****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Ooooh I hate it when Drake has my nipple in a good hard clamp and decides to look at something over his shoulder :( he doesn't let go, it just rips out of his mouth. When I squeak he just looks back at me with a "what's wrong?" Expression.

He's gone really chewy, dribbly and whingy the last couple of days. He's not finishing his bottles either, but is loving his food pots. Can't feel anything in his gums tho.
Sebastian has 4 teeth now!, his forth one is just out but it needs to come out more! :D..We started brushing his teeth with milk teeth toothpaste..And he hates it :|

On a lighter side, i gave Seb' his first taste of yoghurt today and he adored it!, i got the ella's kitchen ones and its safe to say..Mummy even indulged in a spoon as well :blush:
We have a tooth!!!!! He's cut his first one and seems to be much happier so I think that might have been hurting him, bless him. It's one of his bottom ones and I don't think the one next to it will be long. The only problem is everytime I feed him I brace myself, it's not going to be long before I'm bitten! xxx

Well done Max! That must be so exciting! No sign of any teeth here yet x
Sebastian has 4 teeth now!, his forth one is just out but it needs to come out more! :D..We started brushing his teeth with milk teeth toothpaste..And he hates it :|

On a lighter side, i gave Seb' his first taste of yoghurt today and he adored it!, i got the ella's kitchen ones and its safe to say..Mummy even indulged in a spoon as well :blush:

I buy those yogurts too! Are they mango and banana flavour? I give Harry his savoury food and he moans, but when the yogurt comes out he gets really excited! X
Finally some sitting action! Lol



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Sebastian has 4 teeth now!, his forth one is just out but it needs to come out more! :D..We started brushing his teeth with milk teeth toothpaste..And he hates it :|

On a lighter side, i gave Seb' his first taste of yoghurt today and he adored it!, i got the ella's kitchen ones and its safe to say..Mummy even indulged in a spoon as well :blush:

I buy those yogurts too! Are they mango and banana flavour? I give Harry his savoury food and he moans, but when the yogurt comes out he gets really excited! X

I get the multi pack ones..He's got strawberry and mango and in the other packet mango and banana and pineapple..They are delicious!..Might have to get myself some their that nice:lol:..Poor Seb's not going to get a look in with me around!:lol:

Sebs the same!, he whinges after his food but as soon as I show him the yoghurt box he kicks his legs with excitement..Its so sweet!!:)
Sebastian has 4 teeth now!, his forth one is just out but it needs to come out more! :D..We started brushing his teeth with milk teeth toothpaste..And he hates it :|

On a lighter side, i gave Seb' his first taste of yoghurt today and he adored it!, i got the ella's kitchen ones and its safe to say..Mummy even indulged in a spoon as well :blush:

I buy those yogurts too! Are they mango and banana flavour? I give Harry his savoury food and he moans, but when the yogurt comes out he gets really excited! X

I get the multi pack ones..He's got strawberry and mango and in the other packet mango and banana and pineapple..They are delicious!..Might have to get myself some their that nice:lol:..Poor Seb's not going to get a look in with me around!:lol:

Sebs the same!, he whinges after his food but as soon as I show him the yoghurt box he kicks his legs with excitement..Its so sweet!!:)

I bought Harry some petite filous and I ate them all! X
Why do they have to make baby yogurt so appealing to adults as well!..OH keeps telling me its for Seb' everytime im feeding him..Its..One spoon for mummy and one for Sebbie :lol:

Im having a proud mummy moment too!..I was showing Sebastian the cat..(he's obsessed with her) and i let him go for a moment to scratch my eye with the other hand and noticed he was steady so i took both hands off him..And...We have a stander!!:shock::shock:

He's completely bypassed the crawling stage by the looks of it and moved directly onto wanting to stand!..Its so amazing!..Picture attached..Please excuse the effect, im addicted to instagram!:)


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Yay go sebbie! :) that's awesome :)

