October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

Happy 31 weeks Olivia ! x

I am very uncomfortable as well, everything I do it feels like I am squashing the baby, if I need to pick up something from the floor it is a nightmare. When I sleep on the side I feel something movements under me which make me feel again I am hurting him. Would that be possible? Oh ladies... and more than 2 months to go!

Finally August! September and then we are next, or who knows :D

Good luck with your midwife today Olivia! Will be interesting to see if you are still ahead or not. Next Monday my turn :)
Hahaha if I drop something on the floor...its staying there until OH returns home. Along with the uncomfortableness, I am so breathless. Sometimes just from talking!! Also I have little bursts of energy, followed by intense tiredness 20mins later. I woke up around 6:45 with a mad urge to clean...i sorted a wash and put it on then had to go and lay down :lol:

Just been reading my Ovia app and apparently baby is the size of a romaine lettuce!
Also I don't think it's possible for us to hurt baby from how we sit/lay etc....as there's a lot of padding going on! Also baby is protected by fluid. Although I think if we bend forward or curl Up, baby can feel squashed. Or maybe that's just mine as if I lean forward I get loads of kicks until I move back haha
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I don't have bursts of energy very often really haha. When I came back from work at 16:30 I cook something quick to eat with my hubby because he is leaving for nightshift and then I am dead.
I know what you mean Allysa- sometimes when lying on my side I feel her wriggling like she is right underneath me. And when I have to bend over she gives me a lot of pokes.

I feel better in the mornings. Then I feel about 5st lighter and as though I can do things. By about 1400 I start feeling like a whale and in the evenings im shattered. If I do too much my back starts to ache and last night my ribs were hurting. Yay! And im also getting breathless. I sound like im falling apart don't I! I am definitely aware though that at the moment, compared to some people I am having it easy.

Congrats on 31 weeks Olivia
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All ok with baby! Listened to heartbeat for ages which was nice as usually we only get a few seconds to listen. Baby's heart rate was at 140 again, which is what it's been each time :) was told baby must be very happy.

I was told to go and view the birth centre soon, I must look into that. Also she asked if I had been to any antenatal classes....my first one is booked for Thursday but I don't think I will go.

On the measuring side of things.....im still measuring 3/4 weeks ahead. Currently measuring what I should be measuring around 35 weeks! But she didn't seem bothered (unlike the last midwife ) she said as the size is still increasing so nothing to be concerned about!? I'm now thinking what if baby comes early? Eeeeeek.

Midwife also signed my forms to apply for the sure start maternity grant :D can send them off once my income support payments come through. Finally feel like I'm getting somewhere with my finances!!

Took the nappies back to asda and picked up 96 size 1 pampers for £8 :) which I thought was a good deal as 44 pampers is usually £6.

Hope you're all feeling ok ladies!!
Great news on the maternity grant, and getting to hear the hb for a long time. Interesting that another midwife is also measuring you as ahead. I would ask if you could have got your dates wrong, but surely measurements from the 12 and 20 weeks scan mean you cant be that out on dates? Maybe there's just a big baby in there, or could it be a large placenta or lots of fluid? I'm not sure, just guessing. But its good that the measurements are increasing well over the weeks.

I have my antenatal classes at 33, 34 and 35 weeks. Looking forward to the hospital visit, and viewing the other appts as two free afternoons off work!

How can I be so tired but unable to sleep or even get comfortable? Urgh But all fine apart from that!x
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Good morning, even if I can't say I got any sleep last night. He was overly active and kicking from 2 am until I got out of bed at 5 am. I am knackered from the morning, good day ahead!

Great news Olivia on maternity grant. Well, I believe some people just measure ahead but it doesn't mean the baby will be big. In my case, because I put so much weight I believe it is just fat. Now I am very curious how much I will measure.

I wish my midwife would listen my baby heartbeat as well. I will push her to do it, it is not enough just to ask if he's moving and concluded to be fine. What if the heartbeat is too low or too high and he is is distress ? I won't be leaving until they will listen to the hb as well.

Pampers are on sale in Tesco, got 2 packs with 44 nappies , 4 pounds each which I thought is not so bad. Did not got to Aldi yet but is on my list. I bought only 2-5 kg until now, are you girls buying bigger ones?

Hope I'll manage to get through this day..
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Ah at least baby is growing well Olivia, that's the main thing. Like Amy said, it may all be fluid or something.
My bump literally changes every day, it completely depends on the day, what I've eaten, what I'm wearing, lol!

Sleep is starting to become a chore...I just can't get comfy. Most of the time the pregnancy pillow is between my knees, but last night I had really bad restless legs, so I propped myself up with it and that seemed to help. I'm not sure if she is still head down coz in the mornings, when I wake up and lie on my left, she goes crazy, and I can feel hard movements on either side of my belly, like I've tipped her on her side! I will speak to midwife this week, appointment on Thursday.
I think we're all struggling with sleep aren't we! I can't remember what feeling comfortable is like lol. I've started laying sort of between my back and side with pillows behind me and duvet under my bump! I've been to the doctors this morning because the heartburn was unbearable, it was making me sick. I've been prescribed Omeprazole so fingers crossed it helps :)

I have my whooping cough jab later on today too ergh.

