October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Hey ladies.

Sorry I haven't posted! All is well, thanks Amy :)
I've just been focusing on getting this house in order.
I put out the steriliser and put baby's bottles and formula in cupboard, I've packed baby's hospital bag and washed all clothes. Waiting for the drawers to air out then I will put everything away tomorrow :) feels real now!! I'm just stuck with what to use for storage in the baby's room.....I need somewhere to put my bottle prep machine (convenient to have it in baby's room for night feeds) and bath stuff etc. What has everyone else done for storing nappies/wipes etc?

Also, I am getting sharp twinges in cervix ....enough to make me stop what I'm doing and gasp. Baby's head is very low!!! Mega uncomfortable now :( anyone else feel this way????
I still have to wash all the baby clothes. I keep meaning too but then get worried its going to rain. I've packed all the other stuff though- nappies, wipes, pads, etc and my nightshirts and pjs.

I've got a short wicker basket thing that is sitting on top of the chest of drawers in the babies room. In its there's a pack of nappies, 2 packs of wipes, nappy bags, cream. I figure I can easily grab the basket and move to wherever I need it- either in her room or ours at the beginning. I have some wooden square storage unit/boxes things in the living room and have decided one will have nappies, etc for easy changing downstairs. I figure if I have the required stuff upstairs and downstairs I'll have stuff ready wherever explosions occur! Apart from that I'm storing all the spare nappies, etc in her wardrobe and its pretty empty at the mo.

I'm not getting cervix twinges, just pains when she gets all wriggly.
Glad all is fine and you had a productive couple of days Olivia! So yeah, everyone is ahead of me regarding organizing for arrival of the baby.Baby's room is full with other stuff and I do need to put together my hospital bag.

I am getting twinges while walking,feels like the bump is too heavy . Baby's stretching like a champ :) Quite uncomfortable ..

Yesterday I went for dinner with a friend after work so after sitting all day at work and then for like 3 hrs in the restaurant I couldn't walk, that swollen my feet were. Went home straight to bed, exhausted.
Morning all,

Bad start! I just threw coffee all over me and my work desk! I figured why would I want to smell of perfume when I can smell like starbucks instead :( it went on my phones, laptop, my work pads, purse, handbag, lunch, trousers, top, cardigan, shoes........ not in a good mood now at all!

Add to that the serious lack of sleep I am getting at the moment with needing a wee in the night, can't get comfy, sickness/heartburn 24/7, am really miserable :(

Is anyone else really struggling? Even driving is starting to hurt getting in and out the car, turning when reversing, changing gear, am just so uncomfortable! Hate moaning as this is a blessing, am just feeling really overwhelmed at the moment and seriously considering finishing work a bit earlier than 15th :( x
Oh no, Flick, not a good start of the day but don't let it ruin your day! My thing is bumping into everything, I have so many bruises at the moment .
Not feeling great either but you definitely sounds to feel much worse and hope will get better for you. I will go on mat leave on 22nd Sept so like ages away..Everyone is asking if I will be able to cope until that date but I am thinking to have half days holidays for the last week if I am struggling .

Everyone got the baby monitor? I had a look on prices and they are not cheap..might leave it for later

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I have just been told for the very first time that my bump doesn't look that big, every single person in work tells me that I have the date wrong, that the baby is coming next week etc and this one lady just said 'ooo you are not that big for 6 weeks away are you'

I also just woke up in the car in the car park, I was nodding at my desk so I went into the car park and lay down on my back seat and had an hour lol, no one noticed so maybe I will just go.....

Monitors yeah they are not cheap, depends what you want though, they do some good deals on the normal ones it is when you want the video ones it gets expensive xx
Oh no flick, that doesn't sound good. I'm ok at the mo but am on leave. I am not looking forward to going back to work next week and having 3.5weeks left at work. I do have spare leave and flexi hours though so fully expecting to work some half days in the last week at least to use time up when I'm uncomfortable. Sleep for me comes and goes in stages. I have a few good nights, which are ace, and then a few crap ones when I end up feeling like hell. I am so pleased hubby is home now to do things- we definitely timed it all right! He's not back at work til the 11th Sept so has been doing loads- bless him. He's painted the living room and booked carpet fitting, he's finished the nursery and built all the furniture, he's been to collect my new car this morning. And him being away has allowed us to save for it all.

