October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Brilliant news Lea! Delighted your going to have your baby anytime now! x
Ahh that's amazing lea! I always hear those stories of induction dates being set and ladies go into labour on their own the night before, baby must have known she was being handed her eviction notice ;)

Sounds like everything is going smoothly and calmly so far, go you! Xx

Yey , everything is heading in the right direction . How amazing that labour started on it 's own and sweep went smoothly. We might have the first baby of the group soon :) x

Currently sipping on raspberies leaf tea and eating pineapple, I have a dull pain in my right side , it is getting hard to walk . He feels so big when he s streching it scares me haha !

Hope you are all good x
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I'm so excited about this. Keep us updated as and when you can. OMG, there's going to be a baby!

I find walking really painful now. I get a stitch after a few minutes and I cant do anything but wait for it to go. I've been getting a lot of dull aching down low, but it seems to go when I sit down for a bit. x
Omg lea that's so exciting!!!

Another baby from Facebook group was born today. There's been around 5 early arrivals now....feel like I'll be pregnant forever hahaha

How many cups of raspberry leaf tea do we drink a day? I'm 38+2 and curious to try more than 1 cup a day now!

Just seen a newborn photo shoot a family friend has had with their 10 day old son....so sweet. Has anyone else planned a newborn photo shoot?

I've had no labour signs!! Just sitting here each day!
I am drinking only one cup of tea a day. But I believe you could try 2 also...Had no labour signs either, which is annoying , I wish he would be here by the end of this months but I am also mentally prepared if he will not .
We didn't planned any newborn photo shoot, I am hoping to do one when he will be a couple of months old.

Are there many girls from here on the Facebook page? Is it a closed page? Exciting with all these arrivals :D
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I'm on one cup at the moment but read some stuff that says you can increase the amount the closer you get. I might start trying to up it to 2 a day from Monday when I'm 38w. If I do I'll probably get some of the Clipper stuff from Tesco's. Wondering if that will give me some cramps like it has with some of you guys?

I'm not on the FB group. I try and keep mine pretty locked down and the app doesn't work on my phone so would have to use tablet for it. Keen to use it though if we have a group post babies.

I don't think any of my aches and pains are signs of impending labour, more just due to my bulk! I want to hang on til Oct. Knowing my luck I'll be 2 weeks late so will be mid/late Oct x
Morning ladies!

A rather traumatic 12 hours here! My plug went at 7pm last night with my waters following at 1.30am, so I rand hospital and they said to nip in and get checked out, came in and my blood pressure was through the roof so sent straight to Triage...... really needed the loo so off I Troy only to discover my pad was full of meconium! So I was scanned to check on baby only to discover he is breach so all this time I have been telling his bum off for the pain in my ribs it's been his big head!!! So I am now having a c section in 2 hours time..... gutted :( really didn't want a section but on the plus side I meet my boy in a couple of hours :)
Oh flick I hope you're okay, just think of holding little one in your arms. Good luck, I hope they don't keep you waiting to go into surgery too long xx

Flick , hope you ' re coping fine ! All fingers crossed for you , just think you will see your little one soon !! Xxx
I still can 't believe it is starting to happen , babies are coming out !
Lea hope tou ' re well too, by now you might keep your baby in your arms already
Hope your ok Flick! Good luck with everything, it will all be worth it when you have your baby in your arms x
Update here - after a fairly traumatic day yesterday, and labour not progressing, I ended up being induced via the drip, and had our beautiful girl at 00:40 this morning, weighing 7lbs 3oz.
All well, she is struggling slightly to maintain her temperature so wrapped up in lots of blankets.
I will update a lot more later, with a pic....

Wow, good luck flick! Thinking of you xxx
Flick, I am in total shock!!!! I thought Lea would be the only one having a baby atm! I can't believe what has happened to you overnight. I hope the surgery went well and you and your little baby are doing well!! :D Just amazing!
I'm very curious about the baby being breech though, didn't your midwifes pick up on it in your antenatal checks? I feel exactly the same pains you described in your ribs and I keep telling her it's a head but she dismisses it so I'm definitely going to be more insistent from now on!!!
Congratulations Lea! You must be over the moon! That's a lovely weight. How did the induction go?
I can't believe we have had two babies overnight!!!!
Well even the doctor thought he was head down till he scanned so it must be a very strange guessing game so push for a check as the doc told me if they had picked it up earlier they could have turned him so I could have had natural but....... here he is 7lb 4oz of gorgeous baby boy born at 9.50 this morning xx so far so brilliant, he has fed on both breasts and is asleep now 😍😍😍😍😍 love him!!


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Congratulations Flick! Hes perfect!! Hope your recovering well x
He's so cute Flick :) Congratulations. How did you find the c-section and how are you feeling after it now pain wise?
I definitely will push for check ups now as I'm always doubting his position and Mums know best!
I thought I was having an eventful day by finishing work, but I've been top trumped by babies!

Congratulations Lea. Hope you and baby are doing well.
And flick, wow! Hope your baby is here now and all is good. I'm also surprised that they didn't realise he was breech. Or do they think he had flipped over?

So excited by these babies xx
Omg!!!! 2 arrivals!?!?! What is going on haha I guess we will start seeing more announcements soon.

Glad the babies are here safe and sound. How quickly things moved for you Flick! Wow....im in shock but so happy for your new arrivals :)

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