October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I am hardly sleeping too, been 5 times to the loo during last last and every time I had to change position and could not sleep straight away. I do wonder if I get few hours sleeping at all as I feel exhausted.

Baby been quiet yesterday, he would move but not as much. All night I was stressed he will be stillborn and woke up with heart palpitations. He did moved this morning, I feel everything now in my v. area , lots of pushes and so painful.
Husband has holidays and he is sorting out the house, including the nursery which is good. Tomorrow I am working half day so I will hit Primark for some knickers/nightwear and again some furniture. I only have the cot bed for the baby's room, need a changing chest drawers and a small wardrobe.

Don't hate me, but I've slept really well these past 2 nights. My OH is trying to say its due to his soothing presence (!) I think its cos we've been doing stuff in the days. Having another productive day and finished loads in the nursery- got the walls finished, put the blind up, mounted the monitor to the wall, etc.

Got the cot bed ordered as well, which in-laws are paying for, yay

Primark was ok. The nightdress and pj selection was good. Got some comfy pants and fluffy socks too. Forgot a lightweight nighty though, damn.

I am getting really short of breath now, but not really getting any heartburn. Iron tablets haven't really caused any drama either. Baby is still giving me some really painful movements x
If one more person says to me 'god it seems like you have been pregnant for ever' I think I may commit several of the seven deadly sins................ Oh I am sorry to have caused you such inconvenience with my pregnancy, do excuse me won't you!!!!!!!!! I will just head off over to the corner squat and push him out to appease you OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Sorry xx
Haha. Who dared say that? I hope you gave a suitably sarcastic response. When I think about how long we have left it seems to have gone relatively quick. I mean, I cant believe my OH has done the 6 months away and is now home. I'm sure the rest will drag though x
Oh Amy, you've been lucky to get 2 nights sleep, I want to cry ..hope I will get some good rest tonight.

Yeah ,Flick , I know what you mean. At work people are asking me every day how long left which is driving me crazy! Then they want to know when I go on maternity bla bla, I might not be the most sociable person lately. I wish no one would ask me anything apart from my people :)
Has everybody here had their 28 week blood tests? I'm 30 weeks and have put them off for the past fortnight as I have a phobia of blood tests. However, my partner is making me and go and have it tomorrow ready for my midwife app on Wednesday.
I really don't want to go but guess I have to. Does anyone know what it tests for bar iron/antibodies? :)
I have no idea apart from the iron and antibodies stuff. I assume just general ok-ness?! How come you managed to get away with at the 28w check? I'm fortunate in ok with needles, provided I look away when it actually goes in. Its more the waiting for it that I don't like. I'm pleased I had it though as it said I was anaemic
I'm guessing it's important I take it. Well, I just told my midwife I'd been extremely busy that week and hadn't had chance to get them which she seemed to believe. She just reminded me to get them done asap so she could assess my results at my next appointment with her on the 16th August so that really only leaves me tomorrow to get it analysed by Wednesday.
You're so fortunate not to be afraid. I would never compromise the health of my baby but I just hate bloods! I worked myself up into a state having my 12 week one and it wasn't even that bad! But of course I have somehow managed to reconvince myself they are terrible haha!
I hope the iron helps you! Did you have any symptoms prior to the blood that pointed to anaemia?
I'm just surprised cos my mw took bloods at my appt. I'm sure all will be fine, maybe reward yourself with something new afterwards! Great excuse. I think there were symptoms that I didn't really realise- I ws really short of breath and felt a bit faint. But once the docs phoned and said I needed iron tablets I was like 'yep, not surprised at all'. I think if you don't catch it and its bad it can potentially lead to complications post birth if there's a lot of blood loss.
The 28 week bloods are quite important, I didn't have any of my usual symptoms of anaemia but my levels came back below 8 and I'm currently on 3 x a week B12 injections (fun). Obviously everything is your decision but a blood test now could save you having something worse like a transfusion later on x

