****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Aww that's ace! Very clever :)

Well I nipped into to work to discuss going back and I handed seb to a friend and had a complete meltdown....he was terrified!....I'm guessing this is the start of the separation anxiety thing?

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Oh uh, Max doesn't yet have a meltdown but if anyone else is holding him he does everything in his power to wriggle out of their arms towards me. I think they all go through a clingy to mummy stage so may well be that xxx
Ah hun I felt the same, which is why I made it my mission while we were stuck in the house due to the snow to teach Max some new tricks haha. You watch all of a sudden Tilly will do loads in one go. For example my cousins lo refused to walk, even stand on his feet, then all of a sudden he just got up one day and walked across the room, we were all gobsmacked xxx

:) that's amazing! We've started signing with Tilly too, but half the time she's not even looking at us to learn anything! She's so disengaged a lot of the time - she's got her own agenda, that's certain :wall2:I'm sure she'll surprise me one of these days and start reciting poetry or something :) xxx
Oh, and as for separation anxiety, I think sometimes Tilly is anxious to be separated from me, LOL! She's not had much contact with people other than me or OH recently so I have no idea how she'd react if I were to hand her to someone new. She'd probably beg them to take her away from me! She wriggles like an eel in my arms - makes me feel very unloved sometimes, but then other times I'm the only person she wants x
Haha you watch she'll turn round one day and go 'for god sake mum I just want some milk ok, stop making actions as though you're milking a cow' :) Max ignores me most of the time too, they're just too busy to take notice of us mums xxx
Haha you watch she'll turn round one day and go 'for god sake mum I just want some milk ok, stop making actions as though you're milking a cow' :) Max ignores me most of the time too, they're just too busy to take notice of us mums xxx
Haha. Yeah, we've been signing 'milk' for ages and she just stares at me like I'm mad :) xxx
Karen Meri hasn't done much new stuff either. She just shouts at me a lot at the minute and that's about all! Been trying to get her to say mama but she just laughs at me.

Not going through the separation anxiety here yet either but the bottom lip pops out sometimes if I pass her to someone else.

She still won't even roll over! Sure she chooses not to just to irritate me. Lol.
Wow lots if clever babies here! According to my OH Harry rolled over from back to front this evening, why has he never done this in front of me?! X
Can't believe my little man is 6 months today....feel like I've just blinked!

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Well today has been a complete nightmare!! I go into the office a couple of times a week with my oh as we own our own business and at the moment Max comes with me (he'll start at a childminders in a couple of months on the days I'm in work). Usually he happily scoots around the office in his walker and naps in a travel cot we keep in the office. This morning he was his normal happy self but has refused point blank to nap and as a result got himself worked up and overtired and literally had a complete melt down. He just screamed uncontrollably at me and nothing would comfort him. Max hardly ever cries let alone scream so I just felt completely helpless. In the end I drove him home and the little monkey fell asleep pretty much as soon as the car started moving. He's now sleeping soundly in bed. I on the other hand spent the journey home crying! Is it too early for wine?? .....
Oh gosh. Poor monkey. Poor you. I know how it is when they get themselves so tired that they just scream - had it a couple of times with T and it was horrendous. Hugs - glad he's asleep now, and no, it's not too early for wine! Sounds like you deserve it.

We have a plasterer in the house creating wholesale destruction, and Tilly is trying to nap in the travel cot in one of our living rooms, as far away from the dust and noise as possible and it's been difficult to say the least. Wind is howling down the chimney in that room and it's cold and too bright. We've had half an hour's worth of naps today and she's just gone down again, but probably not for long. It never ends!

Hope everyone's LOs are well? Tilly went swimming with her daddy today and apparently was amazing - probably because she was so tired. She goes a bit mad and starts thrashing around like a madwoman, which could be construed as good swimming motions! xxx
Hi girls! Taffy Meri regularly does this. She gets so tired she just yells at me! In fact she yells at me a lot recently. Putting it down to teething. She's being a right pain. Has had a nice long nap this afternoon. Feel awful for saying it but its a relief to have a break sometimes! I think id like to skip the rest of the teeth. She can eat soup forever. Lol.
Tell me about it :) These teeth have a lot to answer for!! To be honest after the day I've had I'm counting the time down to bedtime. Tomorrow is another day ay girls xxx
I think Tilly's teething, but she's not any more grumpy than usual - she just doesn't nap or only goes down for ten minutes. There's definitely something just under the surface now - if she bites down hard it feels really sharp. I'm quite happy with her at the moment, but that's probably because OH is still looking after her for most of the day so I get plenty of time off. On 18th Feb, he's back at work and I'll be full time mummy, and trying to work full time at the same time, and it will probably coincide with the start of the 37 week developmental leap. Can't bloody wait... sigh...
This is the face I have had for most of the day. LolImageUploadedByTapatalk1359653308.941363.jpg
Hey girls hope everyone's ok x

We're just going through the separation anxiety at the moment, not too bad but B doesn't want strangers to hold him if I'm there but is ok if I'm not!?

We have 2 teeth now with lots of dribble - I went to work this morning with a nice soggy shoulder!
Also been doing sleep training - sounds like a posh way of controlled crying but it hasn't been like that for us and its worked instantly! 1st night he was up every 2 hours, 2nd night he slept 6.30 till 5!!!! And last night he slept 6.30 till 5 then fell back to sleep till 6.20am!!!

Hope it continues! Xxx
Erugh Sebastian has been screaming for the last hour. I think it's teething and he has a cold. Can also hear next door talking so he's obviously woke them up too as our walls are paper thin :(

Hope this isn't going to be a regular occurrence!

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Oh dear. Hugs! We are OK still, but I think the tooth hasn't cut yet, so I'm waiting for hell to break loose. Do any of you use an amber anklet/necklace on your LOs? If so, and they are still screaming, then I guess they don't work so well. Tilly has been wearing one since 3 months and I have no idea if it makes a difference. I suppose I'll find out soon!

MrsT - Tilly has been doing stranger anxiety lately. She hadn't seen my dad in 3 months until last weekend cos he's been in Hong Kong. He was her favourite person before but on Saturday she pouted and then started crying every time she saw him whether I was with her or not. I just told him to stay in the room but not to look at her too much or get too close. By the end of the day, she let him hold her. Poor silly chicken. Broke my heart seeing her cry tears, because she rarely does that.
B was really whinny up till a couple of days before his tooth cut but when it actually cut I didn't notice as he was fine! And the second one just snuck up on me but its there bold as brass! He is super dribbly though and I've had some epic nappies!

Karen I think that's the best way to get them used to people is be around them for as long as possible.

Out for lunch with a mummy friend and her little boy and he said his first word! He said "mum" so clearly and kept repeating it and grabbing her (and her lunch)! I got so emotional for her, it was so exciting. If I was like that with her son how will I be with mine lol!

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