October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I just realised I completely read that wrong! I read that she'd lost her baby! I clearly still needed more sleep. So pleased they are ok. And I must make sure I read things properly!
So I've just booked our 4d scan! I know I'm pushing it a bit with the time! We are going on Sunday and I'll be 32w 5d ...hopefully we get to see our little surprise :) if not then I don't know if we can go for another scan as OH is so busy and he's going away on Saturday. Hopefully baby will behave and not hide!!! So excited!!!
Cool, hopefully baby will behave and you'll get some great pics. And you'll be able to work out which of each of your features have been passed on.

I've had a naughty baby again. She was pretty quiet all yesterday and then most of this morning. I was awake at 0140 and by 0340 I decided to call the hosp, esp as we go away this afternoon for 4 days. With lack of movements and the pain I'd had they got me in and hooked up to a monitor. Fortunately all was fine, and typically she's now being very active. But due to the 2 bouts of reduced movement and the fact that my bump was measuring 2 weeks behind last Tuesday they have decided to get me in for a growth scan. Should get an appt at the end of the week. Viewing it as a nice opportunity to see baby again and get an idea of size now. x
I was also waiting to be sent for a growth scan but it hasn't happened as even though I'm still measuring 4 weeks ahead, it's ok? I'm so intrigued to see what they say they babies weigh around now. Like you said, it'll be a good judgement idea for birth weight. Because I'm so big I'm expecting some 13lb baby! I just hope I'm not too big to have the scan.

How's everyone's movements? This little one will not stop wriggling. There was a massive movement last night which was painful and made me feel sick :( anyone else experience this?
I had a growth scan last week, baby was breech at the scan and then I felt the most sickening movement the next night and he had flipped! Since then a lot of the movements I feel are uncomfortable :/

I had the scan at 29+5 and my lil chubs was estimated to weigh 3lbs :) x

Morning ladies !
My hearts skipped a bit when I read one October Mummy already had the baby ! Made me think how unprepared I would be if he would come now . Olivia update us please in case she comes back of how is the baby x

My baby is naughty again but I haven't been to get checked yet . 2 days ago he was quiet but I could still feel slight movements and period pains . However , he started being again very active yeaterday and today So he can be lazy at times and make mama worried .

It is very strange Olivia , my midwife said over 3 weeks ahead it is a question mark and she would send me for a growth scan . Must be different in some areas ?

We are in full decoration / painting rooms at the moment grr can' t wait to see the final results

How exciting about the 4d scan :D hopefully baby will be in a favorable position :D
Olivia- I think the combination of reduced movements and it measuring slightly small made then go 'well, we might as well'. I've been really impressed with them actually. When I called the labour ward at 0345 they were lovely and when I went it so see them they were so nice. I was so worried I was just wasting their time but they said no, we should go everytime we are worried as there is no point worrying.

I had been getting loads of movement that was making me feel sick, it was the lack yesterday that then worried me as I was used to it. I'm thinking I might be going the other way Olivia- I'm worried I'm going to have a scrawny stick baby. Don't get me wrong, I'd like her to be smaller for an easier exit (!) but I want her healthy.

Got a night at the in-laws tonight (urgh when I cant booze), but then 3 nights in a fancy hotel near Leeds. Cant wait to get in the pool, lounge in a massive bed, hopefully nap a bit. Wow- holidays have changed!x
I had the same feeling digital....will be interested to see position of baby tomorrow. It was a rolling movement feeling, pressure and I began to feel really sick! As it happened I said out loud I think baby is turning around. Not looking forward to when the baby decides to go head down and I have to feel that again.

Allysa, as far as I know the lady and baby are doing well. She hasn't updated us much as she's obviously got a lot going on! I am waiting to see how the early delivery came about!

So I have been using palmers cocoa butter for my bump and boobs to reduce stretch marks and to keep everything moisturised as I have eczema. I decided to massage bump while watching tv this morning. Once I had finished, I began to read a magazine and 10 minutes later I noticed I had a small wet patch on my t shirt. My boobs are leaking!? I went upstairs to put my bra and breast pads on....nothing else has leaked since but it gave me a shock haha
I've also been leaking for the past week and I've been wearing breast pads. I've also got a clogged milk duct which is a painful red lump with a white head which indicates its infected. So I have antibiotics for it now but if it doesn't go soon, I'll have to have it lanced. I just didn't realise you could have things like an infected milk duct before the baby is actually born !
I'm also using Palmers- do you find it insanely greasy?! Seriously, I use it fairly liberally and rub it fully but I still feel sticky and greasy for a good half an hour afterwards. I can't even use it in the day because it sticks to my clothes so I just use it before bed as I'm not so bothered about a sticky nightie!
Ahh tealady that sounds painful, I didn't know you could get blocked ducts before having the baby either!

Anybody else feel like this trimester is going to realllllly drag? I feel like I'm back in tri 1 again with not feeling great and symptom spotting all the time! Plus I can't see myself not being pregnant anytime soon haha x

I'm sooooo sleepy!!