It seems that 2 nights may be my max for good nights sleep. Its either hitting that limit that's woken me, or baby wriggling around, or hubby snoring........who knows! (thank god he's lovely or I could smoother him)x
That's so funny, we were up at similar times! I woke up at 4.30 and couldn't get back to sleep so currently zombie now..
I wonder why we are all having such a hard time sleeping? Every day without fail I'm up at 4.30/5.00 and cannot get back to sleep. It gives me a massive headache and makes me super groggy. The worst thing is most of the time its for no reason? My bump is pretty small so I'm not uncomfortable, and I'm not desperate for the loo. My body just wakes me up for no reason every day!
It's so annoying isn't it?! I either have an awful nights sleep due to heartburn/toilet trips/back pain or I have an amazing sleep but my mind is like 'nope that's enough for you!' at like 5am :/ I think it's the bodies way of preparing us for the sleepless nights when the baby is here ;) x

I was going to say I think it is our bodies just preparing us to survive on 5 minutes sleep lol

This one wakes me up at about 11.30 and then at 2am (if am actually asleep) so am thinking that is going to be feeding times when he arrives so at least I will be prepared!

Could have smothered my partner last night, he told me at 1.30am to stop fidgeting as it was keeping HIM awake.......... he said 'you will miss him kicking when he is here', I said I won't as he will be screaming for food so he can get up and sort it while I sleep off the last nine months, pfftt men! I swear he thinks am staying awake on purpose, I mean really, what is it achieving me not sleeping other than a really ratty hormonal mess.....

Got so much to do this weekend too, ordered the cot bed and mattress yesterday, but we are training the dog to sleep in the kitchen, which is obv really helping with the sleep as he howls at about 3am so thats a joy, anyone have any advice on how to settle him I would really appreciate it lol open this forum to dog owners too??

Thank god it is Friday though, 5 more weeks of work left, that seems far to scary to say out loud! Wonder who will be the first to have their little one xx EXCITING xx
Ok ladies. One of the girls from the Facebook group had her baby!!!!! That's given me a kick up the bum to do hospital bag today!!!
Morning ladies sorry I've been rubbish posting on here again hope your all well xx
Oh no, that's so sad. Complete 'worst nightmare' situation. I don't know what I would do.

Well, I was awake from about 0300-0530 and then managed to go back to sleep for another 3 hours. Least I'm not at work at the moment otherwise I would have lost that extra sleep. I had some really bad pains and back ache for about 30mins, like really bad period cramps. Got a bit worried and obvs did the sensible thing and googled it! Haha. Woke hubby up and got him to get me drinks so I could rehydrate and he propped up my pillows to make me comfortable. I don't know what he did but he's a pillow god. All the snoring is forgiven! Allysa- are those pains similar to the ones you had before? Is anyone else getting them? Wasn't sure if its general aches and pains, BH, or anything else.

Having the cot bed delivered today (with in-laws paying we went next day delivery!) exciting. I will try and remember to post a pic of the nursery later.

Flick- I cant help on the dog front I'm afraid. But I know when we have to shut the cat out of rooms he will be pissed off. Hope today isn't too long and tiring for you either.
Vicki- hi, great to hear from you again. Hope all is well with you and you're managing to sleep!
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Ok ladies. One of the girls from the Facebook group had her baby!!!!! That's given me a kick up the bum to do hospital bag today!!!

Blimmin hell! Can't believe we may start having our babies soon!
To be fair, I've got most stuff sorted, just need to get little travel toiletries, and then put it all together. Last time I was in for 4 nights, so I'm trying not to over pack!

Started feeling rough yesterday, woke up with swollen glands. This morning it's worse, got a really stuffy and groggy head and blocked up nose - boooo....
I don't even think I'm going to leave the house today or tomorrow - really unusual for me, I like being out and about. Was planning to go for a swim today but that's not going to happen now, may try and take the dog out for a little walk.
She hasn't updated yet but hopefully all is ok. By the way.....he's so cute!!!!

I'm back to waiting for everything to get done again :(

Can't wash baby clothes till after Saturday as washing machine has to get fixed. Then I have no where to store the clothes until next Saturday as I'm awaiting the arrival of furniture. Feel like I'm waiting for everything at the moment :( so frustrating.

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