October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Ok ladies....im bored now :(

Anyone who's had a growth scan recently....can I ask what your amniotic fluid index was and how many weeks were you at the time? I checked my graph on the scan sheet and it's around 90/95th percentile. I feel so big and uncomfortable now :( currently sitting in the bath and I resemble my birthing ball!
I'm bored too, been off work for a week now, but have been kept fairly busy with medical appointments!

I have a slipped disc in my jaw that can't be sorted until after the birth. My jaw really hurts especially at night. I've been looking at the induction paperwork, and think this time I may consider an epidural - I found great comfort last time and on biting down on the gas and air tube, but won't be able to do that now - boooo...

Olivia, hopefully it's a lot of fluid, do th growth charts separate the weight of baby and the fluid?
I literally haven't got a clue how this one is measuring - I reckon by next week, 7lbs and upwards. But I feel huge and am a lot bigger than I was with daughter - she wAs only 6lbs and was here at 37+2.
My boobs are hurting today...wonder if the milk is about to come in. I haven't worn a bra all day as haven't left the house, lol, so that could also be it!
Lea that sounds awfully painful! :( Why can't it be sorted out for you? I've got really sore boobs too, if I accidentally brush against something or accidentally hit my chest getting dressed it's really tender and horrible. I thought the breast tenderness primarily happened in the first trimester but for me it's definitely now.
Has everyone packed their bags yet? I still have some bits to do.
Olivia- I have no idea on fluid levels, sorry. When I went for a scan at 32w they said fluid levels were good but nothing more than that. I am bored too, and I've only been out of work for a day! I think its a mixture of the weather being rubbish and me not feeling up to doing much. Its one of the reasons I have delayed my mat leave until 38w, I'm worried I'll be bored. Feeling really sleepy now too but I've left it too late to have a nap. If I nap now I'll be awake really late.

The jaw thing sounds horrid lea. I have chipped wisdom teeth that need to be sorted but they cant do anything til about Dec time. Fortunately it doesn't hurt though.

My hospital bags are almost done. All babies stuff is done, I just need to pack my coming home stuff (just sweat pants, but I'm wearing them now) and get some snacks. What kind of snacks are you guys thinking of getting?x
I thought I had ruptured my eardrum, so went to my doc, and she sent me on to the dentist. They need to make me a mouth guard to wear at night for a bit just to relax my jaw and allow it to slip back in. I'm assuming to make it they will have to do an x ray, hence the need to wait for a month. At least it's all free for 12 months after, they didn't even bother to ask to look at my mat excemtpion card, lol!

God, my snack bag is like a sugar lovers dream! I got some stuff last week, and then quickly packed it to take when in hospital on Tuesday, so I haven't put anything that will go off in there. I have put 4 bottles of lucizade (not the massive ones!), some chewey sweets, crisps, breakfast/oat bars, and marshmallows! It's mainly for OH, lol! I should put some fruit or something healthly in there really, I might do seeing as I know when I will be needing it for...

I've been drained today, going to drag myself out and take the dog out for a walk tomorrow, try and get some fresh air. I'm going to start bouncing on my ball every evening - I really want my cervix to be favourable on Thursday, I don't really want to be hanging around for days waiting for it all to start!
Olivia i had a scan last friday at 36+3 and my fluid is down as 4.8cm? Not entirely sure what that means but she told me it was all good. With my son i was measuring below the 5th percentile and had lack of amniotic fluid, they induced me at 35+5 and he came along 6 hours later weighing 5lb 13oz and i was told had he went full term he would have been a 10 pounder! Try not to worry too much because they get this stuff wrong all the time.
Ouch Lea!!! That sounds painful! Won't be long and you can get it sorted. I'd definitely think about epidural if I couldn't bite on something....i am packing a small towel to bite on :lol:

My husband is getting really excited about the baby - almost like it's only just hit him that the baby will be here very soon. It's so sweet. He talks to the baby all the time. How are your partners feeling now the babies are soon to be arriving?

I'm gutted, I want to sit on my ball but it's deflated slightly and I've lost the pump :( it's uncomfortable when I sit on it as it's not high enough. Anyone know where I can get one from? Seems like I can only find bicycle and football pumps!
My notes say deepest amniotic pool is 8.2cm and amniotic fluid index is 21.3cm. I look and feel like a balloon haha
Hope it gets sorted asap for you Lea, that can't be nice.
I am not sure about snacks Amy, maybe some cereal bars? I'm really not sure actually! What's everyone else taking?
I agree Olivia, my partner is getting more excited now too. He just wants the baby to come right now!
Been up since 4.00 AM. Anyone else suffering pregnancy insomnia?
Is anyone getting really really painful movement around their side? My baby is at an awkward lie and it feels like he is trying to get behind my side and around to my back? I hope you can understand that. It makes me gasp in pain when he does. I keep trying to move him off my side but no luck so far. Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm not sure if it's his positioning or whether it's normal.
37 weeks for you today Allysa- yay. Cant believe I am 37w tomorrow.

