October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I'm finishing on the 22nd too, but have a spare week of leave so could go from the 15th if it all gets too much. I just know that after 2 weeks off I'll start getting bored and then if I go over I'll feel like I'm wasting maternity leave. I feel like I could go over as my bump is measuring behind and my cycle lengths were really long before. Also everyone I know went over so it just seems normal to me. But who knows. As we've heard from others stories these babies will do what they want to do.

Been swimming and I'm knackered now, even staying awake for dinner later seems like a struggle. Strange when I think about how late I would have stayed up boozing on previous breaks away x
I had my midwife appointment and she's sending us for a growth scan as there's been no growth? Midwife said she is going to request the scan when she goes into clinic tomorrow. Husband goes away Saturday morning....i doubt we'll get one before then :( so I'll more than likely be going alone :(

I do wonder who will be first out of our group....only 7 weeks till my due date!!! Eeeek
Been out since 9am...so exhausted. Still got out Mothercare event till 9:30pm then we have to go to my husband's dad's house as he's having a get together :cry: builders arrive at 8am tomorrow and we still have to shift all the boxes from the room they are starting in. If you don't hear from me it's because I'll be sleeping for the rest of the week hahaha
Olivia118 what does the midwife mean by no growth? That there hasn't been any growth at all since the last appointment(and if so , how long ago was that)or that there has been growth but a little less than she expected?
Anyone else struggling with pregnancy insomnia atm? I went to bed at 11.00 last night and I was literally pretty much wide awake until 6.00 AM (I then slept until 10.00 AM). It was absolutely horrible and I felt so groggy and fed up! It's not my bump making me uncomfortable nor do I have anything on my mind but I seem to just be wide awake and even when I do drop off it's for 20 min intervals and then I'm awake again :/
Flick9670- thanks for sharing the list. It's really helpful to see it all written down instead of having to gather the information from various websites/books and attempt to remember it. I completely didn't think about taking my own changing mat?!? Nor milk?!
How many pairs of scratch miss and hats are you all thinking of taking? Would one hat and one pair of scratch mittens suffice as its not like they can throw up on them/ toilet on them (Or can they haha?) ?
Tealady, midwife says there's been no growth since my 31 week appointment which was 2 weeks ago....before that I was measuring ahead so it's more than likely just a case of a growth spurt and now the baby is slowing down. I went for my 4d scan on Sunday (32w5d) and the lady measured baby around 4lb9oz and all measurements and fluid levels were normal. Idols the midwife and she said it all sounds fine but the NHS procedure means we have to go for a scan as there's been no growth and the measurement line is static? Atleast I get to see the chunky monkey again :) just gutted that I'll be going alone :(
We just got home from the mothercare event....unsure if we are going in laws or not.....buuuut we have picked up everything now!!!!! Only things I need to get are the grosnugs (boots have some on offer at the mo) mattress protectors and the bath support. Oh and we have to get formula. Ok maybe I need to still get a few bits before I'm officially done! But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!
Tealady- I go through bouts of insomnia. I usually have about 2 or 3 nights in a row when I feel like I spend most of the night awake but then want to sleep all day (usually when I have to work), and then have a few days when I sleep fine. I'm the same- I don't feel as though its the bump keeping me up, and I'm not worried about anything, I'm just awake. Its so frustrating. Hopefully you'll have a good nights sleep tonight.

Olivia- I'm sure the scan will be fine. The tape measure method seems so rubbish. I'm sure your OH will feel bad about missing it but I'm sure the staff in the hosp will be lovely. There were with me when I've had to go in on my own. x
Sounds very successful Olivia- did you pick up anything exciting (not that I need to spend more money- but kind of want to!)
On the whole I am ok with sleeping....yes I do wake up a few times a night to pee and because my bump is uncomfortable but apart from that it's ok so I can't complain.

