October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Everything crossed for the arrival of your hubby Amy ! x

I am suddenly stressed about the whooping cough jab for later today , been a bit nauseous from the morning.Baby doesn't move much either , he was so active during the night , woke me up at 4 am with kicks and pains...

Not happy to say I sneezed the other day and I managed to wee a little at the same time ! Bladder weakness here too I believe.

My bp last time was 130/65 but they weren't concerned, I thought 130 is quite big but I see they look more on the second number.Hopefully today's reading will be all good, as the measurements.

Hello all!! x

Just been catching up on the thread (rather than my work emails, really should take a look at them in case am meant to be doing anything, but this thread is more important :) )

How are you all, sounds like some are ok some are having a hard time? I had a lovely holiday, it was too hot on occasion and I managed to bring home a lovely swelling around my ankles, which make them look like stumps lol, was too hot on occasion but so nice to be away and spend quality time with the kids before the newest addition arrives! He loved the sun though (well I say loved, it could be he hated it) he was so active the whole time!

I am shattered today though, the early morning start near enough killed me, that on top of the 24/7 heartburn that is really bringing me down, nothing settles well even water hurts, it is driving me bonkers! I am meant to start 1 of my 3 antenatal classes tonight and honestly I just want to sleep, it is the last thing I can think of doing at 7pm tonight when all I actually want to do is go home, have abath and go to bed................. x
Thanks guys. He's posted to the base close to home so should be around for the next 3 years (provided nothing crazy happens!), first time we'll have ever lived together full-time. Lets hope we get on!

I have no idea on the bladder control front as I had so much mucus that I've been wearing mini towels daily. So I'm not sure if any dampness is that or wee. I'm telling myself its not wee and i have full control! I've lucked out on my antenatal classes as the first two are 1400-1600 so it means I get the time off work, definitely a reason to go! I'm going more for info on labour and for my hubby to learn about tiny babies- he's doesn't really have a clue.

Sounds like the holiday was great Flick. We decided not to book anything for now as couldn't be sure when hubby would be back, and we have so much to do, but I would like some sun. We have got 3 nights in a nice hotel next week though. Allysa- will be interesting to see what the measurements are this week.
For anyone worrying about the whooping cough vaccine- don't!! It isn't painful and over so quickly. You just get an achey forearm for the rest of your night which meant for me I couldn't sleep on my left side. But the actual vaccine was fine!
Is anybody still nauseous? I've had nausea from 6 weeks constantly and am now nearly 30 weeks! :/
Don't hate me....but I've not had any nausea at all (have I just jinxed myself, eek)
No nausea here either , just in the first 2 months and nothing major . I ve been lucky so far ..
Well , midwife appt went good. I had the best midwife so far, she was a bit confused that I had a different midwife at all of my appts! Baby is doing well , same position head down bottom up , seems to be very confy this way . I measure again 2 weeks ahead , so 33 weeks at 31 . This time the midwife said it is okish but she will measure me in 2 weeks and if I measure more than 2 weeks ahead she will book me for a growth scan . She assured me 2 cm over is fine , but if more I should go and get checked . Urine clear this time , the sample which was sent to the lab came back clear as well so released about it . Blood presure good , I mentioned I get dizzy sometimes and she checked my bloods results and discovered the iron in on the lower limit si she advised me to take some iron supliments .

Glad you had a good holiday flick ! I have been fortunate to have my ankles back and no swelling so far lately ..

I can barely move , feeling huge and heavy ..blahhh

Wow, you are both so lucky to not experience any nausea! I definitely drew the short straw haha! I just need to get through the next 10 weeks!!
Whooping cough vaccine was as you said - quick and not as painful as I thought ! Actualy my arm was a bit sore but after and hour I already forgot that I had it !

Hopefully your nausea will ease or at least will not make you very poor . Not much left now

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Morning all,

I had no nausea ........... until last night when I threw up all over the bathroom, but am not sure if it was from exhaustion as am just not sleeping plus I have heartburn from hell........ x
Hey ladies!

So I have been reading posts daily but haven't had to energy to post myself.....that sounds so lazy :lol: I haven't had much nausea to be honest. Recently I've been off food though! Feel very full up all the time. If I do eat it's the smallest amount.

Has everyone had the whooping cough vaccine now? I didn't find it bad at all :) arm ached for about a week but it's was very minor.

32 weeks today!! I have my 34 week appointment next Tuesday (at 33 weeks) as husband goes away for 10 days and will miss the appointment otherwise. I think that's when we go through the birth preferences? Also I was advised to go and view the birthing centre asap....has anyone done this yet?

Hope everyone is well :)
Hi all,

He's home, yay. I've put him to work making lunch, haha.
Had my 31w appt. All was well, baby was having a right wriggle around, and hubby got to hear the heartbeat. Bump was measuring 29w but mw wasn't concerned at all. She probably only around the 25percentile but the curve was moving up so that's all good, and I'm pretty small. She's still head down, but mw said they don't worry about that until 36w. She did say I might experience a change in movements in the next few weeks as the space get limited. She said they'll be less jabs and more full wriggles. Tbh I think I'm feeling that already.

