October 2017 Mummies - The last thread :)

I would't be too worried about measurements either, they are not as accurate. I had the midwife and a student midwife measuring me, one got 32 weeks and one 31 weeks. I am very curios how much I will measure on the next appt which is on 7th August.

30 weeks sounds so far... Can't wait to see all these October babies coming even if there are not many of us :D

I have read in the other groups how good the Aldi nappies are and I am thinking to get a pack or 2 . I will get one from each shop to compare.

Still did not put anything together for my hospital bag . At the moment I am trying to find some comfy night dresses with buttons in the front , couldn't find anything in shops though.

Anyone decided not to take the whooping cough vaccine? I thought not to, but I will probably book it as I don't want to be stressed after.

Happy Friday x
I'm definitely going for all the vaccinations on offer for me and the baby. I'm a strong believer in them.
I've got an Aldi near me so I might try some of their nappies, but will probably stick with tescos mainly as I can walk to my closest one in 5mins.

I've been thinking about the hospital bag but haven't started yet. Will probably start in a few weeks. I have a lot of the essentials dotted around the place at the mo. Just missing my husband! I'm going to hit Primark for cheap night shirts and pjs (for the buttoned up tops) and a lightweight dressing gown or big wrap thing. Probably get some bigger sweats there too. I don't see the point in paying anymore than I have to for stuff that will probably get thrown away after the hospital and initial bf'ing x
I am also taking a trip to Primark next week!!! I've heard the baby stuff there is good. I agree with the not wanting to spend loads on our hospital/recovery clothes. I am going to pick up some cheap big knickers, loose dark cotton pyjama bottoms or tracksuit bottoms so I can throw it away in the early days. The last thing I will want to do is come home and have to wash blood stained underwear/clothing!!! One less thing to worry about.

I have also heard about the Aldi nappies but my closest Aldi store is 2 buses away :( it's fine now but I don't think I'd do a journey like that once baby is here. I was planning on using asda nappies but after recent events I'm having to return the ones I've bought :( does anyone have any experience with Morrisons or Sainsbury's nappies? Those shops are walking distance from my house so will be more accessible after baby is here.

Also those who are planning to FF....what brand are you going with? I think I'm going go try Aptamil

I got the whooping cough vaccine a few weeks ago. I have nothing against vaccines and thought it'll be another thing not to worry about when baby is here. Want to offer the most protection I can. I was reading on another thread about the cold sore kiss that killed a baby this month? Since reading it....I am even more nervous about visitors :( with OH family we will have minimum of 20 people visiting in the first week :( ive told him my concerns but he doesnt seem to think it's an issue.

I have bought all feeding equipment, steriliser, bottle prep machine etc.....i just wondered when or if you ladies have already put them in kitchen and set them up or are you waiting till you need them?
I've tried not to read the cold sore stuff as I get cold sores when rundown. Fortunately not had one for years (touch wood) so hoping I've grown out of them, but its still worrying. Especially with the high chances of getting stressed out/rundown during labour and just after.

I'm hoping to bf but still want to try and express and use some bottles once all is settled. Hopefully then OH can do some night feeds. I've got some bottles and bags for storing milk and steriliser. Bottles etc are in a cupboard in the kitchen but steriliser is in box upstairs. I'll probably get it out when I go on leave at 38weeks. I'm worried about doing anything too soon and looking silly or jinxing it. Its really difficult to know whens a good time to do everything, how long these babies will stay put, and how much energy we will have later on.

I've just done a load of gardening and am knackered. That's my exercise for the day. When I was bending over the baby kept poking me as if to say 'oi, stop squeezing me', it was funny. x
I think I'm going to start asking my midwife questions about after birth. No matter how many times I tell my OH something, he won't listen. If I ask her about lots of visitors after birth, she may agree with immediate family only (our parents) he will listen to her but not me. Stubborn isn't the word.

I think I am going to wait until OH goes away at the end of August to unpack bottles and things. Also want to set up our upstairs feeding area for night feeds but I have to wait until OH sorts out delivery for our oak drawers. Feel like all I'm doing is waiting at the moment!!!

I have now started to realise that im having a baby. I know that sounds mad but ive been pregnant for almost 31 weeks now and I almost forgot that after we will have an actual baby :lol: realisation moment I think!
Lol, I've pencilled in a primark visit on Wednesday, lol! I've just realised I've only potentially got 2 more paydays - eek!

Well I went for a swim and been walking every day trying to encourage her to move out of breech position. I tried some positions but they just made me feel ill and I would rather she done it of her own accord really...
Anyway, yesterday I woke up and I felt she had moved - I got up and it was so painful! I felt properly unwell, had to do a food shop, got to Sainsbury's car park, had to turn around and come home! Feel better today so think she has settled somewhere, I'm just glad it's not near my stomach again. Has she settled the right way? will find out at the re-scan on Monday!!
Ohhh. Hopefully she has moved for you Lea. Last appointment midwife felt my stomach and said baby was head down...will be interesting to see what she says on Tuesday as I've had some big movements.

