Thank you everyone!
Update from me - I had a really uncomfortable night. Didn't go to bed till midnight, was pottering about (hubby was on nights and I can rarely sleep when he isn't there). Had been on my ball quite a bit in the evening too. Got woken up at 4am by really painful tightenings, was hard to know if they were braxton hicks or not, baby was going crazy, and at one point I thought 'this is it, I'm going to go into labour naturally'. But then I managed to fall back asleep - so in preparation for today, managed 4 hours sleep!
Got to hospital at 0930, and they put me on the monitor.
They done an exam an hour later, and things must have been happening, as I am 2cm dilated! She was obviously destined to be early!
My cervix is forward and favourable and they will burst my waters soon if they don't go already. Only thing is, I now can't have the pessary, coz the whole point is that it starts to open the she has done a sweep. It wasn't too bad, never had one before, I think the key is to relax and go with the flow, she kept saying how well I was coping with it (that bodes well!). I then had A bloody show after that, so hopefully it has kick started it some more.
So currently sat waiting! They have said I can leave, go for a walk, but happy just chilling at the mo.
Am starting to get period type cramps, but nothing that comes or goes. I think they will see how I am in a few hours, then once I am 4cm, they will earmark me for the delivery suite where they will break my waters and really get this show on the road!
Oh, and I can hear babies!! Seems really surreal that I will have one soon, this still doesn't feel real....