My antenatal classes start from 33w and we do our hosp visit at 35w.

I've had to take my rings off. Got a bit of eczema under my wedding ring so got a very low dose steroid cream to use sparingly for 7 days. Decided to take them off as I don't want to risk them having to be cut off, and my finger was itching. It feels weird not having them on.

Hope you're feeling better today Flick x
I had my whooping cough jab yesterday, it was better than I expected. My arm is not even sore anymore.

Yey, Amy , good your hubby is home as planned. Midwife mentioned to me as well that his movements will change and as you I can feel it already. I took my weeding and engagement rings off one week ago :D My fingers gets really ichy and they were getting tight anyway.

Flick hope you feel better x

Olivia my midwife said we will discuss birthing plans at our 36 weeks appt when we will book an extra hour. I was advised to visit the birthing centre as well at 36 weeks.

Guess who was been awake from 2 am this morning? Hands up! I was so uncomfortable and he was kicking in every position.

Oh, and I have the health visitor coming at my house on 30th ! I just noticed they have my old address so I will have to give them a ring to inform about it. Is anyone else around having hv visit?

Morning all

Anyone else feeling fed up at the moment? Am so tired as I can't sleep and when I do sleep am waking up on my right hand side and panicking, or I wake myself up with mad dreams or desperate for the loo so am physically exhausted, add to that shortness of breath from just moving anywhere, feeling fat and huge and generally just crappy!

plus for some reason lately I have become so insecure, like my partner went out on Sunday night and there is this one person who likes him and his best mates girlfriend has told me in the past how much she wished they were together (as in this one girl and my partner) and there was a photo of him with a bunch of people and she was there and I just felt really really down about it, normally I don't care as I trust him with everything, but because I have changed, my body has changed etc I feel so insecure about it all :(

Ho hum, 32 weeks today, I should be feeling excited not glum, sory for my massive winge, just having a moment xx
Happy 32 weeks ,Flick x
Regarding the situation, can't give you much advice I am afraid as I feel insecure as well at the moment because I look horrible. And being summer and seeing everyone tanned and fit doesn't really help. I am probably lucky that my hubby is not a very sociable person and he doesn't want to go out without me . We must trust them I am afraid, have a chat with him to see what he says about that girl. Maybe she got over the crush and you need to be happy and not overthinking about it.

Even if I had a decent night sleep, still feeling exhausted. I went to bed with bad news from home, my uncle and one of my childhood friend ( 28 yrs) both died and it really put me in a bad mood and I was very sad...

In the morning baby decided to sleep longer and got me worried, he started moving properly just after midday. I am having bad pains, anyone experience that? Down below, they are like period pains but more painful ..and pains in my ribs, strong enough to take my breath and feel I would die really..
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Yeah I spoke to him and it was the expected response 'don't be daft, its you I love etc etc' but it just winds me up and I don't want to be 'that' nag of a partner that has a go when he is out! My last partner was seeing someone behind my back for months so I always feel a bit of unease but I can#t judge my partner because of my ex, urgh life!

Am sorry to hear that about your Uncle and friend, my friend hung himself the day I flew on holiday :( his funeral is on Friday but it is 4 hours away and I don't think I have the energy to drive that far :(

I get very uncomfortable tightening where it feels like he is doing a full 360 turn which takes my breath away, plus I feel bruised, think it is from being sick the other night, like I have pulled a muscle? x
Hi ladies- sorry you've been feeling a bit down flick and allysa, and that you've had some bad news. Flick- I'm sure its just hormones getting to you, but it is nice to get reassurance from OH. Whenever I say to mine that I'm feeling fat or like a whale he just says 'no, you're pregnant', so that's nice. And there's no way the other girl can compete- you're the one he loves and the mother to his child.

Had a productive day- got a new (second hand) car ordered and sorted part-x on mine and went to Primark for nightshirts and pjs for hosp. But got some really bad pains early afternoon. Felt painful to walk and like I was getting really bad period pains. Went after I sat down for 20mins, but didn't walk far at all. I was getting some really painful movement from baby last night as well, its like she was trying to break out of my side. I had to lie down on the sofa on my left and hold my right side- kind of like I was trying to hold her in! Made me feel a bit sick.x
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Hey ladies!!

Sorry to hear about your friend and uncle Allysa. I have also had some pain in ribs :( almost feels like baby's foot gets stuck? Very uncomfortable.

I am feeling massive and out of breath Flick. I love feeling baby's movements and everything but the bump is seriously getting in the way now. I am incapable of bending down now....which is a nightmare when cleaning the house.

Good to hear your husband is back Amy :) how did you find Primarks selection?? I'm planning on going there soon.

Had OH family round today.....i cleaned house, we cooked and they left an hour ago, I've tidied kitchen and now I'm ready for bed :( didn't eat dinner and too tired to eat now!! I'm finding sleeping hard now, I get hardly any sleep :( maybe I'll try to sleep during the day....

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