October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Ha, amythomas your OH sounds like mine! He decided last week that we needed to throw a BBQ....it was ok, but literally the worst idea ever, I was exhausted and struggled, even though he done most of the work. I can't be arsed to be social anymore!

I'm still trying to get my head around this time next week may be our last night pre baby, should plan something really.
I have to call in at 8am that morning to check that they have beds, what if I do all this planning (childcare, dog care, washing, etc), and then it doesn't happen!
So I have my growth scan in the morning. So intrigued to find out what baby is weighing. According to the measurement she took yesterday, baby is 6lbs13! Eeeeek. Thinking I should finish my hospital bag tonight.....just incase. I'll also have a nice bath. The girls on the Facebook page were talking about a bath gel called Badedas? I've never heard of it but I found it in superdrug ( on sale) and it's meant to help with healing after birth? Anyone heard of this? I'm going to try it out tonight as I have eczema and don't want to use it after birth then have a massive eczema flare up! Best to do a test run :)

Lea, I am also antisocial at the moment....i haven't been alone in the house since husband got back...had cleaners, decorators, gardeners, relatives round....exhausted and want to be left alone :( hoping to get some time to myself before baby comes because we will be bombarded by my husband's family for the first month atleast :( really not looking forward to it.

Are any of us planning to have a home birth?

Lea, I hope everything goes smoothly so you can easily make arrangements.

Sorry if I'm useless at replying to each post...my mind is useless at focusing at the moment. Must be that pregnancy brain everyone talks about!
Good luck with your scan today Olivia. How did the bath go? I have eczema too and really miss decent bubble baths! I'm using Epsom salts and lavender oil in my baths atm which is also supposed to be quite good for healing post birth :)

I'm hoping for a home birth but unless I can get my iron levels up it may not happen. Fingers crossed though!

I have my driving theory test today, hope I can concentrate as I've already put my lessons on hold because I just wasn't focusing properly. Baby brain!

Has everyone got names for their baby? We can't agree on anything, think the poor thing is gonna be called 'baby' for the first month of his life haha.

Morning all,

Good luck with your theory Digital! And let us knopw how the scan goes Olivia!!

I also have excema, was born with it and it flares up when stressed or in heat, I do find though that Sanex ultra sensitive bubble bath is fine on my skin in the bath? But I will have a look for the other stuff to help with healing after birth! When I had jackson the advice was salt baths, as you can imagine that was lovely!! x

I am also hoping to breastfeed Amy Thomas, but was I did with Jackson was 'wine at 9' lol, used to pump some milk between 6 and 9 and then have a glass of wine on the evenings I fancied one or two lol!

I am so unsociable at the moment because I am sick to death of hearing helpful things like 'gosh you have been pregnant forever', 'wow you are looking ready to pop', 'goodness aren't you big' and othr helpful comments like that!! I don't see how it is acceptable to say things like that to a pregnant woman, it would be acceptable for me to walk up to a fat person and say 'wow you look big today' so why is it ok to comment on how I look at the moment.......... sorry rant over!

One more day in the office for me and that is tomorrow thank god as last night the dog was sick at 3am so was dealing with that as OH is on nights, lucky lucky me! Can't wait to finish but am also not sure what to do with my time? I know that sounds daft, but I want him here as soon as because then I have more time with him rather than sitting and waiting? I don't want to waste my time off but I wont get it back the other end if he is late, if that makes sense?

Names - sore point! We had decided on Noah and were set with that, Noah Thomas, but then every time I told someone they would sing 'Who built the ark' and it has annoyed me, so am just not sure now lol x
Morning !! xx

Good luck with the theory test today, I put on hold my driving lessons too since pregnant but need to get back on track soon as I really need the licence .
Hope the scan goes well today Olivia!

In regards of breastfeeding and drinking alcohol , Flick thanks for reassuring me that it can work, I was thinking to try the same, pumping some milk and have a drink after! Hope it will work for me but we shall see.

We have just one name that we agreed from the beginning but we were looking for others too, in case we find something nicer. However for me it was the most difficult to find a boy name so probably it will still be the one we have!

Yesterday a colleague told me I look like a ticking bomb, how lovely lolllllll . Probably the face I made after scared him haha.
As I will still have 2 more days of annual leave next week I am planning to stop work on Wednesday, it is getting so hard to wake up and go to work every morning, nothing fits me, I am so uncomfortable , pains and very moody , today almost burst in tears but I hold myself .

Is anyone else having cramps and stomach pains after raspberries leaf tea? I do.. maybe I should buy another brand instead.

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Hope scan goes well today Olivia - I think mine is a bit small, my bump seems to have slowed down and she was growing on the 50th ce tile, now dropped to the 25th, suppose I've only got a week until I find out properly!

