October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I thought of an elective c-section after they told me I measure 2 weeks ahead at every midwife appt. At my 36 week appt , midwife told me I measure 37 weeks, however when notes came by post it was written 36 weeks? I am petite and absolutely frightened of vaginal birth. I know this is not a reason, but as much as I told them I am scared that the baby might be big they never send me for an extra scan at least to check. Really wondering if a private one wouldn't be good before 38 weeks.
Today had a lot of vaginal pains /pressure , I can feel him pushing down.
I am confused Allysa. I thought you had to be referred for growth and wellbeing scans if the baby was measuring over or under? I was sent for one because of a disparity in growth. Plus, if it has happened multiple times you ought to be sent for one! It is ridiculous you haven't been sent for one. I am similar to you in terms of leaning toward an elective c section to have some control and to stop feeling so uncomfortable but then I lean away from one when I think of the 6 week recovery time. I am terrified of having an episiotomy :( Plus the baby keeps changing position.
I used to be a savoury person but since I've been pregnant I just want sweet things. Cakes, jelly sweets, pick n mix. And I would kill someone for millionaire shortbread.
Some of the big movement from the baby are agony and I shout out owww. I also get rib pain. But the biggest other pain I get is backache when I am too mobile. Sitting for a while helps, or taking a paracetamol. Finished work at 1400 today and then had to go to tecos, urgh. Then when I got home I made coq au vin and a spicy sausage ragu for my freezer stock up. I'm knackered now.

I wouldn't opt for an elective c-section due to the recovery time and it being major surgery. But if something happened and I was told I needed one I wouldn't mind. I'm scared about labour and the pain but also excited for it to get here and to have my baby.

Yay for your last working day Flick, I cant wait for mine next week. I know I'll still wake up early, but not having to get up will be great x
Nothing was mentioned about a c section and if baby is too big....looks like I'll be having a vaginal birth regardless of size :/ slightly worrying hahaha I keep telling myself they've told me the wrong weight ;) I have a feeling it'll end in a emergency section though.

I slept through last night and find I am sleeping more....must be my way of preparing for labour!

I did go to boots today and I picked up some lavender oil, tea tree oil and some multivitamins for after birth. I also got my bras for after birth. Ladies.....i am 100% done with buying for hospital bag.

I am getting pressure behind my right hip bone? If that makes sense....i have no idea what's causing it but it's uncomfortable!!!!
Ladies, back spasms, anyone having them? They are every 5-7 minutes at the moment and really bloody hurting, don't think it is anything maybe a trapped never, it isn't an ache it is a spasm??
I've not had any spasms so I cant help, sorry Flick. They sound horrible though. A hot water bottle might help? Or a paracetamol? Hope they pass soon
Flick, I was experiencing this last week but they were irregular and bloody painful!!! I sat with a hot bottle behind me. Helped a lot. I put it down to doing too much physically as it happens after I've done a lot of housework or moving furniture.

My midwife just called! Something went wrong in lab so they couldn't test my urine for infection....will have to drop another sample off on Monday morning - typical! But never mind. I took the opportunity to ask about hip pressure/pain I've been having and was worrying me. She said it sounds like it's just strain from baby's weight. So that's put my mind at ease until my next appointment :)
No tealady, I haven't been sent to a growth scan even if I asked , they said everything is fine and only when I measure over 4 cm ahead I will be sent for one and I measured only 2,3 cm ahead.
I came back from work at 4 , made something for dinner, done the laundry and some cleaning and I can barely move. Currently in bed with my little kicker.

Try some pains killers Flick, unfortunately can't help more but hope you'll feel better soon.
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We are sent for a scan if there's any change in growth chart. No matter how big or small. Must be different in different areas?
Flick not had spasms, they sound horrible! Hope a hot water bottle and some paracetamol help.

I went to bed last night with really strong pains in my back and cramp that worked its way round my tummy, honesty thought that was me ready and that i would wake up in the night in full blown labour....no such luck! My poor partner text this morning to see how i was and my reply was ' still f**king pregnant' �� Excuse the language lol i was soo disappointed!!

I've been getting loads of sharp pains low down, its worse when i try to get up off the couch or if iv been down on the floor playing with my son! Add to that the carpel tunnel syndrome, knee pain and lack of sleep and im one grumpy sod �� I have officially turned into pregzilla!

Allyssa im pretty sure were the same up here in Scotland, you have to be off the lines on the growth chart that are considered as 'normal' before they will consider sending you for a scan. I've been lucky this time round and had loads of scans due to the complications with my son first time round!
I went to bed last night so happy that it was the weekend and I didn't have to set an alarm and could hopefully get lots of sleep, and guess what........ damn pregnancy insomnia and uncomfortableness. Least I can nap today if I want.

They don't seem to send you for extra scan here unless measurements are really off and don't seem 'normal' for you. Mine are always 2-3 weeks out but are tracking up and at a steady level. I only got my extra one due to reduced movements. I'm in Cambridgeshire x
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With you Jon insomnia, my OH woke me with his snoring, then an alarm was going off somewhere, then his alarm went off for him to go to work so just lying here now in bed contemplating the day ahead.... I want pregnancy done now!! Bring on the next stage 😊
Woke up for my millionth toilet trip and realised iv not felt baby move about as much yesterday/ last night so lying prodding ger to try and get some kicks.
I am in Cambridgeshire too , AmyThomas :) Got just one episode of reduced movements and they said on the second one they will reffer me for a scan , anyway hope it won' t happen .

Hips are killing me during sleep , I keep on turning from one side to another all night. And yey woke up at 6 am on a weekend day .

Jordan try to have something suggary/hot/ cold and try to make her move but if you are still concerned better call the maternity assessement to get checked just in case .
Allysa- we must be in different hospitals though as I'm sure you said your one had more birthing pools. I'll be in hinchingbrooke.
Jordan- they said to me before to lie on my left for an hour and see. Then try eating and drinking something and give it another hour. But if you're still concerned to go in. I hope baby has started moving about already for you. If you do go in you know they'll start moving as soon as the monitor goes on- mine did. But its better to be safe than sorry.

I managed to fall asleep again around 0500. We've put a huge bean bag on the floor in the living room for the last few weeks for me to get comfortable on. Its amazing, but getting up from it can be a struggle! I'm feeling a bit trapped at the mo, haha x
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Thanks ladies, i got a few decent kicks from her after i posted so going to just keep an eye on it throughout today and if im worried later i will give them a phone.
Forcing my partner into a walk to the shops this morning to pick up rolls for breakfast, think hes as desperate for her to come as I am now so he doesnt need to put up with my demands anymore haha!
Amy I will be giving birth in Cambridge x
Glad your little one started kicking Jordan , maybe she just had a lazy day
Had 2 small meals already , I sent my husband to buy me chocolat twist pastry and raspberries earlier , I still can eat a lot which is weird as I was supposed to have less space with stomach being squashed ��
Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks, unbelievable ! I don' t seem to have any signs of him coming earlier ... Still hoping he will come aroun 39 weeks but with my luck I might go overdue haha
Bump update 😍


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I just realised this could be my last ever child free weekend until am old and grey lol x
Haha, that made me laugh.

We put the base for the car seat in the car today and checked we know how the car seat works. Scary stuff. Had to go into town so bought some raspberry leaf tea. Worried about having it in case I get cramps as well x

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