Morning X
Wrote a message in the morning and I have deleted it by mistake dohh.
Yesterday all went good, I was impressed with the rooms where I will be staying, they all have amazing pools and now I am thinking if I will be able maybe I will try them. Midwife said we can decide on the day, as all rooms have a pool . Baby was fine, he is not back to back anymore, he is laying on my left side and midwife said that is a good position for birth ,so fingers crossed he won't change the position.She also mentioned baby is engaged already but did not say how much so hopefully will be written on notes.
Baby didn't moved as much yesterday and I mentioned that as well. Been sent upstairs and stayed to be monitored for half an hour. Obviously he moved loads on there and everything was ok , midwife was a bit concerned about my heart rate which was quite up( it usually happens in hospital ), but blood pressure was low though. All in one, I spent about 2 hours and my naughty little one in fine in there .
They also mentioned about the injection to deliver the placenta and vitamin K for the baby after birth so I need to have a good read on these and decide.
Congrats on 37 weeks ladies x, not much left now, still can't believe we made it that far!
Olivia nice bump

it definitely looks much bigger on the second photo, it is amazing how it changed in one day. Mine is smaller in the mornings and by lunchtime it looks huge

Regarding sleep( touch wood) I had a good night, went to sleep at around 22

0 pm until 6:30 am with few trips to toilet.I have good nights and bad nights ..
I would love to keep in touch with you too after babies are here x