October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)


Digitalcity, love the pram!

3 weeks leave sounds lovely Amy, I will take 2 just before my maternity starts and I still have 2 more which I might add now or take them forward after maternity finishes. I just counted and I have only 7 weeks at work left yeyyy ! Hope my water won't broke in the office haha

Finally I managed to sleep a bit better last night just just one trip to toilet . Anyway I could have sleep longer if I wouldn't have to go to work grrr

I did not took my Emma Diary's pack yet, I keep the voucher in my bag and always forget :) I ll put a note and collect it this weekend

Bought a few packs of Hughes wipes and the rest are Tesco Sensitive baby . I only have like 5 packs now but as you girls I will stock up until the baby is here. Need to get back on track and see what is left to buy as I completely lost it..

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Urgh, feeling pretty crappy today. Was sat at work and had that really odd feeling where you feel like you might faint. Decided to get home and see how I felt. Still feel odd, breathless and a bit faint so I've got a docs appointment at 1530. Usually I'd just ignore it, but thought as I'm pregnant I should call them. Baby has been wriggling around all day so I'm not too concerned. Guessing its tiredness, lack of lung space, etc
All fine at docs. Guessing just a combination of low iron, little space, etc.
Aw Amy, I'm glad the doctors aren't concerned but it's a horrible feeling! I got really hot whilst doing the grocery shop earlier and stupidly thought how embarrassing it would be if I passed out!

Hope you manage to get some rest tonight and feel better tomorrow x

Aww Amy, hope you manage to get some rest tonight, hopefully just an off day, glad nothing serious.

Had mw appt today, all measuring fine, at 30cm, so just under the 50th centile. She said it's the growth between the scans they are looking at, rather than the actual measurements themselves, so if there is a nice curve, they are not concerned.

It seems like baby is still head down, which is good. She said the day I was unwell would have been her moving, as they are now quite big, so she said I will prob know about it if she moves 180 like that again! I mentioned about having a tight chest and feeling a bit breathless, and she made a good point about sleeping. She said if I prop myself up at night a bit more than usual, then that stops the pressure on the artery behind the uterus. She said this means if you end up on your back don't worry, as you won't be putting pressure on that artery if you are propped up. That gave me some reassurance as even if I go to sleep on my side, I always end up on my back!

She said the 36w appt is my house! That is when they will discuss birth plan, etc. God, I'm going to be cleaning like a loon before that appt!!
Thanks ladies, I am feeling a lot better. I was really worried I was going to pass out in work or something silly, urgh.

Good to hear that baby is now head down Lea, and not surprised you were feeling bad when she was doing a 180! These babies have no idea what they are doing to us do they. I'm really interested to see what my measurements are next Tuesday. Sometimes I feel massive and sometimes I don't feel too big for my dates. Its really difficult to be able to judge it.
I'm not sure if I get any of the appointments at home, well, until we get right to the end and if I need/decide to have a sweep or anything. I know the mw said we would discuss the birth plan nearer the time.

I've just seen that tescos are having another one of their Baby Events from 10 Aug. No idea what it includes but wanted to give you all a heads up x
Glad you feel better Amy! x
It is getting so much harder to breathe and I am quite dizzy, very close to faint as well yesterday so I went home from work. I feel so good that I have a weekend to rest. Starting to train the girl who will cover me on my maternity leave and she is nice but I am just rubbish at explaining and way too tired, especially on a Friday.

Had an argument with my hubby and I ended up screaming cause I can't take anyone complains at the moment, feeling so terrible...

My midwife appt is on Monday, I can't see my bump bigger than before but maybe I am just used to it so waiting for her measurements. As Lea said, most important is to grow and not the measurements . Interesting if they will come to my house as well , I have the health visitor on 30th August though! My house if a mess, are they checking baby s room? Might sound silly but I have no idea.

I will hit Tesco on 10th to check out the Baby event ! x
Hey ladies

Excuse me for not posting but I have 0% energy at the moment and I'm falling asleep as I type this!!

The pampers sound like a good deal Allysa! I got 44 for £3 from asda a few weeks back.

I don't feel great at the moment. Very flu like. Tired, cold all the time, very congested. Anyone else feel like this?

