huge diference who is doing it . Try not to worry and keep us updated , I would very odd too to spend the night in the hospital overnight without my Oh.
Keeping fingers crossed everything will be fine xxx
Wow. Its been a busy day for both of us! No talk of an induction yet but the Dr did (mistakenly?) say 'so, you're booked in for an induction next week', 'not that I know of'! But I'm on a ctg again tonight and tomorrow am then they will discuss a scan. Guessing hubby cant stay as they are putting me on a ward. Also guessing I'll get really patchy sleep tonight. And I've not had any dinner. Don't feel hungry though tbh.

I'm feeling very hormonal too. Hope you have a nice relaxing few days before you have to go in Jordan, and I bet your little guy will be excited about being a big brother. Once he gets over the fact its a smelly girl!x
They said they would rather induce due to this being the second episode of reduced movement in the soace of a week and considering i will be 39weeks on Tuesday they would rather not take any chances and just get the ball rolling. Its a weird one for me because i was induced last time, although a whole lot earlier (35+5) and i had a really normal, pretty painful but normal delivery and he was a healthy happy baby when he got here. I would have liked to have gone on my own but then with the reduced movement and the horror stories people post online im also just happy to get my girl here safe and sound.

Hope your ok Amy, fingers crossed they can give you some sort of update tomorrow! I was measuing small with Callum last time round and he was 5lb13 when i had him, they said he was lying really far back and made it difficult for them to know for sure what size he would be. Hope you dont have too rough a night! Xx
Wo!! Eventful days for you both. Amy, I am also worrying about the hospital stay :( I've only ever had 1 hospital experience and that was day surgery so no over night stay. Slightly shitting it :( midwife told me if I have the baby in the early hours (around 4am) then I will be discharged that afternoon/evening, so technically no stay.

I hope you get some sleep tonight Amy and everything is ok with your scan in the morning. Keep us updated on how you're getting on.

Jordan, enjoy your last couple of days :) must be nice in a sense to know things are happening this week. Good luck to you too xx
The ward is ok actually. 6 beds per bay and then there is a toilet and shower room. I'm in the last bay with another girl who I think is in due to a bleed. Not the place for any sleep though. They finished with me around 0015 and I've been trying to sleep but its just too busy generally. Got curtains round the bed but the front of the bays are glass and there are lights on on the other side. And then there are obviously babies crying, alarms buzzing for nurses, people talking, etc. I think they said they would do my next monitor at 0700 but the girl in the bay with me is getting checked at 0400!

Don't get me wrong- its fine, and I'd rather be here and be put at ease, but for more than one night I'd be shattered. Oh, and thank god for the internet and my fire tablet! Going to make sure I have so many magazines and books downloaded incase I need to be in more x
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Morning x Hope you 're ok Amy , sorry you couldn't get any sleep but hopefully everything is fine and you will be discharged today .

I didn't sleep much myself either , so stressed that baby doesn't really move during the night(or he might when I am sleeping and I can't notice ) . He is usually starting to move at about half hour when I am out of bed and active , I woke up to cook breakfast for my hubby as he went to work (I was awake anyway) and now I am waiting for him to move .

As much as I want to start the process naturally I wouldn't mind an induction earlier.
Never been in hospital overnight either , in the ward must be very busy . Hopefully you got something to eat at least and you are not knackered and yey for tablet and internet , at least to keep you busy x
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Looks like most of the October babies will end up being September ones xx
Think I'll be one of the only ones who goes past my due date :lol: I've been looking at all the new arrivals pictures and I can't quite believe that I have a fully formed little person inside my belly. I'm going to have a baby...this has literally just occurred to me :lol:

I feel awful! I wonder what the general "rule" is with having a temperature while this pregnant?? Just to confirm, my temp is 36.8c at the moment, so not high, just wondered what we do? Call triage? I have a midwife appointment tomorrow so I will ask then! I know temperature means the body is usually fighting infection, but does that mean they would induce?
Morning. I managed to sleep from 0230-0400 and then 0430-0600, so not too bad. Waiting to see the doc and then get a scan booked in. This is my third bout of reduced movements but they are usually about 6weeks apart so it could be due to growth spurts. (ironic given the measurement!) Apart from that and any concerns they may have she's not showing signs of being early out of choice. I think she's just being awkward and wanted some attention. Hoping to get a scan done today or booked in for tomorrow and that they'll let me home.

