****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

But he won't sleep!!!! He must wear himself out as he is so active but is happy to be up 3 or 4 times a night for sometimes up to an hour!
People keep commenting on how strong he is on his feet but as he's my first and I've never been around other babies I'm not sure if they are just polite or he is advanced for his age? I'd hate to look like a mummy that brags but I constantly want to ask mums "did your baby do this at his age?"
Poor you. We are usually up only once a night with Tilly. She also wakes at 6am but sometimes goes back to sleep after that until 8am. I think B is really advanced in his standing and walking at his age so be careful! You can tell us on here, though! :):)

Tilly slept through the night last night for the first time in AGES, apart from a few squawks that we didn't need to go to her for. I don't think we've turned a corner or anything as optimistic as that, but I was very pleased with her this morning! xxx
Erugh! Seb got up at 7:30 and has just fallen asleep for the first time at 4pm....all he's done all day is scream :(
Not sure if it's just teething but he's not happy today.

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Erugh! Seb got up at 7:30 and has just fallen asleep for the first time at 4pm....all he's done all day is scream :(
Not sure if it's just teething but he's not happy today.

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Oh dear. Poor chicken. How many weeks old is he now? Is he approaching the 26 week Wonder Week? It's terrible when they don't nap and are just miserable, isn't it? Hugs x
Poor seb! We had a day like that on Sunday. Such hard work. Hope you have a decent night and a better day tomorrow! X
On my app it says 26 weeks so I'm guessing that's half of why he's grumpy......not much respite from the last leap lol

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Feel like an awful mum today! :(..Sebastian's been in one of his mardy moods again where no matter how much you console him he still cries and the louder it gets :\

Yesterday he had a really bad accident with the sofa and ended up rolling off it face first :|, He cried for 2 seconds but im thankful OH's laptop was near the sofa as it broke his fall a little all he has today is a little red mark but i feel awful i wasn't there to catch him! :(
Off to take seb swimming for the first time....fingers crossed he doesn't hate it lol :s

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Feel like an awful mum today! :(..Sebastian's been in one of his mardy moods again where no matter how much you console him he still cries and the louder it gets :\

Yesterday he had a really bad accident with the sofa and ended up rolling off it face first :|, He cried for 2 seconds but im thankful OH's laptop was near the sofa as it broke his fall a little all he has today is a little red mark but i feel awful i wasn't there to catch him! :(

Oh dear. I'm terrified of this happening, but accidents happen and you can't preven all of them. Hope he's OK now xxx

Off to take seb swimming for the first time....fingers crossed he doesn't hate it lol :s

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Hope he enjoys it. Tilly has only been a couple of times but she loves it. One pool we took her to was far too cold for a baby and she still didn't complain. Enjoy xxx
Phew....he LOVED it. He had a sit in his little float too and loved bobbing about and kicking away.....definitely gonna have to go every week.
It's just a bit of a military operation trying to get us both dried and changed lol.

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Phew....he LOVED it. He had a sit in his little float too and loved bobbing about and kicking away.....definitely gonna have to go every week.
It's just a bit of a military operation trying to get us both dried and changed lol.

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Aww glad he liked it : -) we go swimming twice a week and have a lesson on a wed, I let go of him with his armbands on today and he kicked his legs but don't move anywhere! X
I took Sebastian a few times when he was younger!, but i refuse to go now as im too self concious about myself in a swimming costume..I dont feel like show casing my wobbly bits :blush:

Seb' is much better today!, he only has the tiniest red mark on his leg from where he fell off the sofa but he seems very happy in himself so its safe to say he's recovered!..And on the plus side..In bed tonight at a reasonable hour instead of silly o'clock in the morning :D
I wanna take Drake swimming but organising it seems to be so complex.

Daft question time: when u put LO in the swimming nappy, then cossie over that, then put LO in the water, doesn't the nappy just absorb the pool water?
I wanna take Drake swimming but organising it seems to be so complex.

Daft question time: when u put LO in the swimming nappy, then cossie over that, then put LO in the water, doesn't the nappy just absorb the pool water?

They are absorbent, if LO wees it will absorb it but doesn't swell. No idea how this works but the Huggies little swimmers are brilliant! It's quite stressful taking baby swimming the first few times, I took my OH with me and he got in with LO, but I got the baby dressed/undressed. Once you get into it it becomes easier and they love it! X
Hope you're all having a good week. I have to give a proud mummy alert! :)

I've started to sign some words to max to see if he'll pick them up, most of the signs are makaton but I am doing the British sign language sign for mummy as I thought it would be easier for max to learn. Not sure if you know signing but mummy is using your right hand make the brownie/guide salute and tap your head twice (thy have videos on YouTube). So I've been doing that to max for 2 days and saying mummy at the same time and today he looked at me patted his head and made a mmm sound, I was so stunned I cried. I then laughed and clapped so he kept doing it. Sorry for the gushy post but had to share :) xxx
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Well done max that's amazing!

Can I also share my smug mummy moment - B stood on his own for 5 seconds! Twice! I was screaming at my mum quick come and watch! But he didn't do it again :-(
Aww, bless! I'm still waiting for one of these moments lately - feels like I've not had one for months! Tilly is all kinds of delightful, but hasn't done anything jaw-dropping for a while. Impatient mummy! x
Aww that's ace! Very clever :)

Well I nipped into to work to discuss going back and I handed seb to a friend and had a complete meltdown....he was terrified!....I'm guessing this is the start of the separation anxiety thing?

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Ah hun I felt the same, which is why I made it my mission while we were stuck in the house due to the snow to teach Max some new tricks haha. You watch all of a sudden Tilly will do loads in one go. For example my cousins lo refused to walk, even stand on his feet, then all of a sudden he just got up one day and walked across the room, we were all gobsmacked xxx

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