IUI worked.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2006
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I just wanted to you all to know we had successful IUI treatment in June 2006 and now have two healthy bouncing boys who will be a year old in February. It only took two attempts and even though the injections weren't very nice, it was nothing to worry about and the outcome was well worth it!

Keep positive......we were trying for 3 years naturally and then took the plunge to see a doc. We were very lucky that there was nothing obviously wrong with either of us, we just needed a little "help".

Good luck everyone.
I really like reading stories like this - I am waiting to start IUI when next AF comes and really really hope it works..........
Thanks this has made me feel better x x x
Thats fantastic!! :cheer: I had IUI which although was initially succesful but resulted in a blighted ovum (putting it down toluck of the draw) am now also waiting for next period to start 2nd treatment.
We love success stories!! Congrats!! :hug:
Tracey - Congratulations! Its always reassuring to read success stories - and gives the rest of us some hope and confidence while we're still on our long journeys! :D

After a long wait - we have our first hospital appointment in a few weeks so we should have a better idea of whats to happen with us - it will be a relief to eventually get the ball rolling. My DH has low morphology so I have an idea we will be referred for ICSI but as everything else for him is good I am going to ask if we could try IUI while we are on the long waiting list which apparantly is currently 21/22 months for Glasgow :roll:

Hopefully in time I will be able to post a lovely story like yours!


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