October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

That's terrible Olivia! There are some real scumbags around. As others have suggested, make the police aware of your situation and hopefully they can put appropriate measures in place!

Allysa- I think you should definitely make the midwife aware of a watery discharge as (not to scare you) mine told me it can be a sign of pre-term labour so definitely mention it.

I have read great reviews on the Aldi Mamaia nappies from 'mother and baby magazines.' They apparently beat Pampers to an award so I'm definitely going to stock up on them! :)
Hey ladies. So I'm at my mum's and even though I don't feel comfortable staying here as I don't have my things, I think I will stay here tonight and check on the house tomorrow. My husband got an email from the police saying they've closed the case!! He emailed them and told them about the travel documents but heard nothing back.

Been asked by family today how many weeks are left and I said 6 weeks.....that felt so strange to say there's only 6 weeks left!!! Baby's movements are strong which is good.

My husband had a 2010 bmw sport which had a key fob rather than an actual key. The person/people who stole it must have been able to override that system :( it's a horrible feeling to think someone could do that. Feel very vulnerable :(
Also the police in this area wouldn't send anyone around....they're only interested if someone actually successfully breaks in.
Oh no Olivia, that's awful...you should get contact from victim support (if your husband agreed to it), so tell them your fears. If it is any consolation, it was likely they were only after the car, and that would have been the only reason you were targeted. If they have managed to over-ride a key system, they would have gone out looking specifically for those cars. We are having it with transit vans where I am at the mo. If it helps, they would be highly unlikely to return back again - they know you would have put extra measures in place, and they also don't know who else is in the house, so even if one person is away on holiday, they don't know ho else is left inside. This kind of thing is so common, it will generally only get investigated if they find the car - which is 99% unlikely as would have been put on false plates by the time it left your road I would imagine. There isn't much the police can do in the meantime unfortunately (btw, I am a police officer, hence why I'm waffling on!).

Hope everyone else is ok? I'm struggling with my hands in the morning, my joints and knuckles kill me! Its getting to the point where I am struggling to hold a pen...will mention it to mw next week. Only got 6 days left at work, spread over 2 weeks, so nearly there...x
Hey ladies, hows it going? Just got back from my nephews 6th birthday party and I'm knackered. Just want to lie on the sofa in sweats. Went past Aldi on the way and got another big box of wipes, 2 bags of size 2 nappies and 4 bags of size one. I think I'm done now until Dave is here.

Had another crap nights sleep last night. Could get to sleep until 0230 and was awake at 0730. Tired enough to nap now but don't want to as it will ruin me for later. So pleased I have another week off work.

Hows everyone else doing?x
The party sounds fun Amy but very tiring. I went to Aldi too today and I bought two packs of size one nappies :) How many size one nappies are you stocking up on? It's really difficult to know how many times a day they need changing as a first time mum. The Aldi baby event is really quite good.
I went to Mothercare to try and buy a mirror for the car but the only colourful/interesting one they had for a baby was £21 so I left it! Going to look elsewhere x
Haha looks like today everyone went to Aldi :D I bought 2 packs ok nappies size 1 and 2 boxes of wipes( 4 packs each) .I think I have only one packs of nappies size 2 , most of them are for newborn 2-5 kg and 3-6 kg .

Party sounds fun Amy , but I can imagine how tiring it was after not getting enough sleep. Aparently my hips are hurting now , really bad during sleeping on the sides. I can barely move when I need to turn ..Anyway I am keep telling to myself there is not much left

33 weeks today! Sound a bit unreal , I even tought I should start putting togheter my hospital bag just in case as my hubby would be lost if he will need to find something .

5 more weeks at work for me ...:(
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Aldi had a really great like feeding/soothing pillow which was a dupe for the 'Sleepyhead' but it's sold out online and in my local store! It's a great event. I haven't bought any size 2 nappies yet... do you think it's essential? I was just planning on stocking up on size 1 until I notice the baby is outgrowing them. How many size 1's do you have overall Allysa?
I get really bad hip pain and a deep stinging vaginal ache (sorry if TMI) but I think it's because the baby is breech. I can physically feel the baby stretching my hip bones with his feet.. It's a horrible surreal sensation.
I second that on the hospital bag, it would be awful for the men to make it! I can only imagine what they would put in it! I want to do mine too but I still need a few bits before I can make it.
My OH would be hilarious trying to do the hosp bag. Even with a list. And then I would be so grumpy, haha.
I have 6 packs of the size 1 nappies (so about 150). Apparently they can use about 10 a day at the beginning. I've got 4 packs of size 2 nappies- there appears to be a good cross over between the size 1's and 2's and I don't want to get left with size ones I don't use. I have SO many wipes now, my OH is laughing at me. I got some tescos ones, then I got a box of 12 Johnsons ones cos they were on offer at £6.50 and then a box of 12 aldi ones cos they were under £6. I also have some boots ones too. But I know we'll go through so many of them so I'm happy.

I keep forgetting about how much effort it takes to turn, then I do and its just 'urgh'. I think I'm getting Braxton hicks now, either that or baby keeps poking her bum out. I keep getting a really hard stomach, no real pain, just the uncomfortableness of feeling like its solid
I'll probably get around 180 size 1 nappies to last me maybe 2 weeks? The size 2 nappies are for 6-13lbs so I'll be stocking up on those anyways, I'll be expecting an 8lb+ baby and even if he's smaller they'll get used eventually. I'm not worried about having a huge stock just want the first few weeks covered really.

Tealady have they made any plans about the baby being breech? It sounds so uncomfy!