We got a Motorola video monitor. It was quite expensive (about £140 I think) but I wanted to be able to see what was going on. I feel it will save me having to go up and down stairs in the long run, and from sticking my head in to see if she's asleep and accidentally waking her up! I wasn't fussed about a movement sensor as I have heard they can be really annoying and make you worry more.

Oh, and flick I hear you with the driving aches. I find reversing difficult with the spinning and twisting of the stomach. I hope your day picks up x
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I have found the Motorola monitor half price from £199 to £99, sound like a good deal . I was torn between this one and the Angelcare one but I might go for the Motorola.

More August babies! So exciting.. Soon will start September and guess who is next :D I have a feeling I will be having the baby by the end of September...will see, with my luck I might get overdue haha
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Yeah I want him to come in September as I have 4 family birthdays in October and the anniversary of my angel baby, so I need September ...........

I have heard that the sensor mats etc are a nightmare as they go off all the time causing more worry than is needed, I got the motorola one, think we got it for £119 from mothercare when they had their sale on, it is good, we tested it on the kids while they slept lol x
We tested ours on the cat. We caught him on top of the wardrobe licking himself. He gave the camera a look that said 'WTF'. So funny.

I've been washing baby clothes this afternoon, exciting. Seen the August babies coming along. I think once the Sept ones start I'm going to start getting nervous. I'm hoping for Oct as I cant be bothered with it messing with my mat leave in my head. All my mates and family have had baby late, up to the full 2 weeks late, so in my mind I'm just expecting that to happen x
Hey ladies, well just had 34w appt.
All is good - still head down (tho she couldn't tell at first!), so she was pushing quite hard. She then said 'this is the head, do you want to feel it', lol! I felt around but to be honest, couldn't tell what it was!
She is nearly always sticking her bum and feet out into my right hand side - I feel really lopsided sometimes, I would have thought she would have been right in the middle, but obviously not - I just want to push her in a bit sometimes!

Oh, and I am 3/5 engaged! From reading the notes, this means 'most of the head is still above the brim'. It says 2/5's is classed as engaged as 'most of the head is below the brim'. Yikes!

Next appt at home, and they contact me, but she said they are having a change around so to call in if I haven't heard anything. I like having all my appts booked in, my 38w is, but now got to wait for my 36w! May call them end of next week....
Ooh exciting that baby is starting to engage Lea! At my 31 week appointment baby was free but the midwife said second babies like to pop their heads in and out (lovely!).

I'm really excited for it to be September so I can say 'I'm having my baby next month'. Anyone bought a birthing ball yet? I'm sure I got one for a fiver from Argos last time and they're really good for the early stages of labour.

Itchy bump anyone? It's driving me crazy, anything I can do to make it stop? My stretch marks have appeared all at once too, most of them are on the underneath so I can't really see them without a mirror but I know they're bad :( x

Cool news on the starting to engage Lea. Exciting and ever so slightly terrifying! I'd definitely call before you get to 38w or it could take a while to get the appt.

Digital- I have birthing ball but haven't used it yet. I am keen to use it nearer the time and hopefully at the beginning of labour. I get itches on my bump but nothing major yet, fortunately. Been making sure I keep it moisturised loads to try and keep the itching and marks at bay. I try and use the palmers stuff twice a day and then use other moisturiser whenever I can. I keep some by my sofa and spend a fair amount of time with my belly out in the evenings and me rubbing cream in it! I bet I look lovely x
So I braved a shopping trip to Primark today...i was absolutely exhausted when I got home. I don't know how some of you ladies are managing to work as Well!!!! I'm impressed. I feel so tired after the smallest things but nesting is kicking in again so my husband will come home on Tuesday to a super clean house haha.

My midwife appointments are all over the place....i moved my 34 week appointment to 33 weeks so husband could attend. My "36 weeks appointment " is this Tuesday when I'm 35 weeks...wondering when we will go through birth plan.

I haven't bought a monitor yet as I'm unsure if we will need it straight away (don't plan on leaving baby in a different room) and yes....they are super expensive!!!

