October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Ahh, my page hadn't refreshed for the latest updates

Congratulations Flick, he looks gorgeous x
Omg !! Congratulations both xx
Flick he is so sweet !! Still can 't believe how quick he came x
Lea hope you're little one is doing well too x
Oh my gosh congratulations Lea and Flick! 2 babies in one day, we are on a roll!

Ahhh Flick the hair on him! <3 How beautiful is he! Well done girls xx

I've had constant tightenings since 3pm yesterday, every 5-10 minutes my stomach is going really hard. They're not painful though so I guess they could be just regular braxtons? My midwife told me to keep an eye on it just incase hmmm.

I'm bouncing on my ball and drinking raspberry leaf tea. Had a few tightenings but nothing worth talking about. We are putting the final few bits away this weekend then house is done - by Monday, I'm hoping. Baby can come any time after Monday :)

Have a lovely weekend ladies!!!
I've got a really wriggly baby who is loving sticking her bum out and head butting my bladder. Really feeling a lot of uncomfortableness now about being pregnant. But saying that I have a few things I want to sort next week and some sleep I want to catch up on so want another week.

Hoping to go for lunch tomorrow and the cinema Sunday, then I'll be done for fun stuff. x
Morning ladies x

No more babies on the way ? :D Digital are you still having tightening s? I have them quite often, but never counted them, as I don't feel much in my back and they stop at some point.
I was wondering what else I could do to bring labour, but it probably happen naturally when times come. After I saw Flick pics with her gorgeous I just can't wait to meet my little one!
I am planning to clean the house today, there is so much to do.

Amy you are also officially on maternity , yey! Is anyone else still working? For me it started to be very uncomfortable too, walking is a nightmare as he keeps pushing on my bladder and pretty much everything down there which make me want to cry.

Hope you ladies enjoying your little one and you're doing fine x

After spending 8 hours in shops yesterday I am not planning to leave the house this weekend

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It feels so weird to know that I am now off work for at least 9months (planning on taking the full year but will probably do some keep in touch days in the last three months when I'm getting no money). I've always worked and paid for myself so not working is odd. I'm really fortunate that I get full pay for first 6 months so will save as much as I can to cover off the 3 months SMP and then 3 months of nothing. Obviously my husband has said that our money is all shared so it doesn't matter, but it still feels weird that I wont have my own 'spending money' for a bit.

Walking is tricky. I get a stitch after a few minutes and just have to try and walk through it. And it makes me feel like I need to wee all the time.

I'm planning on a few hours out today shopping and lunching and then some lounging x
Ladies, I've woken up today with a bad cold, headache and sore throat :cry: 39 weeks on Tuesday....really hope this doesn't hang around for long. Feel like poop :(
I'm still having tightenings, think they're just braxton hicks - strange though as they're still quite regular. I was woken up at 5am with a braxton hick and awful pain going through my back.

Ohh Olivia I actually had flu like symptoms for a couple days before going into labour with my first? Maybe it could be a sign?

I have read this but I'm not sure. Feels like a bad cold but I don't have a temperature which is good! Just constant sneezing, headache and a runny nose! Yuck :( hope it clears before labour.....couldn't deal with both :(
Olivia i had a similar bug last week but it went away after a few days, i just took it easy on the sofa etc and drank loads of tea! Hope you feel better soon!
Oh no, I hope you get better soon. Having a cold in labour would be blurgh.

I felt a bit sick earlier, but the managed to eat crispy duck pancakes. Yum!x
Olivia hope you'll feel better soon . Rest as muh as you can and drink loads of tea x

Hmm crispy duck sounds good now for some reason now ! I went off duck completely this pregnancy , I just couldn' t eat anymore , stll have some in the freeze

I have done quite a lot of housework today , had a nap in the afternoon and now I have a very active baby after eating icecream and bump pains .

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Will make sure I rest! You never realise how debilitating it is to have a blocked nose until you have a cold :lol:

Baby has been super active today and I've had Braxton hicks all day. Maybe it is the start of things.....will keep you all updated!
I've been thinking about Chinese food for days now......that will definitely be my first meal when we are home from hospital!
It was my celebration for finishing work. There's so much left I think it will be leftover Chinese for lunch tomorrow. Its annoying how little I can manage to eat in one sitting now.

Over the last few days I've occasionally heard a weird like tap/pop noise from my bump. Nothing else, no other symptoms'/signs. No idea what it is but its odd.

Maybe something going to happen Olivia. Exciting x
Your bump is communicating with you Amy hahaha I've not had that! How funny.

I hope I can shift this cold first....everything feels so much heavier today. I've been having hip pains for the last few days and the weight of my bump when I stand up is too much :( I have been reading into getting sick before labour and it seems to be common. Our body's do some funny things
Can't sleep :( how's everyone else doing on the sleeping front?

Has everyone finished work for maternity leave now?
Eeeek just seen my counter says 9 days to go......into single digits now!!

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