My IUI journey!

Chaz i had the throbbing on my preg cycle on one side! x it was implantation for me because i tested Pos 2 days later x
It's sounding good Chaz! Hope you're not getting too wet or cold xxx
Enjoy the canal boat Chazabel, I went on one as a kid twice, it was brilliant!

Hope the twinge on one side is something good for a bfp this month - wouldn't that be fantastic
Just been to look and when i wiped i had some browny coloured cm like I get before my period. It's 9 days since our iui and my stitch started Monday and carried on thru Tuesday, nothing yesterday or today. Could it be implantation blood? Surely its too early for afc to show? Af is due Tuesday, that's when I'm to test. Hope I'm not out already :( xxxxxx
It's impossible to say Chaz :hug:

My cycles tend to end earlier after a treatment cycle but it just depends on the individual - I hope it's not AF xx
Earliest I've had AF is cd26. I'm cd23 today xxxx
Ite sounds promising, but really is too early to tell. Praying for you here
Just had A bit of an AF type tummy rumble. FX its not the witch xxxx
Oh I really hope that's implantation spotting Chaz! Xxx
Oh yes chaz coupled with the pains this very well could be implantation bleed how many days past ov are you ?? x if only 9 days then this is looking really good x x x
Ohhh hun I really hope its not the dreaded witch, sending you lots of baby dust

Really hope its not that old crow aunt flo!!!! Fx'd she stays away!!!xxx
I had my trigger shot last Monday, and iui Tuesday, so I'm 9 dpo. I'm using 400mg progesterone pessaries too xxxx
No more coloured cm, but am beginning to feel a little crampy. Been feeling mega hungry too this week. I hope to Christ its not af, not yet! xxxxx
sounds good so far, fingers crossed

and it sucks that early preg signs can be the same as af signs...
Oooo got my fingers crossed for u chick xx

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Feeling propa crampy now, mix between wind and af feelings :( xxxx
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