How many nappies and wipes do you all have stocked up? Also how many maternity pads? I have 3 packs as I'm unsure how many I will need? Would you recommend more?

My nipples have random moments of going really hard and super sensitive/achy (sorry for TMI) anyone else got this?
I'm trying to get things sorted and tidy, but as much as I do my hubby is there making a mess behind me. I cant really complain cos he's doing loads of diy, but I wish he'd put his tools away.

I got 4 packs of maternity pads. A pack of the massive looking ones from Tesco's and then 3 of the smaller looking ones. I've got 6 packs of the size 1 nappies (so about 150) and then 4 packs of the size 2 nappies (about 200), got a mix of tescos and aldi ones. I have loads of wipes as I stocked up whenever I saw an offer. I've got about 50 packs! Tescos had the Johnsons newborn ones on offer at £6.50 for 12 (while a box of 6 was £6.00!), aldi also had boxes of 12 of theirs for about £5.75. I also have some tescos and boots ones. I don't think I'll buy anymore now till she's out and I'm using them!

Nothing going on with my boobs at all, I don't really seem to have had any changes yet. Ribcage is probably a bit wider and cups maybe a bit bigger but still coping with my normal bras x
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Morning all,

I have a birthing ball and am sitting on it as soon as I get home every night, it is the only thing am comfy on, if I get on the couch takes me ages to get back up lol! I have put on 26lb this pregnancy, don't know how much of that is baby but am guessing not my hopeful 20lb so I have less to lose, mind you can you imagine delivering a 20lb baby lol x

So I made some crumpets and just bit into it, it tasted funny and when I checked it had mould on it, so now I feel sick!

I am at work and just had the most painful Braxton Hicks, almost start crying in pain and my boss being in front of me saw I am struggling. How embarrassing..I went for a walk and feels better now.

Lea glad all was well at your mw appt. My midwife did not mentioned anything about the baby being or not engaged, probably at my 36 appt which will take place in the hospital they will check more . I have my 38 mw appt booked as well but none of the appt are in my home! Tbh I would have preferred to be at home instead of going to the Children Centre.

The plan is to go tomorrow to Primark and Mothercare to buy last bits which I need for me and the baby. I do not anything prepared for me yet . Guess I would better look for a birthing ball as I obviously forgot about it :D

As I have a Chicco next to me and will be always with the baby I have decided to buy the monitor in a couple of months time as we have other priorities right now.
Boobs are normal, they are exactly the same size as before no nothing going on with them either.
I have random episodes of itchy bump, hands and feet.. but it goes away and it 's not so bad.

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Olivia, I have three packs of nappies and about 10 packs of wipes (The wipes were on offer so I bulk bought).
I have three packs of maternity pads and then a couple of packs of Always to transition to when the flow lightens.
At the end of the day, we have to keep it in perspective, if we run out of something there is always a local shop/ Tesco to pick something up from. We just need to be organised and keep an eye on things running low a few days in advance before they actually run out.
I'm not buying a monitor, me and my partner think it can make you a bit paranoid as a parent and can make you obsess. We are co-sleeping with the baby at night and in the day the moses basket will be in the living room so it isn't really necessary for us.
AmyThomas I completely understand how you are feeling!! We have moved house and it needed decorating from top to bottom, new carpets, plastering, paint, furniture etc and it has been really stressful. We have been here a month and there is still quite a lot to do actually. I can't describe how stressful it has been. Do you have a lot left to do like us??
I fully understand what you mean about cleaning up one room and getting it looking nice and then the partner needs to touch-up paint or install something and so has to move all the furniture around and dumps their DIY things in the room. It's so frustrating and personally I don't think men understand the effect of the nesting instinct. I think my partner just thinks I am being moody/hormonal when actually I just mentally need it clean and fully decorated in preparation for the baby !!!!!
We moved into new house in middle July and still did not finished with painting/decorating. It is tough, my husband works long hours and I am knackered after work and being pregnant so it is going very slowly. It is funny how everyone moves or start decorating before babies haha. We hope we will be able to finish until baby is here so fingers crossed..
Tealady you are absolutely right, we can always buy something from local store if we run out. I bought enough to cover first 1-2 weeks and because most of the stuff were on offer really.

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