October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I know what you mean Allysa, and my bedroom is on the 3rd floor as we have a converted attic, am shattered half way up lol x
Hey guys- just enjoying a few relaxing days in a nice hotel near Leeds. Annoyingly some drunk chod pulled a fire alarm durin the night and it went off at 0100, and then a few times between 0230-0300. Grrrr. Just had a nap though. Been out for a wander in Leeds this morning. Managed to get some maternity bed mats in a big boots and my Emma's diary bump to baby pack.

Haven't felt any heart palpitations in a while but did a few weeks ago. Feeling really burpy and gassy if I lay down so having to prop myself up. Sorry for the tmi but had really loose bowels last few days- not sure if its the opposite effect of the iron tablets or due to lack of space. Hopefully it will get better.

Starting to feel pretty blooming uncomfortable now in the afternoons and evenings. Back hurts, tummy feels stretched, and I'm having painful ribs.

Had a call from the hosp after the check at the weekend. Got a CTG booked for Thursday afternoon and a growth scan Friday afternoon. Will be nice to see her again. x
Hey guys- just enjoying a few relaxing days in a nice hotel near Leeds. Annoyingly some drunk chod pulled a fire alarm durin the night and it went off at 0100, and then a few times between 0230-0300. Grrrr. Just had a nap though. Been out for a wander in Leeds this morning. Managed to get some maternity bed mats in a big boots and my Emma's diary bump to baby pack.

Haven't felt any heart palpitations in a while but did a few weeks ago. Feeling really burpy and gassy if I lay down so having to prop myself up. Sorry for the tmi but had really loose bowels last few days- not sure if its the opposite effect of the iron tablets or due to lack of space. Hopefully it will get better.

Starting to feel pretty blooming uncomfortable now in the afternoons and evenings. Back hurts, tummy feels stretched, and I'm having painful ribs.

Had a call from the hosp after the check at the weekend. Got a CTG booked for Thursday afternoon and a growth scan Friday afternoon. Will be nice to see her again. x

Yeah I have bouts of 'loose' bowel movements lol, I start to wonder if it is a tummy bug then it goes then comes back again a few days later! I find am struggling with things now, like the dog very kindly chewed up a whole kitchen towel roll, it has taken me 3 attempts to pick it all up as bending over takes it right out of me lol! And driving am fins until I have to reverse, think it is the swivel motion doesn't help!

I forgot to tell you all, my friend gave birth yesterday........ she was just 30 weeks pregnant! He is gorgeous though but rather a shock for them all as obv not expected that early x
Omg flick....is baby and mum ok? What a shock!!!

So I packed baby's things for hospital. Just need to pick up a carry pack of pampers and a pack of water wipes and that's done. Just need to sort my stuff out now!!!

Got a baby filled day tomorrow!! We are touring the labour ward and birth centre tomorrow so I'll be asking lots of questions!! Then we have appointment with the midwife. Then we have our Mothercare parent event and we are buying the last lot of things! Spare sheets and liners for cot and Moses basket, some of mothercares new winter clothes range :D

I will also pick up the remaining items for hospital (pyjamas, pads etc) before the weekend as that's when OH is away and I want hospital bag packed and ready before he goes!
I had to clean the house today....i only managed both bathrooms, the kitchen and lounge. Can't face the bedrooms or hoovering!! Even the small amount I did today took me 4 hours!!! Just have to change the beds then I'm done.
Housework is so tiring now. Fortunately my hubby is off work until Sept so I will be putting him to work in the house to make up for the absence!

How much stuff are you guys taking to the hosp? Like 1 pack of newborn nappies, one pack of baby wipes, etc? I'm taking a box of the aptimil (?) ready made milk in the bottles in case I have bf issues. And how many baby vests/sleepsuits etc? Its also difficult to know what size to go for. We're really busy this week but I think I'll look to start washing babies things from this weekend- starting with hosp stuff. Then I can start throwing things in some bags. What sort/size bags are people taking? I don't want to look stupid either with too much or too little. x
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My heartrate is always high now - it can feel like I'm trying to catch my breath, which makes me panic and breathe faster!
I wear a Fitbit and in this last tri, I spend most of my waking hours in the 'fat burning zone, as in my heart rate is so high, my body thinks I'm exercising. Granted, sometimes I am, I do a fair bit of walking, but it's still strange when I spend 12 hrs a day in the fat burning zone, lol!