Digitalcity, hope you'll feel better after the prescription :)

I was lucky not to suffer as much from heartburn. Just a few episodes which did not last long.
Please let me know how is going with the whooping cough jab later, I have booked mine for next Monday but I am still not 100% sure about it. However I will take it if it is the best for my baby.

I am sleeping with my duvet under my bump as well and with a pillow between my legs. And When I wake up I feel like the trained passed all over me :D
I think I stole the good nights sleep last night. I think I pretty much slept through from 2330-0700! Only one quick wake up. Had a really weird dream though where my sister was trying to kill me and my mum (we all get on great), haha. I'm sure the sleeping won't continue though so maybe someone else will get it tonight.
I usually go to sleep propped up but wake up between my back and side with pillows wedged around me.
Haven't had much heartburn, but the tiny bit I have had was horrid. Hope the medicine helps digital.

Last day commuting to London today and I've finished early. The next time I could do it is 35w and I've said no. I don't need to so I'm not going to. Got 3 weeks leave after these next two days and I cant wait. I want to nap so much. And finalise the nursery x
Allysa the jab itself wasn't too bad, I don't deal with injections too well but I've heard horror stories about babies getting whooping cough and for me it's just one less thing to worry about once baby is here. Vaccines are personal preference though!

Will you be starting your maternity leave after the 3 weeks leave Amy? I haven't put in a date to leave yet but my manager is quite relaxed about me just seeing how I get on for the next couple weeks.

My pram came! I love it and the basket is HUGE. Finally starting to feel organised, just a few bits left to get.

Unfortunately not. I'm going back for another 4 weeks. I'm taking 2 weeks leave from 38w and then starting maternity leave from my due date. I will end up with about 6 days worth of leave left that I'm going to carry over so if things get difficult I can add that on before. I also work flexi hours so trying to build some up so the last few weeks I can do shorter days if tired.

Once I get back from the 3 weeks leave I'll be staying in my main office so no travelling around or trains, yay.

I love your pram. I cant wait to get mine out of the box again
Hey ladies!

So last night I slept from 10pm till 10am this morning!!! Was amazing to actually sleep. But I had no movements today until 6pm which was unsettling. The only reason why the baby moved was because I played music! Baby tends to be quiet after appointments as it doesn't like the poking the midwife does!

The midwife who I saw yesterday told me not to worry about the measurements being off as the chart they use is sort of predicted based on our height and bmi and stuff. As long as the measurements are increasing in a gradual line, it is good. Also I have put on a tonne of weight haha so that could have something to do with it.

Ohhh which pram is that digital? Love the brown handle!!

I saw on Facebook today that the Emma's diary packs now have a 22 pack of pampers in them!! I got mine a few weeks ago and only got a trial pack of pampers which contains 1 nappy :( gutted.
Also has anyone used the Morrisons own brand of water wipes???? They only cost 67p! I bought some today and I'm taking them to my next midwife appointment to ask her opinion on using them from day 1
Well that's frustrating. I think I got one of those and all the ones I've had have only had trial packs of things.

There's no Morrisons near me so I didn't even know they did those. I've just been getting the Tesco Baby sensitive skin baby wipes. Think they're about£2.80 for 5packs.
I want to stock up on stuff but am also worried that I might get stuff that then doesn't work for my baby. I'm guessing that you can returned unopened stuff even if you get a credit note or swap it for other stuff?
I am buying waterwipes for the first month or so out of convenience! I believe the midwives will let me use these while I'm in hospital...i saw them today in-store....they're called as pure as water wipes....i will take them and ask. If not then water wipes are around £2.50 per pack but I believe it'll be easier to use wipes to clean baby after the meconium poop rather than cotton wool!

I too would like to stock up. I am trying to buy sensitive products as I have eczema and would prefer to use the most natural products on baby as their skin is so delicate. When I find waterwipes on offer I will stock up! I've heard that you just have to be careful the packs don't get opened and left as they can go mouldy as they are just water and fruit extract!
It's the mamas and papas ocarro Olivia :)

Ooh I sometimes do a shop with Amazon Prime Now and they're in partnership with Morrisons so I'll have to look for the water wipes! I've seen the original brand ones which I was planning on buying because cotton wool and water is such a faff but if I can get them cheaper then great.

I haven't signed up for any freebie packs yet, I'll have to get the Emma's diary one :)

I'm not buying any bathing products for baby, myself and my son have such bad eczema so I wouldn't want to risk flaring up the babies delicate skin so I'll be just using water for a couple months to clean baby.

I've got my close caboo wrap back from my sister too, can't wait to carry the baby in it - I love the closeness of babywearing :)


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