I miss being comfortable :(
Olivia- I think its perfectly normal. I still cant believe that I'm having a baby. I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow and sometimes it feels like I've been pregnant forever and sometimes it seems like its going too quickly. I'm sure I will have an 'oh my god, I'm having a baby' panic soon!

Allysa- happy 30 weeks.

Hopefully baby has moved lea, least that will explain the discomfort. My baby was head down at the last check but who knows where she'll be next week. Sometimes it feels like she's stretching diagonally. Owww.

My OH just told me his replacement has been delayed and he might be delayed coming home. I just completely lost my sh*t via email. I know on paper we have 10 weeks but who knows and will still have loads of bits to do. I just want him home as well as I'm getting fed up with it. Hopefully it will all be ok but I am really annoyed x
Oh no Amy :( sorry to hear that. I hope you can figure something out :(
I threw a massive strop and I think my hubby realised he needed to try and sort something out. His flight home is still booked but his replacement has been delayed getting out there so it depends how long they say he needs for the handover. I basically said I couldn't care less about that and want him home when he's originally due. I was highly irrational and didn't care. Haha. Love being able to blame pregnancy hormones!

Managed to fall asleep for 2 hrs and now I'm awake again, yay! I know this will happen when the baby is here but its so frustrating now. Esp as it takes me so long to get comfortable and I still have to get up early to go to work. Oooh, I'm like a little ray of sunshine at the moment. xx
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Hahaha Amy.

I don't think you're being irrational at all. I couldn't imagine not having my OH here each day. Must be hard :(
All the July mum's have had their babies....now it's time for the August mums. 2 months left for us ladies!!!!
Also I am feeling sooooo uncomfortable!!! I feel like my ribs are crushing my organs...i can't take deep breaths anymore. Maybe baby is in my ribs. All I know is....i am so uncomfortable I want to scream :( God knows what it'll feel like when baby is full term :'(
Morning x

Thanks Amy, Congratulations on hitting 30 weeks today for you as well . Feels a bit more real after 30 weeks I believe even if I do not realize I am having a baby. I start to panic and to feel unprepared.
I am with you being angry about the situation with your hubby not coming when he should, must be very hard for you. Like Olivia I could't do it without my husband support. Hope the situation will sort out and he will come on time though.

I am planning to breastfeed if I will be able to . I am pretty scared as I read horror stories about pain and what the baby can do to the nipples, my cousin gave up after 2 days of trying but I am decided to do it so will see how it goes.

Will hit Primark to check if I will find something to wear for hospital. I am all for saving and buying some cheap clothes as I might not wear them after.I am very disappointed as I can' see so many pretty clothes for baby girls but for baby boys clothes are limited and I don't like them :(

Uncomfortable here as well, his movements start to hurt now but I think it could be worse. I sleep so bad and when I get up for work I feel that I haven't slept at all . Tossing and turning all night, every position hurt...

Do your babies have a pattern yet? It is so difficult to track him, some days he is active mornings, next one in the afternoons and quiet in the morning . Good thing is that he is always active in the evenings.
Well 4d scan went slightly better! And she is head down - hurrah! Let's just hope she stays there and it probably explains my awful sick day on Friday...
Scan was great, saw her pulling a right face, looked like she was practicing sucking!
She also has a dimple in her chin - which hubby has and I don't.
It makes it weird she is literally a mixture of both of us!


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Awesome picture Lea! Head down yay x I thought I might not get 4 d scan but now I am tempted again, so curious with who he looks like as we are so different. Or we will leave it as a surprise :)
Ahhh that's amazing Lea... Must have been a lovely experience for you both.

I'd love to get a 4d scan but can't afford it at the moment and I think we can only get them until 32 weeks? I'm 31 weeks tomorrow :( never mind. Will add more to the surprise I guess

Midwife tomorrow for my next measurement which will be interesting!
Awww, she's looking amazing.
We had a 4d scan as part of the gender scan we had at 22w. It was included as part of the package and was only £59. We only had that scan as it gave hubby a chance to see her while he was home. Picture wasn't that great though as it was too early and not the ideal point for them.

I've only just started talking to hubby again. I think he realised I was majorly annoyed! He's still booked on his original flight home so provided his replacement gets there tomorrow they should have enough time to get it all sorted. Fingers x'd.

Anybody else getting really uncomfortable sitting up in the evenings? I think my sofa is too slouchy which is making my back hurt. I think I need to be sat up more, but then my tummy feels squashed. x
Yes Amy, I have the exact same feeling in the evenings. I'm struggling a lot to get comfortable....the one time I am comfortable there's a reason for me to get up :(

Is anyone going for a 4d scan??

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