I've gotta find these yogurts too hehe.
Why do they have to make baby yogurt so appealing to adults as well!..OH keeps telling me its for Seb' everytime im feeding him..Its..One spoon for mummy and one for Sebbie :lol:

Im having a proud mummy moment too!..I was showing Sebastian the cat..(he's obsessed with her) and i let him go for a moment to scratch my eye with the other hand and noticed he was steady so i took both hands off him..And...We have a stander!!:shock::shock:

He's completely bypassed the crawling stage by the looks of it and moved directly onto wanting to stand!..Its so amazing!..Picture attached..Please excuse the effect, im addicted to instagram!:)

Wow that's amazing! Such strong legs! X
Hehe. I can't even feed with the TV on in the background any more, T is so distractible. Quiet, dim room is best. Tried to do it in a cafe the other week and had to cover her ears with her hat just to get her to take any milk at all.

I've got an eye on those gums - she seems to be teething at the moment, so I'm hoping we'll see one before long xxx

Finn is exactly the same. One little noise and he has to turn his head to look. If I have the tv on he tries to watch it with my nipple in his mouth, ouch!
If we are out he is almost impossible to feed and there have been times when he's gone 6 hours without milk (apart from a couple of sucks) as he is just too distracted to feed!

And we have no teeth here too :( x
Why do they have to make baby yogurt so appealing to adults as well!..OH keeps telling me its for Seb' everytime im feeding him..Its..One spoon for mummy and one for Sebbie :lol:

Im having a proud mummy moment too!..I was showing Sebastian the cat..(he's obsessed with her) and i let him go for a moment to scratch my eye with the other hand and noticed he was steady so i took both hands off him..And...We have a stander!!:shock::shock:

He's completely bypassed the crawling stage by the looks of it and moved directly onto wanting to stand!..Its so amazing!..Picture attached..Please excuse the effect, im addicted to instagram!:)

That's brilliant! Your going to have a walker on your hands soon!
Awwww. Wow! Clever Sebbie - that's so cute. Tilly isn't standing yet - she will bear weight for a bit but her legs keep collapsing.

Kirsty - I know what you mean about them trying to watch TV whilst still latched on. Ouch!

Pathetic little bit of progress here: she rolled! Only took her three months: she rolled at 4 months for a few days and then stopped until yesterday, lazy monkey. She still hates tummy time but is starting to draw her knees up to try to get into a crawling position, all whilst whingeing...
Yeah clever Tilly! I couldn't wait for B to roll but once he discovered how to do it he does it all the time - especially at nappy change!

B loves walking, I have to hold his hands and he marches up and down the room! He actually took 2 steps without me holding onto a walker, I nearly shit myself then he wobbled over! Although he did it 3 times I'm still not sure if it was walking or stumbling lol!
Yeah clever Tilly! I couldn't wait for B to roll but once he discovered how to do it he does it all the time - especially at nappy change!

B loves walking, I have to hold his hands and he marches up and down the room! He actually took 2 steps without me holding onto a walker, I nearly shit myself then he wobbled over! Although he did it 3 times I'm still not sure if it was walking or stumbling lol!
Good lord, he's advanced, isn't he? Clever boy! I'm kind of glad I have a relatively stationary baby. She quite enjoys staying put where she is and playing with whatever's within reach.
But he won't sleep!!!! He must wear himself out as he is so active but is happy to be up 3 or 4 times a night for sometimes up to an hour!
People keep commenting on how strong he is on his feet but as he's my first and I've never been around other babies I'm not sure if they are just polite or he is advanced for his age? I'd hate to look like a mummy that brags but I constantly want to ask mums "did your baby do this at his age?"
Thanks ladies..My OH kept thinking he was leaning against the sofa but i kid you not!, the only part of him that was touching the sofa was his bum but he wasn't leaning, it was more scraping the sofa! :D

Seb cant roll yet :(, he's still trying but looks like he's been putting all his efforts into standing!..I should probably consider baby proofing my house in the nearer future..Nearer than i thought :lol:

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