Oh, the comments! Why does everyone have an opinion, or turn into a midwife?!
My hubbys friend's partner is a nightmare, I don't think she has that filter to stop you saying stupid things, so she has been on a roll! I look tired, fat, puffy, swollen and maybe I should consider going up a size in maternity clothes!! Why would you say that to people? At the mo it's how big I look, when in fact, I'm not looking that big when you consider I technically only have 2 and a half weeks to go. Will try and upload my 37 week pic...
Good luck with the theory test digital! Hope all goes well with the scan too Olivia!

With the whole stupid people making stupid comments im 100% there with you! That and random strangers thinking its ok to touch my bump! I cant cope! I have always been heavier than i should so pregnancy has turned me into a paranoid wreck about how much more weight im gaining and how huge i look, i had one person say to me the other day that considering i was already heavy i dont look too fat being pregnant! I didnt know whether to smack them in the face or laugh at the kinda back handed compliment!

We have had her name picked since i was pregnant with my son lol! Shes going to be Isla, it made me laugh because i found my sons baby record book yesterday and had a wee look through it, i have written in there if he was a girl he was going to be called Isla.

Im just about to have my first cup of raspberry leaf tea, 4 shops later i finally managed to get it this morning. Really hoping it gets the ball rolling im really over being pregnant and hate the not knowing when she will come! Plus the sooner she comes the more time i have with her before i have to go back to work!

Allyssa and flick i dont know how you guys are coping still working, i just couldnt manage any longer and finished up midway through august! I work in the airport so 4am starts killed me and the never finishing on time with delayed flights etc when i was on a late shift took its toll!
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Oh dear people really are careless with what they say! I just get a lot of 'you're so tiny!' comments which I don't really like because this child feels huge to me when it's feet are smashing into my ribs! A colleague also informed me I'd be having my baby next week after looking at me?! She clearly has a better insight into my body than anybody else lol.

I've also started getting messages from cousins I don't speak to asking me when I'm due and how I'm doing etc. It would be lovely if they where genuinely interested but I know they just want to get all the latest baby gossip first. Happened with my son, one of them actually announced my birth for me on my fb ARGH.

I can't stomach raspberry leaf tea but I've heard holland and Barrett do it in capsule form? Evening primrose oil is supposed to be good for something as well, I need to look into this stuff! X

Thanks guys. Scan went well and nothing is wrong, which is good. But I got a shock when I was told the estimated weight! I'm 37+2 and baby us weighing 7lbs7oz already and I'm heading for a baby over 9lbs. Gave me a shock as I never expected this!! Figured baby to be around 6lb10oz based on measurements and dates. Proper little chunky monkey!!!!

I did see some clipper raspberry leaf tea in Tesco for £1.50 so I picked a pack up and had a cup that evening.....ouch! Caused stomach cramps for me. I know it's the tea and It happens around 20mins after I've finished drinking a cup.

Everyone comes out of the woodwork when a baby is born!! I'm keeping my distance from everyone to be honest as no one (apart from one friend) has kept in regular contact throughout my pregnancy. I don't think it's nice for people to only make an effort once baby is here :(
Good news on the scan Olivia, going to be a nice big baby.
I hope the theory test goes well Digital.

I cant wait to finish work, only 6 days left and thankfully they will be relatively short days. I know what you mean about wanting to have the time after the birth to spend with the baby, Flick. Fortunately I'm taking 2 weeks leave before my due date so my maternity leave won't start until the due date. At least that way I'll only potentially lose 2 weeks maternity if I go over, and if she comes early I get my leave back. Ideally I want at least a week between finishing work and her coming just so I can chill a bit. But the full 4 weeks (if she goes over) would be a bit annoying.

People comments really are stupid. They just don't think before they open their mouths. I usually get comments about being quite small and just being all bump. Big or small the comments all make us worry and feel bad- you'd think people would realise. Your hubbys friends partner sounds like a lovely person Lea. Is your hubby set on keeping them as friends or can you flip out at her?!

And I'm with you girls on friends being a nightmare. I hardly heard from anyone while my hubby was away, and its still fairly limited from most, but then they say they want to come as soon as baby is here. Ummmm, no. Might not tell them for a few days after she's born just to save all the messages. I'm not going to tell any family when I'm in labour either as I can't be bothered with messages. I'll wait til its done and let hubby send a group family message. After all, they cant help.

On the name front we've been set since about 21weeks. Girls names were a lot easier than boys so thank god she's a girl. And I haven't tried raspberry leaf tea- not keen on the thought of cramps. Hahaha, how will I hope in labour!!x
4 more working days yeyy. I was supposed to work until next Friday but I feel too tired and I will finish on Wednesday, 20. Anyway, I will also have 2 weeks annual leave until due date and then my maternity leave will start. Still hoping he won't be too late, just the thought of 2 weeks overdue makes me go nuts.

Glad all went well at the scan Olivia, big happy baby in there :D I wonder how much mine would weight now...Guess I will find out on his birthday .
That is exactly the same raspberries leaf tea I have been drinking too, from Clipper! After days of cramps I am not touching it.