I've been getting loads of braxton hicks too Amy, sometimes they seem quite regular and get a bit painful? I get them way worse if I'm walking around, that seems to kick them off. I suppose it's all good practice for the big event ;) x

I'm the same digital, I want to be covered for the first few weeks.
My BHs seem to occur more when I'm lying down, that's why I wasn't sure if its just her sticking her bum out. I seemed to get loads last night, but I'm not sure if it seemed like that as I was awake forever.

OH has just made us a jug of drink, its got 1 glass of wine, half a bottle of sparkly grape stuff and some soda water. Its making me feel like a fancy grown up! Drinking it out of a wine glass too x
Morning all, another week!! 34 weeks on Wednesday eek!

Packed my hospital bag the weekend, the only thing left to do is the make up side of things! Finished the nursery, the cot bed is all up and made, the moses basket and rocking chair are moved up to our floor, isofix base is fixed in the car as is the car seat all ready, I have 5 packs of size 1 nappies for the first few weeks, an abundance of wipes, I think I am good to go!!!!!!!!

Am feeling very uncomfortable at the moment, constant heartburn, all day and night, am awake every single night between the hours of 2am and 5.30am, which is just not helpful while still at work lol x

Add to that issues with the ex and him assuming that our 11 year old son is old enough, wise enough and capable enough of a train journey and two bus changes to get to his new school from his, which is stressing me out so much so that doesn't help me sleep either! Am sure with everything going on I am going to end up in early labour!
I've got like 5 packs of 6-13 lbs nappies, 1 pack of size 2 and like 10 packs of wipes which I believe is not enough!
My dear husband was painting and cleaning the guest room and he took 2 packs of wipes to wipe the edges, I thought I will kill him. I know it is not big deal but it is annoying ! Our baby room is currently a storage room for the next days until we finish the guest one and we can move stuff there. However we have the cot bed( mattress, sheets , quilt, bumper), Chicco next to me , changing mat, play mat, waiting for the chest draw to be delivered on Thursday , what I need now is a small wardrobe and a comfortable chair for me to feed him. Obviously, lots of little things which I still need to buy but hopefully by the end of this week most of them will be sorted.

A good start of the week all x
Haha Flick, I feel you! Every time someone annoys me I feel that I will go into early labor. But I think it is not very likely so we better stay calm until babies are fully cooked and decide to come out :D

Happy 33 weeks Amy :D

Midwife aapt at midday, curious how he will measure and if they will send me for a scan or not
Let us know how you get on Allysa at your appt - my 34 week one is on Thursday, eek!

I'm trying to be semi productive today so have packed baby's hospital bag. I've used her babymoov changing bag and it is full, but has everything, I think. I have packed 5 vests and 5 sleep suits (3 are newborn @ 7.5lbs and 2 @ 1 month 9 lbs, hoping to not use the 9lb ones that soon!), 3 muslins, 3 bibs, one hat, one pack (21) size one nappies, one pack sensitive baby wipes, 6 bottles of sma pre made bottles (I am planning on bottle feeding from beginning), nappy bags ( nearly forgot those!) and cotton wool balls, tho I'm likely to use wipes tbh.

One question, is anyone packing a dummy?
I'm sure I did with my daughter, and as I'm bottle feeding again, she found great comfort from her dummy. It means I'm going to have to get a case and sterilise one....I think I'm over planning coz I was in hospital for 5 days last time, lol!
Just came back from my appt.
All seems to be well, bp fine, urine clear and baby measuring 35 weeks. Had the worst midwife so far, I almost cried after. I do not know, I am worried as being my first child, I mentioned about watery discharge but seems to be all normal . She saw me worried and asking things but she kept on telling me that everything is normal and blame the other midwife why did she asked me to come now if everything was all right.
However.... baby still head down and back to back. I had to ask her to check the position as she said it doesn't matter his position now and did not wanted to check . Grrrrrrr

Next appt will be at 36 week at the hospital...
I still need to wash babies clothes, hopefully I'll get some of the newborn and 1 month stuff done this week if the weather is nice. I will be taking a dummy with me. I don't want her to be screaming and for me to think 'dammit, I wish I had a dummy'. A friend gave me a Milton travel dummy steriliser thing so I'll take that. I'll probably never use it otherwise! So far iv thrown packets of thing in the hosp bag- nappies, wipes, maternity pads, etc, and my big nightshirts and pjs but got no other clothes or baby clothes in there.

I'm sorry your appt was a bit rubbish Allysa, but at least all seems good. Are the 36w appts usually in hosp or is this something to do with you/where you are? I have no idea.

Its a hive of activity at mine again. We've been and chosen the new carpet for the living and dining rooms so OH is just painting the living room. So nice to get all the bumps and scraps that the old owners left gone. Means downstairs is now a bomb site. Waiting for a call this week to say my new car is ready too, excited to get that. Practised parking OHs car in our spot last night (you have to reverse in, which I used to be terrible at, and the new car will be a bit bigger than my current one) and I did it fine first time. Its a small thing but I'm proud of myself! x
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Digital City- Yes, the baby being breech is really quite uncomfortable. However, as I'm only 32 weeks no plans have been made yet. The midwife said she would like him to be head down by 35/36 weeks and I'm not really sure what the protocol is after that in terms of making plans.
It seems everyones hospital bags are starting to take shape :) I haven't started packing mine yet but I'm writing a list of what I'll need. I picked up a useful tip online today which is to put a folded carrier bag into the baby bag to separate any soiled garments from clean clothes that haven't been worn. Apparently, mums tend to put a carrier bag in their bag but they don't pack one in the babies so when packing to come home they end up mixing the babies pooey/sicky clothes in with their worn clothes (which are obviously dirty but not THAT dirty haha). I need to check the sleep suits I'm packing have scratch mitts attached as well.
I am shocked that some of you have to take your own formula and bottles into hospital!! I think it's ridiculous! Luckily, my hospital provide these basic necessities.

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