I'm still feeling rough with this cold, I've been getting odd pains at night, a bit like braxton hicks, but not all over....I've started to sort out hospital bags, but struggling to know how much to pack. I was in hospital for five days last time, which is unusual, so I need to train myself into thinking it will probably be less than that!
Amy, find out what your hospital provides as I've heard some places provide milk and even nappies!? I'm going on the tour of our chosen birth centre tomorrow morning and I'm finding out what they provide before I pack a load of stuff I don't need. So far I've just packed baby's clothes ( 4 sleepsuits, 3 hats, 2 scratch mits even though the sleepsuits have them built in, a bib and a blanket) I had no idea how much I will need for baby? I'm guessing on a lot of it!! Any mum's can you give some advice? Also I have no idea on what I will need....how many maternity pads? Underwear? I'm soooooo confused :( I thought I'd just throw everything in a bag and it would be done haha. Ive decided to use a small suitcase rather than multiple bags and there's less chance of us forgetting or losing things! I will also pack a spare bag with a few more clothes, nappies etc and keep it in the car so if we need it OH can run out and grab it!

Also I've heard hospitals are really hot places.....how many layers will baby need? At the moment I've just packed sleepsuits.....should I pack some vests for underneath them? Or will that be enough? Damn hospital bag stressing me out!!!
Ladies I just changed the bed. Took me 25mins!! I'm now exhausted and got pains in lower belly!!! Time for bed now :lol:
I slept for about 8hrs! Yay. Feeling amazing at the mo.
Good call on the hosp check Olivia, thanks. I start the antenatal classes next Wednesday so hopefully they will give us some info then. From what people near me have said it sounds like they don't really provide anything unless its an emergency. I think I might leave some extra stuff in the boot of the car too.
I'm thinking if I have a bag for me and one for baby I'll get less confused trying to find thing. But I'll see how much stuff I have and then probably just work out what it fit in to.

Excited for the hotel breakfast this morning. Think I might go cooked breakfast, fruit and then pastries. Yum x
I got 7hrs....only interrupted twice at 1:15 and 3:45....not too bad!!

Ohhh we will probably go for breakfast after hospital tour....seems hours away though! So I'm eating cereal to see me through ;) enjoy your breakfast Amy!!

I also don't expect the hospital to provide much but it's worth asking incase we don't need to take bigger items like formula!
Morning ladies,

I have attached my list of what I am going to pack, I am going to pack my baby change bag with the baby stuff and then my suitcase with my stuff. Better to take more than less and need to send OH out for stuff x

As for the hospital providing, they used to provide milk just in case but I believe they stopped that a few years ago due to budget cuts, but most hospitals have on site shops, so I am going to go without and if I can't breast feed then I will send OH out to get some if need be (obv I will show him what he needs to get by taking him round the shops and also take a photo, men!!) x


  • Hospital List.jpg
    Hospital List.jpg
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Haha, men. When I said to hubby about stocking up on some bits for the first few days he looked at me like I was mad. Then I said, ok so if send you for nappies would you know what type and size to get? I got a vacant, scared look. He agreed we should at least have some in stock so he knows what packets to look out for!x
Ok, so I am really behind ! Good to see the list again and check what I still need to buy. I have pretty much everything apart of maternity pads, ready formula milk just in case and nightdress/slippers/dressing gown for the hospital. I just need to put them together in a bag as they are all over the place atm.

Enjoy your holiday Amy! x

Wow, Flick hope both mummy and baby are doing fine ! I am asking myself why do they do the birth Center tour at 36 weeks , they can definitely come earlier.. I will ask what our hospital provides to make sure I have everything.

My husband painter yesterday our little one's room and moved the cot bed in it, it was so emotional as both of us were looking how it is getting real now.

I am dreaming everyday of when my maternity leave starts...
Olivia I think packing vests is a good idea, the general rule for dressing a baby is however many layers you're wearing then +1 for baby. I remember putting vests on my April baby and it was quite warm then :)

I'm off into town today to collect a few bits for my hospital bag as I'm feeling a bit unorganised. My energy levels are right back up again, nesting is kicking back in. I'm not complaining because there's things that really need done! X

Ok so we had the tour of the maternity centre....saw a room in the labour ward and a room in the birth centre....thats all. Apart from seeing which buildimg and where we will actually be driving to...i didn't find it that beneficial! Was extremely hot on the wards so I'll know the pack light for myself! And I'll also take a hand held fan!
Had my midwife appointment, baby is head down and in position, all seems a little scary now.............. wonder who will be first!! xx
I'm relying on some of you girls going first and then letting me know what to expect! Haha.
I am not looking forward to the 3.5weeks of work I have left when I go back at the end of the month
I know what you mean, I finish on the 15th Sept so 4.5 weeks left, but fear am pushing myself with that but the thought of day in day out on my own at home doesn't fill me with joy either and knowing my luck I will go over, I can't do loads as I am exhausted yet I hate sitting still, I get so bored of my own company lol am doing my partners head in x
I am finishing work on 22nd September, feel that I am pushing it too much as well. I will be 37 weeks , can't even imagine ..I could be giving birth anytime then. I spoke to my boss and if I will not feeling good I will start my maternity leave on 15 so one week earlier .

Haha I rely on you girls having babies before too :D I don't know why I feel I will be early. Maybe it is because everyone exclaims what a big bump I have! Wouldn't mind 1-2 weeks earlier as long as he is healthy.
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