I'm thinking cereal bars and maybe malt loaf slices for energy, and Lucozade. And then some jelly sweets just because I want them. I'm going to take some squash in with me too as I drink it all the time.
Hubby is getting excited too. I think we're now at the point where the waiting is taking forever and as I'm getting bigger and more uncomfortable we cant really do any fun stuff. Its like we're just waiting for the next chapter. I don't think he realises that it could happen at any point though, I think he thinks we still have the 3 weeks at least.

I get lots of movement on the side. Like she's stretching an arm or leg out around the side and it gives really weird angles to my stomach. When I'm lying on my side it, particularly my right side, it feels like she's under me wriggling away x
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I've been sleeping surprisingly well, not even waking for the loo the last few nights. I seem to have a pattern where I'll get about 2 hours sleep for a few nights and then just crash and sleep for a week.

I'm so jealous you're all reaching 37 weeks! I'm 35+3 and feel as though I still have a lifetime of being pregnant, especially when I could go 2 weeks overdue!

Anybody else gaining weight rapidly at this point? I can't stop eating, it's like I'm never satisfied :/

My OH has never really been super involved with the pregnancy, he works a lot so wasn't able to attend scans and I've picked out everything for the baby - coz I'm a control freak ha! Recently he keeps saying 'not long now! 5 weeks left' and he's been looking online for night projectors and a special cuddly for the baby, which is sweet. He's amazing with our son and has been since day one so I know he'll be fab once the baby is here I just think he finds it hard to connect whilst I'm pregnant? X

Tealady, I was suffering with insomnia a week or so ago. But these last few days, I can't get enough sleep. I wake up by 8am. Eat breakfast. Might put a wash on or tidy kitchen a bit. Then I'll go and lay down and fall asleep for another couple of hours. But that's a proper deep sleep that I can't stop from happening. Maybe it's my body preparing? Who knows.

I picked up some 500ml Lucozade bottles from Asda. I think it was 6 bottles for £2.50. I have packed some rich tea biscuits for after birth and some mints, gum, sweets for husband during labour. I also want to pack some nature valley bars but I forgot to buy them! I'll buy them this week I think. My midwife told me to pack high calorie snacks.

I kept feeling baby low and in my ribs? Midwife said it's because baby is now fully grown in terms of height. So we will be feeling movements all over the place as baby is running out of room.

Digital, my husband seemed not overly interested throughout this pregnancy, yes he has attended all appointments but never seemed excited and never spoke about it. As the time has gone on and we are approaching baby being born, he is totally different. He talks to the baby, always asks if baby has been moving, says things like "soon there will be 3 of us here". I think some men find it hard to engage with baby as they don't experience pregnancy like us. We have carried these baby's since January, we feel their movements everyday. For men, not much changes until baby is actually here. We are the ones who gain weight, struggle with everyday tasks, have to change our diets and lifestyles. If you get what I mean? I'm not hating on men haha it's just they don't experience pregnancy.
December thread is in tri3......we are next girls!!!!!! Slightly shitting it now!!!!
I didn't get much from my hubby for the first 6 months. As he was away he couldn't come to any appts or scans, and as I didn't have any morning sickness it all seemed to go really smoothly. But whenever I've wanted to talk about it he was happy to, I just think he didn't really know what to say or ask so didn't bring it up himself. He was super supportive when I was worried about lack of movement though and made sure he could call and email so much that day. Now he's home he's being great. He doesn't always realise what needs doing but if I mention something he'll do it. I may be taking advantage sometimes but saying I'm getting stressed about nesting, but I know it will get him to do something straight away. I'm bad I know.

I can't believe I'm 37w tomorrow. While I'm expecting her to go over I'm hoping she doesn't really. I think after I finish work I'll definitely be on labour watch x
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I think it's only just sinking in with my hubby now too. He has had to sort out his paternity leave for next week, and I think everyone at work keeps asking him about it!

I'm feeling quite unwell this evening. Went for a walk earlier and felt fine. Got home and I have period like pains, just feel drained..
Finally 37 weeks today ! On Sunday first thing I do in the morning is checking my e- mails as I am getting from Emma's Diary pregnancy week by week . So exciting ..
Today I have been again shopping all day , I wonder how I can still walk . Good thing I bought last bits for my hospital bag and it is all sorted . About snacks I thought I ll buy some later.
My husband had been working nightshift for the last couple of months and I felt that everything was on me pretty much ... He was always tired but I do appreciate he is doing everything for us and he helped everytime he could . Now he is getting more excited and we can ' t believe we will be 3 soon .
I was up at 4 am too this morning , fell asleep again at about 6 and slept for few more hours .Feeling si tired now .. But 3 more working days ! I don ' t think I will get bored on maternity but we shall see :D

Hope you all had a lovely week- end
Lea i have been getting the same period like pains the past few days now. Im gutted because everytime they come i get all excited thinking the time has come and we will finally get to meet our girl and then they turn out to be nothing! Its getting to the stage now where im trying to talk myself round to the possibility that she could actually be late, although i think im refusing to let myself believe it could be true haha!

My partner has been really great during most of the pregnancy, hes a typical man so has to be reminded every now and then that hes not the bee all and end all haha! The last few weeks in particular hes been great, painting and sorting the house and doing more with our 3yo since i struggle getting up and down etc. He has two kids to his ex aswell so this is baby number 4 for him, you would think he should be an expert at pregnancy by now haha!

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