Not sure on the temp front Olivia. Probably check with MW. I think mine was around 36.5 last night.

I needed to wash my hair yesterday but obviously didn't get round to it. Feeling rank now. Urgh
Hmm have no idea what temperature we should have , I didn't checked mine any time during pregnancy . One thing I noticed , I always feel hot on the inside , but when I touched my face or other parts I was rather cold on the outside? Luckily I wasn' t ill at all from maybe one year , just a little sneezing here and there .

I thought I was silly when I told my OH yesterday that I can't believe it is a little himan inside me , until I can' t associate it with a face it is hard to believe . It happens probably to first time mummas

Hope check and scan will be fine and you will be able to have more rest Amy .
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Oh Amy, I hate that feeling of needing to wash hair. I wash mine everyday and even though I feel like poop I'm still doing it as my worst thing would be to be admitted without clean hair - sounds mad I know!!! If I have a spontaneous labour then I'll probably wash mine in the early stages :lol:
Its good that you got some sleep!

Allysa, my dream is to not be sick for a year!!!! I seem to always get sick :( almost 10 years of working with children, you would think I would have an immune system made of steel! Unfortunately not :(

Hope you get your scan sorted and all is well.
Oh wow there's a lot to catch up on! Lea she is absolutely beautiful and I love her name, very pretty x

Jordan I feel the same about induction, I was induced with my first but only because my waters went, everything else was straight forward so I really wanna avoid it this time but babies safety is the most important thing at the end of it all. Hoping everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow, I'm sure it will.

Aw Amy it sucks being on a ward,
personally I hate it! Hoping they can get you scanned and sorted today with a plan of action?

I'm feeling better after my iron infusion, still getting a lot of pressure and tightenings on and off which is driving me crazy! I suppose this is my life for the ever 3 weeks - checking my contraction timer constantly to see if they're any more regular! Ha.

Hope everything is okay Amy. Let us know how the scan goes!

Jordan, that is so exciting that you are being induced tomorrow! You are going to have a baby this week for sure, that's amazing!
I still cannot believe how quickly things are progressing for so many of us in this group. The past few days have been crazy! I hope something happens for me soon !!!
I know how you feel Allysa, it still hasn't properly registered that I am having a baby. Anyone else starting to brick it haha? Pregnancy is such a long journey that you just expect it to continue forever. I guess we are all probably guilty of 'forgetting' it will end and we will have a baby.
I'm with you- I can't believe there will he a point when I am not pregnant and I have a baby. I just feel like i should be pregnant now forever.

I'm waiting to find out when they can slot me in for the scan; but it will be today. Then the doc will decide. Pleased I chose a lunch option as time is racing on. Hubby popped in but has gone back to work as he is now only 15mins away.

I'm trying to not think about my hair. It looks ok at the mo so if I don't touch or itch it I'm ok for today. If I had to stay in tonight I definitely need to wash it. Urgh. Ordinarily I would have washed it before I came in but its so long and thick it takes forever to dry, and I didn't expect to have to stay. I wont make that mistake again!x
Amy we are the same with the thick hair that takes forever to dry :( could you get OH to bring in dry shampoo? Will give you another day or so?

Glad to hear you're feeling better after transfusion digital :)

Talking about lunch....what you all having? I need meal inspiration!!!
My hair is also long and thick, I already packed a dry shampoo in my hospital bag just in case. Worst case scenario I will just tie it up.

Glad you feel better after the transfusion Digitalcity x

I have a feeling I would be the last one with baby from the group haha as I feel him tucked up pretty high, hopefully he is not so big !

I took out some chicken breast from the freezer for dinner and I'll probably make some veggies .. Again I have been eating so much crap for the last couple of days
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