Actually sleeping is fine, it's the turning over and getting comfortable I'm struggling with. I actually find it painful to turn over....my bump hurts...if that makes sense? I have a wedge pillow, which I put underneath my bump while I sleep but if I turn over then it's rather painful :(

I picked up 2/3 of the Emma's diary packs....i got quite a bit in them! Impressed. In the mum to be pack I got a full size pack of dettol floor wipes, 2 trial packs of newborn nappies from boots, a sample pot of palmers cocoa tummy butter for stretch marks, a sample pack of pregnacare and a trial sachet of persil and comfort. In the new family pack i got a sample pack of size 3 pampers and pampers wipes, x2 Lansinoh breast milk storage bags, oilatum sachet, tena lights sample including 5 pads, x2 Lansinoh nursing pads, aquafresh milk teeth toothpaste sample, sample pack of fairy non bio and a cute little feeding spoon from petits filous. VERY impressed with the range of products in the packs. Will pop back to collect the bump to baby pack when they're back in store. Recommend picking them up :)
Sounds like we're all starting to feel it now, in one way or another. Allysa- I'm with you on the shortness of breathe. Also finding it difficult to care enough to train up the guy who will be covering my mat leave, esp as he seems so laid back. I'll see how he's done when I go back after this batch of leave.
Sorry you're not feeling great at the moment Olivia. Hopefully its just a bad day and you're not getting a cold or anything. I've been feeling a bit snotty up in the mornings, but nothing major.

I'm now on 3 weeks leave and I am sooooo happy about it. I just want to sleep and relax and nap. Oh, I want to nap so much. Liking forward to not having to get up early, esp if I keep waking between 0300-0500. Got loads of stuff to get sorted once OH gets home too- need to finish the nursery, get a cot bed, get a new car, visit in-laws. Going to make the most of the last few days chilling before he returns x
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I've had an eventful evening, my vision went blurry at tea time so I called 111 who sent me straight up to A&E where they found my blood pressure to be really high. I then got sent to the local maternity hospital where my blood pressure calmed down a bit but my pulse was still really high which they think might be due to anaemia so I'll likely be having a blood transfusion next week. They're sending me for a growth scan next week too :/ I had leukocytes and blood in my urine too sooo basically not really sure what's going on! I'm back at home now though, think I'll take the day off work tomorrow.

Oh no Digital, that sounds really scary. Least you noticed it quickly and the Drs sound like they are all over it. Definitely take tomorrow off work. I'm thinking you should be signed off for at least a few weeks. Try and take it easy at home too- maybe a lot of sofa time with boxsets?
From what I've been told these babies take all of the goodness from us, so while you might be feeling rubbish you can guess that baby is probably having a whale of a time with all your nutrients!

Hope things pick up soon. Keep us posted as and when you can cos we'll be thinking of you x
Baby was monitored for an hour last night so I'm sure he's fine in there, the midwife was just concerned about how small he feels.

I don't think I have much to worry about, I completely freaked at the first hospital because the doctor mentioned pre-eclampsia but that seems to have been ruled out now. The visual disturbances where put down to a migraine aura and the tachycardia most likely because I'm anaemic. I'm waiting for a call back today to see whether they want me in for a transfusion.. yay.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend, looks like the weather is getting nice again :) x

Oh blimey digital, glad you were looked at quickly and throughly. And glad baby is fine in there!
Any news on your bloods? Have you suffered from anaemia before? I don't know much about it, a transfusion seems like quite a major intervention!

Don't worry, I'm on pre eclampsia watch too! I had it with my first, quite serious, was induced via the drip within 6 hours of them suspecting something at my mw appt. I'm on aspirin this time, which has kept my bp quite normal and stable - but the nearer we get, the more anxious I will be - doesn't help I had zero symptoms so I've got nothing to look out for!
Oh wow. Digital that sounds scary :( I hope everything gets sorted for you soon and you start to feel better soon. I don't really know much about preeclampsia but it doesn't sound good :(

I find I'm super hungry and alert in the mornings (around 6am) then by 3pm I'm done for the day!!! Planning on going out for Sunday lunch today (making the most of one of our last 5 weekends just us if baby isn't early)

I survived the family gathering yesterday! Was completely exhausted by 4pm so I came home, OH stayed on till 3am!!! So glad I made the choice to come back early.

I officially started my hypnosis course this morning. You may notice I will use different words for things like contractions, labour etc. So excited to see how I get on with it. Anyone else doing any birth prep?
Hope you're feeling a bit better Digital.
I'm with you on feeling knackered at gatherings. I went to a friends bbq yesterday but left at 2000. I just wanted to get home, put my sweats on and lie down. Apparently the rest on them got on the cocktails and kept going til gone 0200, urgh!

