October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Right girls, this is history repeating itself. Went to docs about my jaw and my blood pressure is now over 100! There is protein in my urine, this is literally exactly what happened last time, almost to the day!
I'm being sent to the day assessment, and last time they induced me there and then, so I've washed my hair (lol, priorities), moved all my bags downstairs, and prepped a snack bag. Hubby is in bed asleep off nights, they will monitor me fir a bit first so no point waking him up anyway.

I will keep you all updated - I'm taking my iPad!
Eep some of you are full term! How exciting, does this mean we're on baby watch now haha. I'm only 34+5 so got a while yet but I'm looking forward to reading all the labour symptom spotting.

I'd love to keep in touch too, no idea how to do private fb groups but someone invite me when it's up :)

Alyssa I'm glad your baby has got into a better position, one less thing to worry about. How awesome is it that your hospital has pools in every room! I'm hoping to use a pool too but not sure if I'll want to get out to walk around when things get intense.

I've just had my 34 week appointment, baby is fine and head down although not engaged. However I feel so deflated about my home birth, the midwife I seen 2 weeks ago said they'd support me even if my iron levels don't come up completely but my regular midwife has just said there's no way I can have a home birth if they aren't above 10 :( I'm ready and willing to go to hospital if needed of course but the midwife I seen last time made it seem like my iron levels wouldn't cause much complications :/ Don't like the conflicting info!

Omg lea I hope everything is okay! At least you're full term now so if they do induce you everything will be okay. Good luck, keep us updated xx

Omg Lea, best of luck at the hospital and keep us posted ! Sorry about the bp going up and signs of pre-eclamsia again but good thing they picked it up quickly and will take care of you x

Looks like we night have the first arrival soon :D

Digitalcity sorry that you might not have your home birth but I am sure they will do the best for you and the baby x
Definitely feeling your pain with the lack of sleep! The last few weeks i have really struggled through the night then seem to get comfy about 6am just in time for my son waking up! Hes also passed a cold onto me now so if im not up for the loo its because im coughing and spluttering! The joys!

37 weeks today is such an achievement, were on the home stretch now! Im more than ready for this girl to make her appearance anyday now, i was never this size with my son and just feel like a great big lazy lump haha!

Lea hope everything goes ok at the hospital!

Olivia i think your bump looks like its pretty low! Im totally over analysing mine day in and day out hoping that today will be the day she makes her appearance! Knowing my luck though she will come on Thursday, my step daughters 15th birthday!

Have you all had rough estimates of your babies size? I was told on friday she was roughly about 6.5lbs, which terrifies me to think how big she will be if she stays in there nice and cosy for the next few weeks!
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Quick update from me - I'm being admitted and on meds to bring bp down. They will do a cervix check and if looking 'favourable', I will get induced via the pessary.
If not, I will get a date for induction, possibly next week. It's all waiting on this cervix exam!
I'm calm as a cucumber - my hubby on the other hand, is at home, flapping around like a headless chicken!

Olivia your bump does look bigger and lower. I always look for my belly button as guidance, iif it's pointing more towards the floor, then I know she has dropped a bit more.
Wow Lea, can't believe we might have a baby so soon. Its good they picked it up quickly and that you're feeling relaxed. I'm picturing your poor OH running around like crazy. Keep us posted as and when you can.

Alyssa- pleased all went well. Its excellent they have so many pools at you're. There's only one at mine, but I'm not really fussed about using it really as I don't know if I'll want to be up on my feet or have an epidural.

I had a growth scan at around 32w and I think she was around 4.5 then, no idea now. My MW appt went well- bump measuring 34w but growing steadily, she's in the right place and I was 2/5 engaged. Found out we can't use the microwave at the Hosp for heating heat pads- shame.

Just got some over the bump joggers through Amazon and OMG they are so comfy. I think I may live in them everyday after work and then when I am on maternity leave. x
Hey ladies!

The Facebook group sounds good, I'm up for it :) anyone fancy setting it up?

Midwife appointment went well....discussed birth plan and baby is well and truly engaged! I knew this anyway from how I felt yesterday and the dramatic change in bump....glad I got a picture of the drop difference :) but it is rather uncomfortable!! Walking around like i have a bowling ball stuck between my legs!!!!

I'm also measuring slightly less than they would expect (believe it or not with my huge Bump!!!!) So we are going for another growth scan when one becomes available.

