October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Tealady So sorry to hear to about the hospital visit but glad baby is well and happy in there .
Mine has been extremely active today , it almost made me sick while turning . He definitely wants to escape . Everyone is commenting about how big my bump is..
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Pleased everything was ok at the hosp tealady. I've had a few occasions where baby has been naughty and stopped moving so I've had to go in. Ita good it was checked out quickly and all is ok. I hope baby moves and gives you a bit of relief from the pain.
Lea- sorry you didn't get more reassurance. Are they going to monitor the situation? I hope you get a MW appointment easily, fingers crossed.

I was knackered yesterday. 4 couples and 6 noisy kids tearing around the house. Fortunately we kept it simple with pizza and cake and my husband was amazing. He sorted everything in the kitchen, tidied up, and stopped the kids from going too crazy. But I was ip and down so much I was shattered by the time everyone had left at 2230. Didn't get to sleep til 0130 but still woke up at 0730- urgh. I made up for it by having leftover choc cake for breakfast!

Getting a bit annoyed by a couple of mates telling me how horrific their labour experiences where (one was, but one was fine and an elected c-sec). I just want to shout 'shut up' esp as I'm only about 4 weeks away. Info is good but I think scare stories at this point are just rude. Yeah, I'm a bit scared about it, but I'm also looking forward to getting there, excited to meet my baby, and will be excited to not be pregnant. I just think what will happen happens. If I want I'll have all the drugs, and if there's an issue the docs will step in. I don't need others putting their fears on me. Anyway, rant over.

Planning on a lazy day, but really want to get my hospital bags finalised, just the last few bits to throw in the bag.
Amy, I feel the same as you regarding labour. I will see how I get on and if quite happily accept all the drugs to help if I need them. My grandmother told Me, it's the most painful experience but it doesn't last forever. I find that quite comforting....it'll all be a distant memory for us soon and then we have this new life to care for. They'll be at school before we know it ;)
Dont listen to horror stories, most of the time they are exaggerated and everyone loves a bit of drama! This is second time round for me and i still have people trying to tell me horror stories. All i can say on my personal experience is yes its painful, tiring and scary but the reward at the end is the best thing in the world! I literally cannot wait to meet my girl and find out what she looks like!
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Morning all, sorry people have had bad times this weekend but good to hear all ok!

Birth stories wise, I always say if it was so awful then why would we do it again! At the end of the day yes it hurts but in this case the best thing in life hurts, I can honestly say that I would do it again and again for the end experience as my son is an absolute diamond and I adore him, so when going through the pain think of the end result! And if you are struggling get the drugs, you don't get a medal or a star on the walk of fame for going without.... do what you want to do and what helps you, don't listen to others!

I had my baby shower at the weekend, was lovely but my god I was exhausted, had 2 naps yesterday which meant that I have not slept all night, a house alarm was going off too as well as my PH snoring and the dog running in his sleep, back pain and general feelings of just being fat and comfortable aided in the lack of sleep..... feel like I have had a really heavy night on the booze, like a rotten hangover today, everytime I have a bit of back ache am so hoping for it to transpire into more, hate myself for wishing this baby out now, but I just want my body back lol x
Morning ladies x

I have been told too horror stories until I said I don't want to hear anyone's story as we are all different and my experience will be different from anyone else and I do not want to stress myself. It helped that my friend gave birth in August and even if she had some issues she said everything is bearable ans the reward is amazing. Even my sister gasped when she heard I will go for natural delivery. In my hometown c-section( elective) is very popular as women don't want to go anymore through the pains of a natural birth , specially the young ones.

Midwife check and hospital visit today so half days at work yey . Bit stressed about position of the baby and what she will say

Midwife appointment tomorrow and I turn 37 weeks tomorrow! Officially full term. Baby feels like it's doubled in size since yesterday. I'll try to post 2 bump pics....1 from yesterday and 1 from today.....
This was yesterday


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This is today.

Am I imagining it? Feels so much heavier and more of a struggle to walk now


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That definitely looks like it has grown overnight, that's amazing. Looks like its dropped a little bit too.
Hubby has just taken himself off to tescos as I said I was sad and wanted pick n mix sweets. Bless him.

I hit 36w today and have a MW appointment tomorrow as well
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Can't sleep! Been up since 1:30am ... contemplating cleaning the kitchen !
So it's 6am and I'm still awake! Anyone else suffering with sleepless nights??? I know I have so many more to come in the next few months!
I've been sleeping ok lately (touch wood), sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it. My hubby is trying to say its due to the comforting presence of him.......I've said I'm not sure if his snoring lulls me to sleep! I'm not sure if the being at work and lack of naps in the day is helping me to sleep at night. Do you find you nap in the day? Maybe that's throwing the night sleep off? Or are you worried about something?
I'm wondering if when I finish work on the 22nd I'll have more difficultly sleeping as I might start thinking more about what's to come. At the moment while I'm working I feel like baby wont come yet, once I hit my leave ready for maternity leave I think the realisation that it could now happen will hit me- if that makes any sense.

