October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I'm feeling pretty rubbish this evening too. Bump feels really sore- I'm not sure if lifting myself up and down when getting up has pulled muscles at the top of my bump or if its just general bump pains. Feeling a bit painful and crampy down below too and round my back, but I think its just general pregnancy stuff.

Feeling a bit sorry for myself, boo.

Jordan- I'm convincing myself mine will be late, that way if she is I'm not too annoyed (although I'm sure I will be as I'll be more uncomfortable!) x
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Insomnia strikes once again, woke up feeling not so great. Its weird i feel like i need to be sick, as though its right there in my throat but its not happening. The pains in my lower back returned too so iv taken some paracetamol to see if they ease it off and maybe il be able to get back to sleep for a couple of hours before the tornado that is my son wakes up lol!

Hope everyone is having a better night than i am!
I woke twice during the night drenched in sweat. It was horrid. Didn't manage to get back to sleep the second time and then felt hungry so sat on the sofa watching rubbish tv and eating toast. My plan is to be in work by 0700 and then I can leave around 1400 and hopefully have a nap.

Hope you feel better soon Jordan and the paracetamol helps. x
What a night ... Woke up at 3.30 am and been up pretty much since..Now I am getting ready for work but I am so tired , already looking forward to finish , come home and get some rest . I noticed I start to sweat a lot too during night time, then I also have bump pains/ period type pains and my left boob been hurting all night boo . However, no signs down there yet so who knows , I am also ok if he will be late too ... But hope he won 't !
Hope u feel better soon Jordan !
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Period pains anyone? On and off since 5am :( I had a day of organising planned out but will have to put it on hold. That could have been our last baby free weekend for a while!! Scary thought xx
I'm another one that didn't get much sleep, tossing and turning for hours last night. Seems to have been that way for most of us!

Have the pains carried on Olivia? Hope you managed to get some rest just incase.

Pains have stopped. But I was worried when they woke me up. Scary!!!!! A family friend hust gave birth and her labour started at 38weeks with period pains on the friday, she gave birth on sunday morning. Taking it easy today! Will have a bath and relax.

Hope all you ladies get some well deserved rest soon.
Pleased you're feeling better Olivia.
Seems we all had a rubbish nights sleep. Fingers crossed for better ones tonight. I'm hoping I don't sweat so much, it was horrid. Got to finish work at 1430 which was nice, but I've been busy since doing stuff in the house. My back is killing me too, right on my bum at the left. Decided now its time to chill out for a bit with my feet up. Baby is doing a lot of painful movements at the moment- not sure if its a boney arm and elbow or a leg and knee but she running it right under my skin and over the right hand side. Its making me feel a bit sick.

Are you girls still drinking the raspberry leaf tea? I'm on my third day now. Found it doesn't taste of anything, but its not causing any cramps so that's good x
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I'm still drinking the tea because I don't want any left over after pregnancy haha but the first few cups I noticed the cramps it caused but now it has no effect on me? Or maybe I'm just used to it now? Who knows. I'm only having around 1 cup a day.

38 weeks tomorrow!! I've felt baby's head on my cervix all day today. Rather uncomfortable. Got some washing and stuff done today - cleaned the bathroom floor by hand with some pine disinfectant....oh the smell was amazing :lol: having a sit down with a cup of tea now until it's time to make dinner!

How many of us have finished work now?
Hey ladies X

My last working day is Wednesday, thank God! I can't wait to be honest. Today I had so many painful Braxton hicks and when I walk I feel that the bones between my legs will break, does it mean he might move a bit further into cervix?

I will start drinking again the raspberries leaf tea, I stopped it for a few days because of cramps but it is good as you said Olivia not to have leftover :)

My birthing ball also arrived so I will start balancing on it. Wonder who will be first :D
I've finished work now, I have 3 weeks leave to use up before my maternity leave starts at 39 weeks.

Alyssa it sounds like baby could be moving further down, have you noticed your bump has changed at all? Today everytime I stand up I feel as though my leg is going to collapse because of the pelvic pain, feels as if it needs clicked back into place!

I think Lea is being induced on Thursday unless we have any surprise labours, I suppose anything can happen hehe.

I've just ordered the cutest blanket thing in blue for baby and have to share - looks so snuggly for winter too :)

I cant wait for 1300 on Friday when I finish. Then 2 weeks leave before maternity leave starts on my due date. I feel like I want to sleep for ages. My hubby is out Friday night for a huge work piss up. Its his last one before he's on standby for babies arrival and having to drive. Normally I'd be jealous that he's out and I'm not, but I'm just looking forward to a night of napping and starfishing over the entire bed!