Interesting about the duct! This is all new to me!!

I do find the cocoa butter greasy but I don't mind as I feel moisturised for ages after. Im unsure if it's actually helping as I have had stretch marks appear on my hips and lower belly. So I don't think I'll prevent them.
I feel like the time is going quick!! I put together our buggy today :) it is massive!! But all works and no missing parts :) so I'm happy about that.

How are you finding your diet? I have struggled to eat healthy recently :(
I'm on the Palmers stretch mark cream too. I don't find it too bad, but I do try and leave time to dry after I apply. I like the smell and how long it lasts. I mostly just use that on my belly, back and sides in the morning and evening and then use Avon stuff all over after a shower.

I'm a mixture between it rushing by (as I cant believe I'll be 32 w on Monday) and it dragging cos the aches and pains are getting real. I want it to be done, but I don't want labour (haha) and I have enjoyed some of pregnancy. And I know having full responsibility all the time for the baby will be tough.

Diet is pretty hit and miss. Trying to be good but I want carbs, and warm cheese, and cakes and biscuits. Hmmmm, hungry now x
I had no idea about the duct either! It can be quite painful and its leaking white pus like fluid, so not attractive! Just hoping the antibiotics will clear it up so I can avoid lancing!
Palmers smells lovely and because it is so thick it makes me feel like I'm using something helpful but I just can't stand the greasiness eurgh!
I hope this trimester flies by now! My diet is crap as obviously I am still suffering with constant nausea/ pregnancy sickness so my diet is literally toast, cheese, crackers, cereal bars and bits of fruit. Literally same food each day. I feel like such a bad mum and constantly guilty that my baby is being deprived of nutrients (as well as me) but I can't stomach anything else :( It's absolutely horrible.
All I want is carbs too Amy.

So I've completed my first week of hypnobirthing and I don't really feel much different!! 5 weeks to go so I'm keeping an open mind :)

Also heartburn has calmed down in the past few days.....think it's because I've skipped dinner but had a big lunch and light snack in evenings. Can't believe I have just over 7 weeks left :o
We decided on ours at about 22w when hubby was home for a bit. I had a list of ideas and halfway through he went 'yep, that's the one', and then didn't want to discuss anymore. We're not telling people as we want to keep it a surprise and don't want anyone to not like it. We've gone traditional through, and just got one first and one second name. They're long (ish) names that's can be shortened if they want. I like the option of her being able to use different 'names' for different stages of life- but for there to be a longer name for me to call her when she's naughty!

She's currently still being referred to as Dave- I hope we get out of that habit when she's born and that doesn't turn into a random name we call her. I'm definitely going to have to make sure I go with hubby to register her so that doesn't sneak in as another middle name!

How are you guys going on the name front? Have people narrowed it down? x
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Hey ladies x
Tealady , interesting about the duct however it does sound painful so hopefully the antibiotics will clear it out . So far no leaking here , I am checking boobs daily but after reading maybe it is time to buy some breast pads for the future !
Guilty of eating a lot of crap lately ( like real crap - McDonalds , etc ) but I try to get back on track with healthy things . I am eating loads of fruits and drinking like 3 l water /per day . I am just always hungry and thirsty !
I really want him here now and I agree time is going slow now for me . He call him Bubu now and need to get rid of this soon as I don' t want someone to hear or call him that . Also decided of a name but did not told to anyone yet , just the parents . Chosing the second name seems so be quite difficult and will see if We would go for it in the end .
Baby has hiccups twice daily now , do your ones jave it as well ? I assume it is fine . Andd I feel he changed position , can't tell how is he sitting but he moved . Hope he is still head down though ��
Heartburn really got me now ..grrr . I am not taking anything for it yet .

Sunny day ahead , we have plans of buying some more bits today so hope I will be knackered tonight and have a good sleep.

Have a lovely Sundays mummies and bumps ��
Husband has chosen a name for both a boy or a girl.....hes rather fixated on it! But I'm unsold as I like really unusual names! Also we have no middle names. If it was left up to husband, he would use his name as the middle name even though he already did that with his oldest! Think it'll be a case of we will wait until the baby is here, see if it's a boy or girl then choose a name.

Allysa do you have a boots advantage card? If you do, sign up to the parenting club and if you download the boots app you get vouchers for all different things. I got an e voucher which i downloaded onto my card for a pack of free breast pads....i walked In store, picked up a full size pack of breast pads, went to the checkout and the lady scanned my card and I didn't pay a thing :) also got another free MAM bottle. Also they given me paper vouchers for the same deal :) so I will be getting more when I pass boots.

I've only noticed baby to have hiccups once or twice. Was funny to see though.

Just put our first lot of baby clothes on to be washed!!! Only the stuff we are taking to the hospital and some blankets - just so I can get the hospital bag sorted next week. Eeeek I'm so excited to see baby clothes hanging up to dry.

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