Got my MW appt today and seeing a different one as mine is on holiday- hope she's nice. I'm definitely going to ask more questions. I always just sit there and nod and then try and decipher my notes myself afterwards. Now at 36w I feel I can legitimately ask and take some of her time- haha.

Allysa- hope everything went ok with your appt and the hosp visit. Any news on babies position?x

I have had quite a few bad nights, Sunday was one of those but I had napped in the day and therefore was up from 1.30am, ended up sitting in the ensuite crying at 4am as was so tired x

My partner is desperate for this baby to come this week (he is on nights and wants the excuse not to go in lol) got to admit am happy for him to arrive now, am 37 weeks tomorrow and am all packed and ready, every twinge I pray for it to develop!

I was thinking back to us chatting in the first trimester group and how many there was and now how we are the really lucky ones, it really is a blessing, just got to get this last part over and we will have our bundles! Some of the other groups have formed a facebook group which you can set as private I believe, I will be honest am not too great on setting things like that up but do you all fancy keeping in touch when we have all had our babies? x
I know what you mean flick. At the beginning it all seemed so far away, I cant believe we're almost here. I'm so excited to meet my baby. I feel so lucky that everything has (hopefully) been ok and cant wait to be a mum- I need you girls to remind me of this in the weeks to come when my body is in agony and I have a screaming baby that wont settle!!
I would love for us to all stay in touch on a private FB group. It would be great to continue sharing the journey and offering advice and help to each other. I'm the same as you though- I'm rubbish at all that stuff- but if someone could set it up and send a link at some point I'd definitely join. Getting a bit nervous about making mummy friends as all my mates have kids and are back at work. I don't want to become isolated. Think I'll just have to throw myself into some local groups and see what happens x
I think a Facebook group sounds good. I've seen some people set them up during this period, then the thread goes really quiet, which I don't want! But once babies are here, at least on Facebook we can share pictures and stuff a bit easier...

I'm 37 weeks today - can't believe it, full term! Happy for her to come from anytime now please!

I haven't been sleeping either - as well as needing to eat and drink more, I have now done something to my jaw and ear, think it's called TMD, and it's sooo painful, it felt like my eardrum exploded last night. So off to the docs, and going to get my blood pressure checked st the same time - it's a good job I'm on maternity leave now, lol!
Ouch Lea554, that sounds nasty and not at all what you want when the rest of your body feels taken over lol!

Ok will leave it a till we have started to see babies arriving and then set one up so we can continue chatting!

AmyThomas I am the same, am an older mum (37) and thee is 11 years between my son and this one, all my friends had babies a while ago and I have just moved so I don't have anyone or anywhere to go, I have found some groups but I get nervous with things like that on my own but will just have to man up! lol!! Where is everyone from? I am West Midlands, near to Cannock x
Morning X

Wrote a message in the morning and I have deleted it by mistake dohh.
Yesterday all went good, I was impressed with the rooms where I will be staying, they all have amazing pools and now I am thinking if I will be able maybe I will try them. Midwife said we can decide on the day, as all rooms have a pool . Baby was fine, he is not back to back anymore, he is laying on my left side and midwife said that is a good position for birth ,so fingers crossed he won't change the position.She also mentioned baby is engaged already but did not say how much so hopefully will be written on notes.

Baby didn't moved as much yesterday and I mentioned that as well. Been sent upstairs and stayed to be monitored for half an hour. Obviously he moved loads on there and everything was ok , midwife was a bit concerned about my heart rate which was quite up( it usually happens in hospital ), but blood pressure was low though. All in one, I spent about 2 hours and my naughty little one in fine in there .
They also mentioned about the injection to deliver the placenta and vitamin K for the baby after birth so I need to have a good read on these and decide.

Congrats on 37 weeks ladies x, not much left now, still can't believe we made it that far!

Olivia nice bump :) it definitely looks much bigger on the second photo, it is amazing how it changed in one day. Mine is smaller in the mornings and by lunchtime it looks huge :D Regarding sleep( touch wood) I had a good night, went to sleep at around 22:00 pm until 6:30 am with few trips to toilet.I have good nights and bad nights ..

I would love to keep in touch with you too after babies are here x
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And I measure 37 weeks which midwife said is absolutely fine
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