October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I got a box of the aptimil ready made bottles. I think some things say you shouldn't really use any baby wash or bath stuff at the beginning, but I'm really not sure on that. I have some ready at home for later on.

Let me know how the scan goes Olivia, I've got mine on Friday x
I'm personally not planning on bathing my baby for a few days when he's born, have a little read about vernix and the benefits of letting it absorb into the skin :) If you do wanna bathe bubs then I'd just take cotton wool pads and wash them with water, saves bag space too :) x

Hope the scan goes okay Olivia! I have been sent for an ermgency growth scan tomorrow :/
Had my 31 week midwife app today and it was pretty eventful! It was in there for over 40 minutes and I think all the waiting ladies hated me for keeping them waiting so long haha. Got my bloods back and I'm anaemic so taking iron formula drinks now as tablets are too harsh for my stomach. Also, got protein in my urine and swelling which the midwife is keeping an eye on. Been given more antibiotics for an infected milk duct. Had to have swabs taken today (by a male doctor!) due to sharp stinging deep vaginal pain. And I have got a growth scan tomorrow and am apparently possibly at risk of gestational diabetes!!! Nooooo. Pregnancy sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh no, that's a lot of things going on tealady. But seems like they are on top of it all pretty quickly. If it is GD how quickly can they diagnose it after the scan? What was your measurement this time?x
Oh wow that sounds eventful Tealady.

I was unsure as I've seen things online saying the nurses bath baby???? And I've seen videos when they use baby bath stuff? Maybe I won't take anything in for bathing? I've been looking today and I think we will just buy the pre made bottles. I have the self sterilizing bottles from MAM so I could take them and use them with ready made Aptamil.. ..but it is just easy to take the prefilled bottles!!!

Everything is fine with the scan! Baby weighed 4lb9oz on Sunday and today weighs 4lbs12oz today. Sonographer said baby is gaining around 1oz a day which is fine. Also she said head is very low which explains the heaviness I've been feeling and the constant need to pee!

I hope everything goes ok at a your scan tealady
Morning all,

Hope all goes well today tea lady, sounds like you had an eventful day yesterday!

From what I remember after having Jackson, the nurse came and helped me bathe him at the end of the bed but was a 'top & tail' wash so no products were used just water and cotton wool, it all depends on when you have him etc some people are in and out in a few hours so you can prepare for all eventualities and in the end be kicked out as soon as you have shown you are both ok!

It used to be that once you had done a poo to show your bowels worked and you weren't frightened of doing it they let you go am not sure what the criteria now is though? I am personally not going to take any bath stuff in just a bag of cotton wool balls, I am taking some baby wipes in though but I do know they don't like you using them on newborns but they are great for messy hands (me and my partner) and wiping down stuff so always have some handy!
Sounds like an eventful day tealady, but good they picked up everything . Good luck with the scan today!

I will buy some ready made Aptamil in case we would be struggling with breastfeeding. Well, actually I hope I would be able to breastfeed..

Glad baby is growing nicely Olivia, you've got a happy little one in there. If the head is very low probably won't take too long for you :D
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Morning ladies- just to let you know tescos have the Johnsons baby wipes that are newborn suitable on at 56p a pack- I think that's almost £1 off. I was going to get water wipes but went for the cheaper option!
Oh gosh tealady, that's a lot going on! What time is your scan today? Fingers crossed everything is fine x

Ok cotton wool it is! Thanks ladies.

I decided to take my packs of Morrisons version of waterwipes to the midwife to get her opinion. She said but 4 or 5 packs of the proper waterwipes for the first few weeks as we know they're safe...then start using the Morrisons ones if they're cheaper. She recommended buying the multipack for £10 :) so I'll pick that up from boots to make use of the points :)

I finally feel like I am almost done with baby stuff and hospital bag. I'm just washing and packing all of husbands stuff for his holiday then I can wash the remaining baby things and pack them away.

Getting worried now as I can see the end is in sight!!!! Sorry to say but I'm shitting it Now!!!!!!!
Especially after midwifes comment about how low baby's head is!! Eeeek
Guess you have changes of being the first October mummy in here !

How was the scan tealady? Fingers crossed for you!

Is anyone afraid of natural birth ladies??? I start to freak out and I am even tempted to speak with the midwife about the elective c-section. I don't know if I can make it through the pain and all side effects of a natural delivery . Had a surgery years ago and my wounds healed very quick even the doctors were impressed. I am aware anyway what a major surgery a c-section is but I can't help myself ... :(
Good advice Olivia, thanks.

I'm scared about the thought of natural labour but am trying to not think about it too much and just be like 'what will happen, happens'. I hope a relaxed attitude will help me. I don't want a c-section as it is major surgery and I worry about the recovery time. I wouldn't elect for a surgery that I didn't need. However if that decision is taken away from me and I have to have one then I am happy with that. I am also very open to the idea of an epidural. My friend had an elective c-section cos she was scared of the thought of natural birth and it took her a long time to get the MWs to agree- I think you have to be very forceful with them if its what you want. But its your choice Allysa, you know what will be best for you. I'm sure when I'm closer to the event I will be feeling so much more panicked then this!

OH has been and completely emptied his old room on his old camp, now have to fit all his military crap somewhere. Great.
I think I have most of the stuff for hospital bags now. I'll probably start getting it all together next week. Feel too tired at the mo.
Hope the scan goes well tealady x
Allysa I'm with you!!!! Even though I'm doing my hypnosis and stuff.....it still worries me that the hypnosis won't be effective :( feeling very doubtful at the moment.
Can't believe my baby is almost 5lbs!!! Seems weird to think that
Amy, we are getting the house decorated and it's a mess. Boxes and bags of things everywhere...dust and paint. It's such a headache :( tomorrow is their last day until September....so it'll give me a break :( only been 2 days and only 1 room finished!!! Only another 9 to go :'(
Hi ladies, just had my growth scan. I was referred because my midwife said I was measuring at 34 weeks ( three weeks ahead) . But I had my scan and I am definitely not. Ironically, the baby is 3 lbs so they are classed as a small baby so I don't know why the community midwife thought he was ahead. I am trying to work out what weight he might be born if he is 3lbs now. I would quite like a smaller baby so I am not to disappointed that he is being classed as small. Also, the baby is breech which I suspected from painful movements.
Good to hear the scan went well, and that's a clear sign that these measurements can be way off. I am really intrigued to see what mine is tomorrow. Now you just need baby to flip over.

Olivia- you must be so much more patient than me, I would be going mad. But then when its all done it will be beautiful
I've gone past caring Amy. I'm too exhausted to argue it haha

Went to husbands relatives tonight and they were all saying how their kids can't wait to play with and hold the baby :/ I feel like once the baby is here they will all take over. Making me feel anxious :( but I don't want to seem unreasonable

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