October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Evening ladies,

Well I am officially an insomniac, been awake since 1.30am, I feel sick and like am coming down with a cold, got a sore jaw think I must be tense and have a spot in my nose which hurts! Feel sick and fed up and bored on my own in the day already!

Fed up, want my body back and my baby here, so tired I could cry! Sorry for moaning x
I am so tired this evening. I'm in bed already but I cant get comfortable. Been really grumpy tonight so apologised to my hubby. He told me not to be silly, but I still feel bad.

I'm not sure if knowing a date would be good or not. I love to plan, but worry I'd go planning crazy before! I'm definitely worried that I'll get fed up once I go on leave, esp if I have difficultly sleeping as I'll get grumpy. And I'm going to be annoyed if my head wants me to do lots around the house but my body doesn't have the energy for it.

Sorry you're feeling bad flick, if it helps I'm feeling a bit similar. Not as if I'm coming down with anything, just generally fed up, wanting to get to the labour, but scared of it and having a baby to look after. Urgh, I need to switch my tired head off x
Feeling the fed up vibe today too. I had a full scale prego meltdown earlier today because a couple I know who's baby was due 4 days after me have had the baby today. It was the straw that broke the camels back to be honest because i went to bed with pains last night then had them consistantly this morning from 6.30ish, so contacted my partner and told him not to panic but that we might be getting somewhere, for them to stop mid afternoon. So disappointed it's unbelievable.

I feel really guilty/ selfish because there are people who would give anything to be in the same position as me, yet all I can do is moan about being tired and sore and fed up. I hadnt really prepared myself for the thought that this baby could take her time and come as late on as this or even worse overdue! Its really ridiculous too because im only 38 weeks! I was just totally convinced after having my son early that this one would be early aswell! Anyway sorry for the rant ladies! Fingers crossed tomorrow is a better day all round!!
I'm in bed already. Went to Sainsbury's and felt my blood pressure drop (dizzy, feel bleurgh!) So I came home and had a bath, cooked then sat and ate. Still felt like poop! I've been having contractions on and off but nothing consistent. Last 2 nights it has woken me up, shouldn't think tonight will be any different. The only thing I do know is that one night they'll ramp up in consistency and it'll be the real thing! Slightly pooping myself but no way out of it now!!!!
And I'm awake again!!!! Haven't slept yet and don't think I will for a few hours. Wide awake and all I can think about is cleaning the kitchen floor! Hope you ladies are getting some sleep
I know what you mean Jordan. I should be happy as I'm pregnant, baby seems happy and wriggling away, I have no medical issues/concerns and I only have 3 days of work left. I'm going to give myself a kick up the ass today and cheer myself up! But it is difficult. I don't want baby to come until due date though (esp as I know a complete d**k whose birthday is 6th Oct!) so I cant complain.

Don't hate me Olivia but I slept through, yay. I hope you got some sleep and get a chance to chill today. I now having nesting feelings at the mo, but guessing that will take over again when I finish work. I haven't had anything that feels like it could be anything starting either, just general backaches, and sneezing is now really painful and leads to leakages! x
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I feel your pain Olivia, I had virtually no sleep at all last night. I'm officially an insomniac. Plus, the baby was doing that weird thing again where he really hurts behind my right side and behind my hip? I've tried looking it up online but can't find an answer. It's not my rib he's hurting and it isn't on the left side, only the right. I have my 36 week midwife app today so I will ask for advice.
Also, is anyone else's baby not staying in position? It's so frustrating because I can feel him flip/move? Sometimes he feels transverse and other times breech and other times possibly head down? It really concerns me because I am 99% sure he is changing position frequently but as I only see the midwife once a fortnight she only records his current position at the appointment but I keep telling her he switches frequently. It concerns me because if he carried on changing position up to labour I'd have to have an emergency c-section and if i'm going to have one I'd rather plan it.
Argh my blood results are back and my home birth is out the window. Even after the injections and medication my iron level has continued to drop, it's now at 76 so I've been told to get up to hospital by my midwife, she said they'll most likely do a transfusion.. yay :/

Tealady I'm not convinced on my bubbas position either, I don't think he's breech but a lot of the time I can feel him move from head down to across my stomach! It's really uncomfortable because my bump is tiny and I can feel every scrape. Has your midwife said whether baby has engaged at all yet? I think once they're engaged it's less likely they'll flip around but could still pop their heads in and out?

Oh no Digital lady!! So sorry to hear that, hope you will be okay. My Mum had a blood transfusion with her third and she said she didn't realise how poorly she had felt until after she had had it. Best of luck!! I'm getting my iron haemoglobin results back today because at 34 weeks they 9 I think. Scared now haha :(
Glad I'm not the only one unconvinced by the positioning. He wasn't engaged at 34 weeks so we'll see today. It frustrates me because i'm pretty sure this week he has been transverse, breech and head down (i can feel the difference) but the midwifes act like the position they are in at the appointment is the position they are always in!! We are the mums and we know better than anyone what we can feel and what is going on!!
Has your baby engaged?
Oh no digital, from what I remember that's really low. I think at my last appt they said they like them to be around 105? Will they do a transfusion now? I hope you feel better after it.

