New Year and January Testing!

:hugs: for LoopyLouize. So sorry honey. After the lines too that's not fair - hope you're ok lovely xxxxx
Hi, just to say I'm back but i dont think i will be ovulating or testing this month. I'm due to have the 'evac' opperation tomorrow after miscarriage and I dont know how long you have to wait after that to get back to normal. Does anyone know? Hopefully though i'll be able to be on the Feb testing thread FX
Hey star, i've also had similar, it may take 4-8 weeks for period to return after op, all docs give different advice on how long to wait, mine said you can have sex and try again straight after bleeding stopped, some tell you to wait till after first AF.

Hope you get on ok tomorrow star, mine really wasnt as bad as i thought and had no pain.
Take care hun (if you need anymore info feel free to ask or PM me if you like)

Sorry to hear she caught you Louize. :( x x

Starfish - I'm so so sorry for your loss. :hug: x x
Hey star, i've also had similar, it may take 4-8 weeks for period to return after op, all docs give different advice on how long to wait, mine said you can have sex and try again straight after bleeding stopped, some tell you to wait till after first AF.

Hope you get on ok tomorrow star, mine really wasnt as bad as i thought and had no pain.
Take care hun (if you need anymore info feel free to ask or PM me if you like)


Thats good to hear. I am soooo scared about having general anasthetic tomorrow as never done that before. So if i dont come back then........ but I'm sure i will. :oooo: Thanks N26 xx
Bad news LoopyLou - hope you catch next month - and hope you return to normal soon starfish

I was expecting ov today (well, sat - mon with today most likely) but I'm still not seeing any signs. OH wants to buy ovulation tests now but I want to wait until the end of the cycle...want to believe that we won't need them

I'm still against them, don't know why...I monitor my cycles so how is this any worse?

Stop drivelling good luck all, no sign of ov here yet, but I'm sure it'll happen...
Hey star, i've also had similar, it may take 4-8 weeks for period to return after op, all docs give different advice on how long to wait, mine said you can have sex and try again straight after bleeding stopped, some tell you to wait till after first AF.

Hope you get on ok tomorrow star, mine really wasnt as bad as i thought and had no pain.
Take care hun (if you need anymore info feel free to ask or PM me if you like)


Thats good to hear. I am soooo scared about having general anasthetic tomorrow as never done that before. So if i dont come back then........ but I'm sure i will. :oooo: Thanks N26 xx

You will be just fine hun. I know GA can be scary but you will be totally out then just sleepy for the rest of the day.

Hope to see you back soon

She got me ladies, on to my 2nd ttc cycle of mmc, i dont even get a testing date in feb :( x x

Just realised I'm still showing on the testing thread and the witch got me last week - please can you bung a broomstick by my name please?

So sorry she got you Louize! Have everything crossed for you for next month. Sorry to M2A - Feb is a short month though so hopefully it will fly by for you :hugs:

Starfish - sorry this late hon but hope everything went well for your op today look forward to seeing you again in TTC soon x x x
Hope your okay after your op starfish. I had the anaesthetic op done last year and it was surprisingly painless for me when I came back round. Was looking abit like bambi trying to walk after it though! Didn't realise I wasn't supposed to move when I woke up!! Hope your ok chick. So sorry this has happened xx

I know what you mean Louize I remember my dad picking me up after my OP and I felt so embarrassed as I was walking like John Wayne! Not nice :-( x x
Hi, well I didnt have to have the op in the end. Spent most of the morning having scans and stuff but the worst is now over. Huge relief, just got to wait for the last of it to clear naturally.

M2A - damn! so sorry witch got you - stupid bobbing broomstick, grrrr!
Glad you're ok star fish! Been thinking about you xxxx have you anything nice planned? Ie so you can be kind to yourself after all that's happened? Hugs xxxx

M2A- i thought aww no Feb date but then Bella2 pointed out it's a short month by 3 days so don't you worry hun. You'll be testing in the fertility season of bunnies and eggs and spring and Easter. Nice ;)
LOl, Hi SunnyGirl, I am fully intending to stay in bed and milk it for a couple of days, but then unfortuanately I have to get up and start packing boxes as we are moving house in 2 weeks, total stress!

But i will definitely try and think of a nice treat or two. I'm longing to go to a spa, couldnt use sauna and jacouzzi etc when pregnant, at least now i can, Yay!
Moving in two weeks?? Blimey girly that's some stress right there!! Deffo milk it til the last tenth of a second!!
And definitely book a jacuzzi or spa - you should do something special so your mind is relaxed and pampered.
Also come and join the book club thread :) yay xxx

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