So my suggestion for the hospital would be pack at least three outfits for baby, scratch mitts are normally built into the arms of the baby grows tealady3 so I wouldn't worry about that but they can be sick on them
I would take a couple of hats, my advice would be to pack newborn size outfits, these will still prob dwarf them, but the tiny baby outfits are only really needed if premature, if you do deliver early just ensure that you make a little list of things that you would need should that happen. My advice would be baby grows, baby vests, tiny hats and some tiny nappies (pampers do these) all in the tiny baby section which is 3lb to 6lb I think?
But we have to base our packing on there being no problems and we all have chunks of babies! So in that sense, you pack for what you think, again 3 baby grows, 3 baby vest, a blanket for when they are in car seat or a winter suit (dependant on weather as it is ever changing at the moment)
Olivia, I wouldn't worry too much about not having enough clothes, I am fairly sure as soon as they are here you will have too many clothes from people buying things, I found a suit case the other day with a load of clothes Jackson never wore with the tags still on! I would buy a pack of 5 baby grows, 5 vests, 5 socks and 2 hats. If you again buy the suits with the scratch mitts you are sorted, ASDA and Tesco etc do packs of 5 in white, Winnie the pooh etc so there are some nice stuff out there (gender neutral and all that

Hope this helps anyway, we can't plan for when they are going to arrive or how long we will be in so just pack for an over night with additional in case of vomit and poop but remember that the OH should be on hand to be able to go and get anything that is needed, just make sure, if yours are like mine, you walk through where everything is so that they know what you mean when you ask for things lol xx