Only 2 working days left....... x
I find I don't sleep at night, but I sleep from 9am onwards? Only for a couple of hours but before then I just can't sleep.

Tealady, I know the hip pain!!!! I get it on the left and it almost feels like my bone is going to shatter or break from the inside out. Confuses me when i try to figure out baby's position because I just can't figure it out...feels like this baby just spends the day spinning around :lol:

Ahh digital :( sorry to hear about your blood results. How is the low levels making you feel? I hope the transfusion makes you feel better xx

I'm about to dye my hair....which I haven't been able to do for 12 weeks due to shops not stocking my colour....roots are horrendous. So excited!!!
Hi ladies , last day of work done so officially on maternity leave( well, annual leave and mat from due date ). Feeling weird already , I can ' t believe I don't have to go to work anymore .
Digital so sorry about your iron level still low and not being able to have your home birth . I don t know how commoun are blood transfusion after birth but almost all my colleagues had it . Most important is that you will be in the hospital and they will take good care of you .

Tealady , I feel my baby moving around as well . One time he is sticking his bottom on the left side , one time on the right side , have no idea but hope he is still head down . On my notes after my 36 weeks appt wrote baby is 3/5 engaged . Hope he will be even further next week on my 38 weeks appt .

Olivia I haven t dye my hair in ages haha , must be before the wedding last October. Still looking good thought , might change the colour after baby .

I have all types of pains but nothing major so better to not complain ...

They admitted me to the ward and I'll be getting my transfusion in the morning, they put a cannula thing in already which is sore :/

Yay for maternity leave Alyssa, hopefully you can enjoy some nice rest before the baby :)

Oh no digital, at least you are getting it sorted. I hate cannulas too - the doctor really buggered it last time and I was in so much pain from my hand, it was swollen about twice the size and completely bruised - it says something when after giving birth I was more concerned about the pain in my hand!

Think I'm all set for tomorrow, trying not to think about it too much. What if I phone up and they say there is no beds free? I will be gutted! Will keep you all updated obviously!
Oh no digital, hope you'll feel much better after . I hate the cannula too, hopefully you won't have to have it too long.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow Lea! Hopefully they will have beds and everything will go smoothly, keep us posted

Did you all get the flu jab already? I had only the whooping cough one, forgot about the flu and midwife told me to do it. I am not sure about it ..
Sorry to hear about you not getting the home birth digital. Hope you feel better soon!

Fingers crossed for you Lea! Hope all goes smoothly!

Allysa I had the flu jab when i was pregnant with my son and defo dont want it this time round. I ended up with alot of pain in my arm from where i got it, it was swollen and i couldnt raise my arm above shoulder height without being in pain. I know i most likely had a bad reaction and others are perfectly fine but i wouldnt ever like to try for a second time.
Awake again....
Excited for you lea- hopefully everything is fine when you ring up and then can get you in. So exciting that you get to meet your baby soon. I'll be checking my phone with my fingers crossed when I get out of work today.

Allysa- I'm booked in for a flu jab but its not til 3rd Oct. I asked MW if it was ok so close to due date and she said I might as well as i could go over and it could give some benefit to the baby. I'm also hoping it will stop me picking up any bugs in the hosp. I wouldn't want to cope with a newborn and flu. But if I have baby early and miss it I'm not fussed. Hopefully I don't have any dodgy reactions. But I'll be prepared to chill and sleep afterwards.

Sorry you had to get admitted digital but hopefully after the transfusion you'll be feeling like superwoman and raring to go?!

Exciting day ahead for the Oct group!x
Good luck for today Lea! Fingers crossed they have a bed for you, looking forward to updates :) how exciting! X

Thank you everyone!

Update from me - I had a really uncomfortable night. Didn't go to bed till midnight, was pottering about (hubby was on nights and I can rarely sleep when he isn't there). Had been on my ball quite a bit in the evening too. Got woken up at 4am by really painful tightenings, was hard to know if they were braxton hicks or not, baby was going crazy, and at one point I thought 'this is it, I'm going to go into labour naturally'. But then I managed to fall back asleep - so in preparation for today, managed 4 hours sleep!

Got to hospital at 0930, and they put me on the monitor.
They done an exam an hour later, and things must have been happening, as I am 2cm dilated! She was obviously destined to be early!
My cervix is forward and favourable and they will burst my waters soon if they don't go already. Only thing is, I now can't have the pessary, coz the whole point is that it starts to open the cervix...so she has done a sweep. It wasn't too bad, never had one before, I think the key is to relax and go with the flow, she kept saying how well I was coping with it (that bodes well!). I then had A bloody show after that, so hopefully it has kick started it some more.
So currently sat waiting! They have said I can leave, go for a walk, but happy just chilling at the mo.
Am starting to get period type cramps, but nothing that comes or goes. I think they will see how I am in a few hours, then once I am 4cm, they will earmark me for the delivery suite where they will break my waters and really get this show on the road!
Oh, and I can hear babies!! Seems really surreal that I will have one soon, this still doesn't feel real....

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