October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

We're almost there for this burst of stuff. Its just been really frustrating with hubby being away for the last 6 months all I've been able to do is write a list of stuff that needs doing and then wait for him to do it. Don't get me wrong, I would do things myself but obvs there are things I physically cant do and my brain doesn't seem to work in the logical diy way like his does (even before baby brain). So stuff that we could have been doing since I found out in Feb all had to wait til Aug.

I'm happy with the nursery and the downstairs is practically done, just the carpet to be fitted in 2 weeks. And we now have my car (and I can easily lift the buggy in the boot- yay). I think my hubby is just keen to get on and do loads as he has another two weeks off work, but I just want to alternate between napping and nesting. God knows what I'll come home to the next 2 weeks when I'm working and he's still off!

But it sounds like we're all in the middle of diy. Hopefully yours is going ok tealady? Have you decided on areas you want done before the baby comes, or is it one of those where it all needs doing?
I'm having to do a stock up as its my way of thinking I am prepared for it all and, as a result, can cope with the uncertainty of labour, etc. I'm a natural worrier and planner, although I am much better since I'm with my hubby as he relaxes me. But without the stocking up, planning, lists, etc I would worry loads and probably never sleep as my head wouldn't switch off! We live about a 3 min walk from a massive tescos so everything is on our doorstep, but I still wanted all the wipes, lol! x
I start to worry, I had another few Braxton Hicks( i think?..) bump contracting and bad period pains.. I can't even move when they start... hope they will go away.
Anyone else had something like this? They are quite painful
I haven't had any Braxton Hicks yet Allysa. I have had brief periods of period type pain but it doesn't consistently come and go... Perhaps you should ring your midwife? I'm sure it's all okay but it could put your mind at rest.
Agreed- it sounds like we are all in DIY chaos. It's unbelievably stressful to do this whilst pregnant but sometimes you just don't have a choice. So Amy did you need to do the whole house or just the nursery/downstairs? Me and my partner are literally doing the whole house including every room and both gardens. Basically, the house we have moved into hadn't been lived in for months and months so it wasn't in a fit state to live in so we have had to do it all up. The back hardy toen is like a jungle as you can imagine and needs a good tidy up in its own right but obviously my priority is having a nice tidy house rather than a prim garden. That said, we have to do the garden soon before the weather turns terrible and we won't have chance until next spring!
I just seethe as well because I'm at home all of the time now so I'm just sitting in the living room staring at everything that needs to be painted/installed/decorated and making lists of what my partner needs to do in all of the other rooms too. I feel guilty too because he works full time but at the same time I have to nag him. You can't win really. I totally understand what you mean about feeling frustrated at everything that needs doing but not being able to do most things ourselves because we can't physically do them in pregnancy or we just don't know how to do them. I'm so glad it's not just me feeling like this! It's horrid battling frustration at everything that needs doing versus guilt at making partner do everything!
We haven't had to do it all fortunately. When we moved in it was all magnolia, so liveable but dull. It was rented before we bought so generally a bit knocked and grubby. And the bathrooms had carpet, yuck! So we sorted that and the bathrooms and had to replace hall and kitchen floors (which meant us chipping out all the tiles and cement- was awful). We're leaving our room and guest room magnolia for now, and the upstairs carpet.
The back garden is horrid. Its gravel covered, with a massive bed at the back. Mud is just like clay and its hemmed in with heavy bricks I cant even move. The garden will have to be done next spring, we just cant be bothered at the mo.

Allysa- sounds painful. I've have some cramping, but more like period pains. And a paracetamol usually helps. If its that bad I would call the MW. Also, might sound stupid but have you drunk enough today? I know they say dehydration can lead to pains and contractions and I usually find water helps. Hope you feel better soon x
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I feel your pain Amy!
Ladies, what are you all eating on a daily basis? What is a typical day like for you food/snack wise being this late on? I'm curious.
Well, I walked past sports direct today and came out with a gym ball, lol! It was only 7.99 and that includes the pump, so thought that wasn't too bad - I don't know what to do with it though! I think I may just use it to sit on, and rotate my hips for now, then do some bouncing later to get labour started (allegedly!).