I got a pink lining change bag - couldn't resist as it is cream and navy which matches our navy silver cross and we got 40% off :)
A gro swaddle for half price
And a whole bunch of other stuff :)

We have enough clothes for first week or so. I'm sure I'll continue to pick up little jackets, bibs and socks etc
It's the clothes I'm worried about. I want enough to cover the first 10 days. Then I can buy boy or girl clothes rather than all unisex. I just have no idea how many bits we will get through each day???
I had my midwife appointment and she's sending us for a growth scan as there's been no growth? Midwife said she is going to request the scan when she goes into clinic tomorrow. Husband goes away Saturday morning....i doubt we'll get one before then :( so I'll more than likely be going alone :(

I do wonder who will be first out of our group....only 7 weeks till my due date!!! Eeeek

I had this a little while ago and they got me in the next day, so chase them today! But when I had the scan he was weighing and measuring perfect so just remember they are only using a tape measure at the midwifes, don't worry all will be fine xx
Morning ladies x
I put all clothes which I bought together and I have like one full small suitcase, looks enough for the beginning as I do not know if he will be little or a big boy.

Interesting Olivia with the measurements, so you were 4 weeks ahead and not growing now? I am sure it is because of how different midwifes measure.
To be honest, I would like to be sent for a growth scan to see my little one again and make sure all is fine. I do have bad pains down there, do not know if it is from the weight of the bump or other things inside...

Had a bad night, I didn't get much sleep so I have some periods of insomnia as well grr
So my suggestion for the hospital would be pack at least three outfits for baby, scratch mitts are normally built into the arms of the baby grows tealady3 so I wouldn't worry about that but they can be sick on them :)

I would take a couple of hats, my advice would be to pack newborn size outfits, these will still prob dwarf them, but the tiny baby outfits are only really needed if premature, if you do deliver early just ensure that you make a little list of things that you would need should that happen. My advice would be baby grows, baby vests, tiny hats and some tiny nappies (pampers do these) all in the tiny baby section which is 3lb to 6lb I think?

But we have to base our packing on there being no problems and we all have chunks of babies! So in that sense, you pack for what you think, again 3 baby grows, 3 baby vest, a blanket for when they are in car seat or a winter suit (dependant on weather as it is ever changing at the moment)

Olivia, I wouldn't worry too much about not having enough clothes, I am fairly sure as soon as they are here you will have too many clothes from people buying things, I found a suit case the other day with a load of clothes Jackson never wore with the tags still on! I would buy a pack of 5 baby grows, 5 vests, 5 socks and 2 hats. If you again buy the suits with the scratch mitts you are sorted, ASDA and Tesco etc do packs of 5 in white, Winnie the pooh etc so there are some nice stuff out there (gender neutral and all that :))

Hope this helps anyway, we can't plan for when they are going to arrive or how long we will be in so just pack for an over night with additional in case of vomit and poop but remember that the OH should be on hand to be able to go and get anything that is needed, just make sure, if yours are like mine, you walk through where everything is so that they know what you mean when you ask for things lol xx
Ohhh thanks Flick. That's helped a lot. I also found out our hospital provides nothing....im planning on formula feeding. Does this mean they don't provide bottles?? I'm happy to take formula in but do I take bottles? Do they have a steriliser? Only thought of all of this last night......or shall I just buy the pre made bottles? If so how many? I'm planning on using Aptamil. Sorry for all the questions Ladies!!!!

Got a phone call from the hospital and we have our scan today at 3:20! Glad husband gets to come :):)
I'd get some of those Aptamil starter boxes that come with the pre made formula and teats you just attach to the aptamil bottle?

Good luck for your scan, I'm sure everything will be fine :)

I think my bubs is head down now, getting horrid shooting pains in my vagina! I think they're commonly referred to as fanny daggers lol! X

Yeah take a case of premade aptimel rather than carting sterilisers etc! I would assume if they don't provide milk they won't provide bottles, I know when they did provide the milk it was the premade stuff so just take your own if you are not BF, i think they do them in a case of 6 so would take that in as a first off and can send OH out for more if needed, but again depends on how long they keep you in

Good luck with the scan :)

Yeah my boy is head down according to the midwife and I get the fanny daggers lol
I think I'll buy 2 boxes, take 1 with us and put the other in our extras bag that'll be kept with spare nappies and clothes etc in car. Saves OH leaving incase he doesn't want to. At my birthing centre our partners can stay the night which I thought was nice. Although he may want to leave if Arsenal are playing that day :wall2:
Also should i pack some baby wash? And a wash cloth, cotton or sponge? Since the midwife said they provide nothing, it's thrown me and confused my whole list :( sorry if these questions seem obvious!!

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