Just been given two bags of clothes from my mate, ranging from 0-9 months. I swear with the amount of stuff we have been given from cousins and friends we wont need to buy any clothes for the first 9 months. Its ace. Going to save so much.

Not really done much planning or prep lately. Have ordered a new Moses basket mattress that should turn up today so once thats here I can think about washing bedding. I start my antenatal classes in my 33rd week so that will get me thinking (I hope!)x
Oh blimey digital, glad you were looked at quickly and throughly. And glad baby is fine in there!
Any news on your bloods? Have you suffered from anaemia before? I don't know much about it, a transfusion seems like quite a major intervention!

Don't worry, I'm on pre eclampsia watch too! I had it with my first, quite serious, was induced via the drip within 6 hours of them suspecting something at my mw appt. I'm on aspirin this time, which has kept my bp quite normal and stable - but the nearer we get, the more anxious I will be - doesn't help I had zero symptoms so I've got nothing to look out for!

Lea do you remember your blood pressure readings at all? A couple of mine where in the 'high bp' category and 4 readings where 'pre hypertension' my bp has been rather low the whole pregnancy so I feel that such a big jump is significant but because I didn't have protein in my urine they ruled it out? I didn't have my notes with me to show them my low readings grrrr.

Oh no digitalcity..you've been through a scary time but good you went quickly to checked and doctors pick it up. My bp always goes up quickly when I am in hospital as I freak out . Hope things will calm down and it is not pre eclamsia.

I am having a lot of period pains and my back hurts so bad at times..Every position is uncomfortable . Work tomorrow yey :(
half day though, I have got my midwife appt at midday then I will take my whopping cough jab and I will go home to rest after.

Hypnosis courses sounds interesting, I don't know much about them but let us know how they go.
Did not booked any antenatal classes yet and midwife will surely ask me tomorrow about it ...I just completely forgot, got so many things on my mind at the moment.

Oh blimey digital, glad you were looked at quickly and throughly. And glad baby is fine in there!
Any news on your bloods? Have you suffered from anaemia before? I don't know much about it, a transfusion seems like quite a major intervention!

Don't worry, I'm on pre eclampsia watch too! I had it with my first, quite serious, was induced via the drip within 6 hours of them suspecting something at my mw appt. I'm on aspirin this time, which has kept my bp quite normal and stable - but the nearer we get, the more anxious I will be - doesn't help I had zero symptoms so I've got nothing to look out for!

Lea do you remember your blood pressure readings at all? A couple of mine where in the 'high bp' category and 4 readings where 'pre hypertension' my bp has been rather low the whole pregnancy so I feel that such a big jump is significant but because I didn't have protein in my urine they ruled it out? I didn't have my notes with me to show them my low readings grrrr.

I can't remember what they were the weeks leading up to it, but at 37 weeks, my bottom reading was 103 - can't remember what the top one was! That was when they sent me to the hospital straight away. I have been on aspirin this time, and my BP is hovering around the 125/77 mark, so hoping it stays that way.
It's a bit strange that yours jumped so suddenly...I suppose it must come with other symptoms, high BP being just one, so if it's that on its own, they they aren't that worried.
I went in for assessment, and baby was monitored for a hour, and I had many bloods done...
If you are worried at all, just call in and ask to get checked. I have a 3 week gap now, even though my consulatant said to be seen every 2 weeks, and she said if I literally just wanted a blood pressure check, I could pop in!

One a very unglamorous side note, I'm adding bladder weakness to my list of ailments! :oooo:
Didn't manage to make it to the loo in time at work yesterday, it was such a sudden urge! Then afterwards I thought to myself, what if that was my waters, lol!
Fingers crossed my husband is flying home today after the full 6 month detachment. There have been problems with aircraft so I'm expecting a message telling me he's delayed a day or two, but at the moment no news is good news. If we get to about 1400 and its still like this I'll be so happy. He still wont get home to me til tomorrow, but yay!x
Aw yay Amy! You must be so excited to see him, how lovely. Is that him home now for the birth?

Good luck with the vaccine Alyssa :)

I'm not doing any antenatal classes, I booked onto the NHS ones with my son and I think I only attended one. I just felt it was all info that I'd heard from my midwife or read about myself, although they are good to chat to other mums! I think I'll get some hypnobirthing books and CDs and focus on practising breathing techniques but that's about it.

Lol Lea, that's happened to me! I always think I don't need the loo but then baby will shift right onto my bladder and I'll have about 10 seconds to find the toilet haha x


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