Tealady, my diet has gone a bit strange...can't manage big meals in the evening, they just make me feel too bloated. I defo think I'm running out of room in there, I will sit down to eat something lovely, then be unable to finish it. I'm tending to snack more than what I normally do. Today, for example I had Frosties for breakfast, realised at 2:30 I hadn't had any lunch so grabbed a pasty, lol. Then had a twix and some grapes in the afternoon. For dinner, I had some brown doorstep toast with marmalade (I was at work, so fairly limited, but it was perfect, not too much), and now I've snacked on some dark chocolate digestives! Will try and have some more fruit as I'm not eating particularly healthy, and I'm aware of that, but just eating what takes my fancy. I've got plenty of time post baby to worry about what I'm eating!
I've never been a big eater but I am definitely hungrier and snacking more. I never used to eat breakfast but now I have to, usually toast or a pain au chocolat at work (I have to take something in as I cant eat as soon as I wake). I buy loads of fruit each week and then take loads to work and put it on my desk so I'll eat it. Before I was pregnant I would buy it and forget about it and then it would rot.
Lunch I try and have a salad or sandwich but usually have some crisps and a choc bar too. Then I snack on fruit in afternoons.
Evenings I cant eat much as I also get full easily and bloated. I have a normal dinner but a tiny portion and then usually snack later on. I don't usually have much milk so try to add cheese to things. I have also taken to having some angel delight in the evenings to get some calcium- it makes me feel like a child!

I hav found that since being pregnant I have a really sweet tooth, I used to be a savoury girl. I try and eat fruit but I also smash a fair amount of millionaires shortbread as well. I LOVE it at the mo
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I'm having to do a stock up as its my way of thinking I am prepared for it all and, as a result, can cope with the uncertainty of labour, etc. I'm a natural worrier and planner, although I am much better since I'm with my hubby as he relaxes me. But without the stocking up, planning, lists, etc I would worry loads and probably never sleep as my head wouldn't switch off! We live about a 3 min walk from a massive tescos so everything is on our doorstep, but I still wanted all the wipes, lol! x

This!!!!! This is just me haha

I want to know I have enough at home for the first week so we don't have to go out or if the unexpected happens. Also now husbands car has been stolen I know it'll be harder for us to get out in those first few days....so I want to make sure we have enough in.

Our decorator will be returning next week (thank God!) He will be doing the baby's room first...then I can focus on setting it all up properly. Everything is just in boxes right now! Although I have put together the Moses basket stand and washed and fitted all the blankets/hood. Looks so sweet!!
I am in the same boat tealady....i just find myself sitting here, looking at everything that needs doing. I'm exhausted!!! Although husband has been away for a week and today was the first day I did nothing but put a wash on and put 1 wash away. Hopefully will have we energy tomorrow as I need to get quite a bit done before husband returns on Tuesday morning.

I find I don't eat much anymore. I'll eat dinner and usually I'll always snack on something after (crisps, biscuits or fruit) but I find myself struggling to even finish dinner. Definitely because I'm running out of room!! And I'm on 34 weeks....i doubt I'll be able to eat a grape at 40 weeks haha

How are you ladies finding walking? I do a proper dramatic waddle now due to baby being low. Also I find I can't stand for too long anymore as my legs and feet began to ache and throb. That's probably to do with the 3 stone I've put on.

Allysa, I've experienced 1 episode of painful Braxton hicks and period pain. I had to lay on my side and I couldn't move. Just had to breathe deeply till it passed after 10 or so mins. I did have an episode yesterday in Primark, I began to feel light headed and I really had to focus on breathing. Started to panic that something more was happening as it was rather painful and all I kept thinking was I'd have to go to hospital and I wouldn't be able to make it out of the shopping centre. It did pass and I was fine :lol: just being dramatic. Although I am apprehensive as I know anything can happen at any time and it will happen eventually. I logged into my Emma's diary app and it told me I only have 39 days to go. Now I'm panicking hahaha
Haha, I did the same today Olivia when mine said 45 days. Argghhh.
I had to do the same with my 'period pains'- just lie down, breathe through it and drink water. Fortunately not had any of those for the last week or so but then in haven't really be doing much or been that active.
I find standing is hurting now as I seem to be getting too heavy for my feet. Walking isn't too bad but I do get really out of puff and am a lot slower than normal. I think going back to work next week will make me realise how much I've slowed down.

Olivia- I couldn't work out how to fit the hood so I just got annoyed with it and left it off! My cat has also decided that the babies vibrating chair thing is an excellent place for him to sleep! Pleased I placed a plastic bag over the Moses basket and car seat x
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Haha we don't have any pets as husband is allergic - I've had pets my whole life! And I am a right animal lover but I have to say that I don't miss the pet hair and cleaning up after them!