That pic looks so cute digital. Great blanket, and I can't believe we'll each have one of those (baby!) soon. Scary and exciting x
Omg digital!!!!! I glanced through posts and saw you had uploaded a pic of a baby....i thought our first baby was here!!!!!! Hahaha

Not long now Allysa! Then you can join the rest of us on the sofa ;) it's not so much fun.....i spend my days cleaning and sitting down! Can't get out by myself now as walking is hard work and I get tired quickly (I don't drive so I have to walk everywhere)

Amy, my husband was out on Saturday night....i was so excited to have a bath and get into bed!!!! I was in bed by 10....bliss!

Ohhh, I wonder how Lea is getting on.....
Had a rubbish night. Very uncomfortable when I get up to pee....must be the weight of baby? Putting a lot of pressure on cervix. Also, period type cramps went on/off throughout night. I guess it's the start of things to come. Sneezing is fun and games too! All of my muscles tighten and it's super uncomfortable.

38 weeks today. The countdown begins
Oh my gosh Digital City, that's sooooo coincidental you have posted that! I saw it online last week and fell in love and I'm buying one too :D I adore it.

It's so funny how we all just want baths and early nights now. Going out isn't appealing any more. Just loving dressing gowns atm.
Lol, I'm still here! Had another bp and urine check yesterday and all looking fine. Just trying to get everything arranged for Thursday - it is nice to plan around a date, but means I'm worrying about getting stuff done (like washing the bed, cleaning, food shop, etc), that I prob wouldn't worry about if I didn't know when it would be happening!

I woke up this morning and realised I hadn't felt any movement, normally I do whilst I'm lying there trying to motivate myself to get up. I drank some coke and lay on my left in the sofa and still nothing. Started prodding her a bit and I got a kick in response - think it was a 'get lost' kick, coz not much else afterwards. Done the school run and she has been fine ever since. I just really panicked that we had got this far, and I can't imagine not bringing her home....

That blanket is well cute! I love buying blankets, lol, I've got one for the pram, one for the car seat, one for the Moses basket during the day....
I've had 2 nights of fairly ok sleep - that's normally my limit before I have a set of awful nights, and I really want to get some good sleep this week!
Digital I saw the baby and thought as well it has happened for you haha! Such a lovely blanket, good I have remembered I have just one so I need to buy few more blankets.

Yey on 38 weeks Olivia !! Could be anytime now.

Glad your checks have been normal and everything is getting arranged for Thursday Lea, how exciting! Will be the first one in our group , if none of the babies want to come until then . I want to have a date too but who knows, could be anytime . My baby is also lazy in the mornings but from 10-ish he starts to kick and move, which are getting quite uncomfortable.

Tomorrow last day at work, I am beyond happy, I feel stressed and too tired for work now. Had a good sleep too last night, only 2 trips to toilet and no major pains. Hope it lasts.

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I had an ok night- didn't wake up til 0500 but then when I did I had cramp in both of my legs. Owwww. I find my baby is lazy in the mornings but more active in the middle of the day and then a burst in the afternoon. Then she is painfully active in the evenings.

I could shop for blankets, muslins, etc all day on Amazon. Ordered another pack of muslins last night as I didn't feel like I had enough!

Only 3 very short working days left for me, and I cant wait for them to be done. I know I'll probably still wake early in the morning but not having to get up and dressed straight away (or at all) will be amazing. I think I've turned into the dad from The Goldbergs- as soon as I get home my jeans are off and the sweat pants are on. I don't drop them at the door yet, but its close!x
Lea that's exactly how I'd be if I knew the date, I'd be manically trying to get every little thing organised and sorted! I'm bad enough as it is, the kitchen cupboards have been assaulted today haha. I don't know why we get like this - not like a newborn is going to care whether the furniture has been polished ha.

I'm waiting on my iron results back from the midwife, she took blood last Tuesday and I was hoping I'd hear today whether I'd be in hospital or home for the birth. I need to sort out childcare and hospital bags if I'm going to be labouring in hospital grrr.

Amy I asked my OH if it would be acceptable to do the school run in my house pants and pink flip flops and the look of disgust I got haha! If I get any bigger then I won't have much choice because everything else is sooo uncomfy x


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