"Friends" disappointing me as well... But that's ok, got my sister , my husband and just one friend, about the other ones I do not want to hear after the baby is here, of cause they will give you all the best wishes even if they never asked even how you feel all pregnancy.
Pooping myself about big baby haha

Badedas bath was nice.....relaxing and I really like the unusual horse chestnut smell. Will buy another bottle or 2 ;) also I've heard lavender oil baths are good for healing? Must buy some of that too.

So with all the decorating we've had going on....the house has been upside down! Today the downstairs is back to its original state. I'm so happy :) tomorrow we are doing upstairs. Can't wait for it to be finally done. Just got mountain loads of washing to do as I haven't been able to wash clothes for a couple of weeks :( I am aiming to be ready to have baby by next week :) then it's just a waiting game!! I'm still drinking the raspberry tea as the cramps are telling me it's doing something....so I'll stick with it :) must pop to Tesco to pick up some more.

How's everyone feeling?
Great to hear the house is taking shape Olivia, you must be so happy.

This baby is beating me up every night. She loves stretching out diagonally and its really painful. It reaches the point where I just want to lie on my side and hold my sides to almost hold her in. Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased she's moving and is happy, but she's clearly running out of room and getting bigger and building her strength.

I'm also feeling really knackered at the mo. Could be due to actually working every day this week, but come about 2100 and I feel like I could drop. I can hardly keep my eyes open at the mo. x
I am still in shock that you ladies are working still. I haven't worked this entire pregnancy - I feel awful saying that! I have never not worked but I quit my job and then found out I was pregnant! Bad timing. No one will hire a pregnant lady :cry: you must all be looking forward to your leave.
This baby loves to do massive movements which take my breath away now. Now I know it's because it's 7lbs7oz of baby thrashing about in my belly hahaha.

How's everyone sleeping? Hoping I'll sleep through tonight....legs have been achy today (don't know what that's about)
I slept through- yay! I feel like such a child saying that. I woke up my hubby and said 'I slept through the night', and he looked at me like I was an idiot!
So pleased its Friday. A short day at work, and one of my colleagues has said we'll pop out this morning for sausage sandwiches. Wooooo! I'm already excited.

Hope everyone had a good night and has a good day x
MORNING!!!!!!!!!! It's my last day in work, can you tell I am excited!!

Can't believe it, am not quite sure what I will do with myself! I am doing the same, I have two weeks annual leave and my official start of maternity is 2nd Oct, unless he comes early in which case the annual leave will be tagged on the other end, I just really want him to come soon so I can start to settle? If that makes sense lol

Got a really active little one today, has been since 3am, which is nice when he used my bladder as a squeeze toy, think he is excited too :) Has anyone had some really bad pains, like take your breath away pains? Over the past 36 hours ish I have had pains and the only way I can describe them is like tearing? The first one was when I reached over to get something but it was like reaching across my body so put that down to a wrong angle, but then about 40 minutes later it happened again and I end up doubled over and then have to very slowly stretch myself back out again? Its like a stitch across my pelvis, hard to explain lol x
I woke up twice last night and 2nd time I woke up on my back! Been in pain and awake a good hour after ( 4.am) ..Awful. Now I am at the office working but good that is Friday, might finish earlier too. It is getting extremely hard now, just the thought of a full more week made me cry, so I reduced it until Wednesday.

Anyone else need to eat sweets all the time? I was more of a salty person but since pregnant I have been eating loads of sweets :wall2:

Good Friday all x
I was eating a lot of sour sweets during first tri and beginning of second tri. Then heartburn ramped up so I had to curve the sweets! The other night I had a craving for chewy sweets like fruitella so I started eating lots of them! No wonder I'm having a big baby haha

Yaaaay happy for you ladies that you're beginning to finish work :) you can join me in the obsessing about house being ready. Today I will wash all the radiators and floors by hand....im so excited. What have I become:lol:

I think I know what you mean Flick, I get this odd sensation which feels like a string snapping? I feel it mainly in my ribs on the right side. Like my muscle is tearing? Also across my ribs (just below bra) is tender to touch.... I mentioned it to midwife and she said it's because I'm running out of room as baby is getting really big.
Wow Olivia that's a good size baby! Have they mentioned what will happen if baby gets over 9lbb such as an elective c-section. Has anybody thought about having an elective c-section?
I'm feeling pain too but I think it's different to some of you girls- I have sharp vaginal pain and a really low deep abdominal pressure. It's super low and it feels like something just needs to drop out haha?!
I've heard lavender on a pad aids perineal healing Olivia. Could be worth a try but does anyone else get afraid of trying something like this and it burning/making it worse?
Just got back from my 35 week blood test to check if my iron levels are increasing as I am anaemic. I was really nervous as I hate bloods but always so relieved when it's over. Hopefully they will increase and I won't need much more!!
I feel your pain Olivia and Allysa, I can't sleep either. It's truly awful and so frustrating. Surely we need to be banking sleep in preparation for the baby!!!!!!!

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