This is a perfect example of how I've felt for the past few weeks. Around 10pm I got into bed....got to 11 and I couldn't sleep. So I got up to pee. While I was up I thought I'd start tidying our bedroom (like I said earlier, boxes everywhere that need to be sorted through ) so I got a black bag for rubbish and sat on the edge of the bed while I sorted through 1 (yes...only 1!!) Ring binder of old bills and statements etc. By the time I finished that 1 folder i was getting really bad pains in my lower belly....pressure and tightness. So I've had to stop and lay down now. I feel like I can't get anything done :( mentally I want to do so much but physically i just can't. That wasn't even physically demanding and I struggled....imagine what I'll be like tomorrow when I have to Hoover and clean floors and atleast begin going through this stuff.

Sorry for the rant! Just is frustrating not being able to get stuff done :(
Here is my little prince. He's very cute but also very naughty! The car seat is now in the black bin bag on the cot to prevent more hair getting on it and the cot bed mattress is still in its plastic. I'm going to have to de-hair the seat today and put that in a bag too. I know the baby will be around him and his hair from the start but I don't want everything to be fuzzed up from the off.

I don't want to shut the door to that room yet as the baby won't be sleeping in there at the beginning. The cat will have to put up with being shutout of our room once she's here so I don't want him getting confused and thinking he has nowhere to go. Once Dave is sleeping in her own room I'll keep that door shut and reopen ours.

Hope you managed to get some sleep Olivia. I usually find I feel a lot better and lighter in the mornings so maybe try some housework then? But please take it easy, I think its easy to forget that we're heavily pregnant. I know I do sometimes as I still want to do everything and feel like I'm 'pulling my weight'. x


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So it seems everyone isn't really feeling up to eating much either then? I have had pregnancy sickness/nausea throughout the whole pregnancy so that's what puts me off eating rather than feeling full or bloated.
I have plain toast in the evening for 'dinner' . Very boring but when you feel sick you don't want anything else. I can't wait to have the baby and eat properly again for the first time in 8 months!!!!
Is everyone just eating snacks then really?
Love the pictures of the cat Amy! He looks so content. My cat likes sleeping on the changing table, he prefers that over the snuz-pod!!! Have you started thinking about how you are going to introduce the cat to the baby? It worries me a bit.
I'm not too worried about how he'll be around her as usually when my nephews or friends with babies come round he usually just sniffs them for a bit and then takes himself upstairs when they get noisy or want to pull his tail. I'm worried about how he'll cope with being shut out of our room overnight- more for him pulling up the carpet and scratching the door. But he might like being away from it all! What do you think yours will be like?

I'm feeling really hungry today. I want to be eating all the time. I put fruit next to me to try and be good, but a Twix snuck in as well. Its a good job I'm too lazy to go out and get the cakes, etc that I want x

How was everyone's weekend? I did not leave the house so nothing exciting. My husband work shifts changed last minute and he was night shift all weekend.
Amy your cat is very funny :D

I felt ok with few episodes of uncomfortable Braxton Hicks. My little one has hiccups first thing in the morning and just before bed. He woke me up at 4 am with hiccups again and then kicking, looks like they get him angry haha.

Now another week of work ahead...:(
Hey guys.

Hope everyone is well.

My husband is home in the morning.....yaaaaay. I'm just tidying up today. Upstairs in done (apart from changing bed) now just tackling downstairs. I really had no energy to clean but it's funny how good you feel once everything is clean and tidy.

My mum tried to come over today but I politely declined as she wouldn't help with cleaning, instead she would sit in garden in the sun drinking wine! So pointless really. My husband isn't happy as no one has offered to help me with things since he's been away - apart from his dad coming over to do the gardening for us. I've done the whole move around myself. I am very independent so I just get on with it even if it's killing me. But atleast it's all coming together now :) just waiting on my remaining furniture for baby's room.

So apart from all of our home improvements!! How has everyone been? Any new things happening? I can't wait till my midwife appointment tomorrow to see if baby has dropped. 35 weeks tomorrow and I'm beginning to relax a lot more about things as I know husband is back tomorrow (He's my other half....my rock :) )
Hope you did not lift and moved the furniture around alone Olivia! My house is a mess downstairs, all the furniture for guest room is still there packed . Hubby will try to move it tomorrow after work because on Weds morning we have the Health Visitor coming around to our house ! I am getting a bit stressed to be honest, it is not a good time . Hope she won't judge, I mean, house is clean , just a lot of unpacked furniture around haha

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