I am adding the final pieces to hospital bag now. Next midwife appointment is 39 weeks and midwife said I will be offered a sweep. Not long now ladies!!!!
Lea - wow.....sounds like baby isn't far away from making an entrance into the world :D exciting!!!!! Hope everything goes well for you xx

Amy, I've heard using the water during labour is very calming and relaxing for some people. I have simply said I will wait and see ....i hate feeling too hot and I know I'll be feeling hot anyway - hence why I've packed a hand held fan!

Jordan, I had a growth scan at 33w1d and baby was 4lbs13oz then, I'm going for another scan in the next few days so I'll let you know how baby us measuring now at 37 weeks :)
I have no idea how much my baby weights as I did not had a growth scan, we are measuring 37 weeks at 36 weeks so hope for a normal baby because I am petite and terrified of pushing out a big baby .I start to feel a lot more things down there, pain , pushes, so uncomfortable. Same feeling here of a bowling ball stuck between my legs!

Can't remember since I haven't wore trousers. I live in dresses at the moment, but I might need some joggers for going to the hospital etc.

Hope everything in going well Lea!

Well, I've just been discharged, no baby news yet unfortunately!
I'm on meds for my bp and getting checked every 3 days - until next Thursday when I'm booked in for an induction!!!
I have bought some loose thin material "lounge" pants (according to asda) they're so comfortable! I'm going to order another 2 pairs at only £10 each.
I will take a pair of these and an older pair to the hospital, along with some loose tops or my husband's tshirts.

Hope I can sleep tonight.

Can't believe you've got an induction date Lea. Wow. I wonder how long I have left.....
I can't believe there is going to be a baby here so soon. It feels like we have been waiting forever, but it also feels like we should just keep on waiting, like we will always be pregnant (if that makes sense).
My turn to be awake at stupid o'clock- yay. Think its a combination of the cat attacking my feet, the loud wind (outside, lol) and me being hungry but too lazy to get up and get anything at the mo. x
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How exciting to have an induction date already Lea , maybe I can't believe yet these babies will come out soon.

I need to buy too some loose lounge pants for the hospital. Found some on amazon but it is hard to buy without trying, I don't even know which size I am now..:roll:

It was my turn to be awake last night too, woke up around 2 am after a nightmare with a racing heartbeat and fall back asleep at around 4 am. We had quite a storm last last and sleeping alone didn't helped either. Needles to say I am so tired and sleepy and at work until 4 pm...

Morning all,

How exciting that Thursday could see the first baby of our group :) am still hoping that mine will make an appearance asap, am 37 weeks today so eviction notice is now served! Raspberry leaf tea, pineapple and spicy chicken tonight me thinks!!

I have come into the office today, which is weird as I haven't been in for over a week and am only in today and Friday then am done! Everyone keeps saying how good I look and the old 'you not had him yet', like yeah course thats why am in here idiot!

Oh Emma's Diary have put some new vouchers on for the free bags of stuff in case anyone didn't know xx
Woke up this morning to period like pains, got myself wayyy too excited that something might be happening and they swiftly stopped lol! On the plus side i had been feeling really run down and tired the last few days but today im on a mission to sort out my house and get some of the baby stuff we need ready for when she does come.

Is it really bad that i want her here before next weekend because the football is on and i would really love to be able to watch it with a glass of wine! Bad mum lol!! Not wanting to get really drunk just have one nice ice cold glass of wine and watch the game lol

Flick im with you on the eviction notice and raspberry leaf tea etc, just about to head out and stock up just now!
I am having as well one cup of raspberries leaf tea before bed everyday now. I don't know I am afraid to drink more? lol . Feeling mega tired today, all I want is to sleep..might get a coffee to keep me awake for the next few hours..
You are not a bad mum Jordan, you should see my face every time my hubby has some pasta with a nice glass of wine haha, I had a few sips oops .... but never more than that.
Need to finish my hospital bag too, shame on me I didn't put it together yet.
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Allysa- the ones I got from Amazon were from purpless. They had a measurement guide with them and I found it was accurate for me.
I found today a struggle- had absolutely no motivation at work. At least I took some chocolate cake in with me to will me on! Urgh, is it bedtime yet?!x
I've had a few small glasses of red wine. Non alcoholic fizz, mixers, etc is fine but alcohol free red wine is just terrible. Its surprising to find after a tiny bit I don't want anymore. But I can understand if you don't want to Jordan. I would say I cant wait til afterwards to have a proper drink, but I'm hoping to breastfeed.

My hosp bag is sorted apart from something for me to wear home and some snacks.

Got someone coming round tonight for a fitted wardrobe consultation and quote, I'm not fussed but hubby is keen. The message says that the appt could take up to 2hrs! FFS, I could kill my OH. He can talk to them, I cant be bothered! x

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