October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Allysa, that is rubbish that your midwife was so unsupportive! Did she suggest why you might be experiencing that discharge? She should really put your mind at rest. Was she a substitute midwife for your regular one? I had a substitute when I was 28 weeks and she was rubbish so I completely emphasise with you. Does it matter that baby is measuring at 35 weeks?
I had a different midwife at every appt which is again not ideal. Anyway at my 31 appt I had the only midwife who seemed to care and was very involved and supportive . The one which I had today only wanted to tick all boxes in a rush and send me away. I felt rubbish..however I am glad all was ok. She wasn't concerned about measuring 2 weeks ahead, she said over 4 they start to worry.

I was surprised about next appt being in the hospital as well, probably it will involve the tour . I suppose they will check how engaged is the baby, have no idea really.

What kind of maternity pads did you get? I am so confused and have no idea for which one to go .
God, I'm a bit worried about my appt now - I've had the same lovely mw the whole way through, but she is pregnant so is now on mat leave! So will be seeing some one new for the first time in 8 months this week!

My 36 week appt is at my house - bizarre!
I have no idea on the hosp appt Allysa. I've got my hosp tour on 6th Sept as part of my antenatal classes. I'll be 35w then. Got my first antenatal appt this Wednesday, intrigued to see how it goes. I've not been told yet if I'll have any of my appts at home. Apart from my booking in appt I've had the same MW for all appts so far. She seems a bit abrupt at the first few appts but has got nicer as we've gone on.

I picked up a few packs of tecos maternity pads- I went for both sorts as the big pack seems like they'll be useful at the beginning cos they are massive, and two of the smaller packs as they are individually wrapped so think will be useful for when I venture out. I also got a pack of the boots ones as I was picking up other bits and they ended up being free in the offer x
Yeah, I just have standard thick maternity pads really? Apparently you can bleed for a month though and I definitely don't have enough for that amount of time. I have three ultra thick packs to use for the heavy flow and then when it starts to lighten I'll stock up on lighter towels I guess? Actually, could we just use standard 'Always' at that point?
From what I've read the maternity towels are supposed to be thicker for heavier blood flow and better/softer on the top so they don't pull stitches or irritate. But I'm guessing that once the flow lightens and stitches go/things heal normal sanitary towels will probably be fine. That's just my guess. x
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Anyone else have a crap sleep? This is the second night of pretty much no sleep for me which means a headache and grumpy mood! :(
Mine haven't been too bad for the last two nights, but before then I had a few rubbish nights. They seem to come in waves and its frustrating. But considering I'm on leave I'm annoyed I'm waking up early. Had a weird dream- I was back in the bar in my students union (left uni 11yrs ago) and arguing with them as they were trying to charge me £15 for a non-alcoholic drink. Was obviously wearing a catsuit too in my very pregnant state. Would have never have worn one 11yrs ago went not pregnant so it was very surreal.
Will you be able to manage a nap today? Hope the day isn't too difficult for you. I'm not looking forward to going back to work next week and I know my sleep will probably turn to crap to coincide x
Morning all,

AmyThomas your dream made me laugh, especially the cat suit, just the type of outfit for heavily pregnant women lol but the £15 for a non - alcoholic drink prob isn't that far off the mark these days lol x

Maternity pads, my advice ladies, the bigger the better, for the first 5 days I was pretty much changing them every hour as it was (I apologise now for anyone eating) thick and globby, then after 5 days it went to a more 'heavy' period for 2-3 days and then the flow went to a light flow, but I easily went through 3 packs of the massive pads, believe me they are uncomfortable but so worth it!
Haha what a dream Amy !

I had a night fulfilled with strange dreams as well and woke up at least 4 times.Baby was getting crazy when I was sleeping on the left side, he was never so active during the night..
Thank for the advice on maternity pads, I'll buy some from Boots and some from Tescos , all sizes. How nice was all these months without period but here we go again :D
Hey ladies,
When your babies get a real wriggle on does anyone else feel like they are going to burst out of their stomach? Obvs I know she's not going too, but my stomach feels so full and taut and when she's stretches loads it feel like a scene from aliens. 80% of the time its fine and just like wriggling and rippling around but sometimes its really painful. I'm lying here this evening holding my stomach like I'm trying to hold her in and its making me feel a bit sick. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's moving, but I wondered if anyone else gets these feelings too and if anything helps. Thanks x

Yeah I get that, I said last night I don't think my skin can stretch anymore than it is when he is moving, it isn't kicks it is full body shifts and you feel him rock hard moving across your stomach? It is painful and it takes the wind out of me, am getting to the point of just wanting him out now :( x
I told him yesterday to stop doing it cause he will get out soon :D Yes, I get exactly the same movements/stretches which start to make me feel very nauseous.They can be painful sometimes as well, but more like uncomfortable . I don't want to complain, I am so happy he is active .

How is everyone today ? I thought it is Thursday today but unfortunately only Wed! Looking forward to the weekend...
I thought it was Thursday too! I am 34 weeks today, they say at 34 weeks they are good to come out and should have no problems, may need to spend a couple of days in special care, so am feeling happy that I made it this far, I know anything could happen and I am taking each day as it comes but I feel proud of me and my boy that we are doing this, that my body has managed to get us this far :) feeling emotional lol x
Happy 34 weeks Flick ! x

Yep, it is amazing to realize we got this far and the babies would be all right on the outside without too much special care.I used to read each each what would be the survival chances if he would go out in that week and there we are. On the other hand I am also aware anything could happen so we better keep an eye on it.

Can't wait to see there babies coming out x
Yay for 34 weeks Flick. Its crazy to think how far along we are. Sometimes it seems like its going quickly and sometimes it feels like I've been pregnant forever.
Got my first antenatal class this afternoon. Interested to see how that goes, hopefully well. I think this one is all about labour so I'll probably come out terrified!

Pleased to hear I'm not the only one feeling uncomfortable baby movements, but also sorry to hear others are uncomfortable too. However if she stopped doing it I'd start panicking, so I can't really win.

Hope everyone has a good day. Hope all is going well while your OH is away Olivia x
I've just had a midwife appointment, started to discuss the birth and consent to things such as Vitamin K for the baby so it's starting to seem very real now.

I'm only 32 weeks tomorrow but I have midwife appointments every 2 weeks until 38 weeks when I'll see them every week, I think all the appointments are gonna make it go really quick. I met my midwives 'buddy' today as mine is off, she'll be assisting in the birth hopefully so it was nice to meet her and she was here for around an hour so got to ask lots of questions :)

Oooh Amy I hope you get some good info at the class, the labour class is the only good one I think - breathing techniques and positions and what not.

Hope everyone is doing well xx

We didn't really do any of that. Quite annoying really. She had a leaflet on positions but the photocopier wasn't working. She didn't show any positions. And there was no breathing done- just a few comments remind you to breathe and be relaxed! The one next week focuses heavily on breast feeding so should be OK. Then the one after is the hospital visit. There was one quite annoying girl who seemed to want to make a comment all the time, felt like she was showing off all she'd read. But the MW was nice and engaging.
I have so many appts next week- 2 dentist, antenatal, midwife and a haircut. I'm only in work 3 days but with all that I'll probably only do 1.5 days!

Baby seems to be getting loads of hiccups at the mo. Very sweet
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