****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Thanks everyone :-) there are so many people who have had less time off so I'm really lucky but I just feel dreadful about it! X
Hi girls. Been away staying with friends and haven't managed to get on for a couple I days.

Taffy - my illness never really amounted to anything. I'm sneezing a lot but that's about it. I had a really long sleep on Thursday night and it seemed to do the trick!
Kanga - did you manage to sort anything with work? Poor you. Must be really disappointing.

How us everyone? Hope you have had a good weekend! X

I'm glad you've managed to avoid the flu bug hun, I think we've pretty much kicked it in our house and Max is back to his normal cheeky, happy self.

We've had quite a good weekend, saw the in laws today as they are off to Cuba tomorrow for 2 weeks - lucky things!

Max was in his walker at their house earlier as they have loads of space so he loves zooming around and they have a mirror surround on their wall mounted fireplace. He scouted straight up to it (it was turned off) and started kissing himself in the mirror. Was hilarious, he definitely gets his vanity from his daddy :) xxx
Thanks everyone :-) there are so many people who have had less time off so I'm really lucky but I just feel dreadful about it! X

Ah hun, sending a big hug, I really feel for you. We're gearing up for me to be back in the office 2 days a week but I think I'm still in denial about it to be honest. I just keep telling myself it'll be good for us mummy's to have some adult conversation and of course earn some money and our lo's will be having a great time playing and meeting new people. Just think of that big smile you'll get when you go to pick him up xxxx
Sorry I haven't been around girls, but I've been lurking. I knew if I started talking I'd end up waffling on.

Drake has had his first cold and I was struggling a bit cos I had one too. My OH has been brilliant looking after me when he's been around, until Thursday night when he came down poorly too. By Friday night when he came home from work he looked like death warmed up slightly, poor thing. Drake is generally feeling better now I think, judging by the amount of noise he's been making all day :) He had lost his voice and was making theses funny lil sounds. He couldn't even cry properly, it was really quiet. He got his appetite back too which is great.

I'm still catching up on the washing (sooo much washing!) and other housework.

Aw good luck to those who r going back to work soon. I hope it goes well for you and isn't as bad as you fear.

Taffy - aw bless him, that sounds really cute :)
Hi girls, I'm going back to work full time tomorrow and I'm just sitting on the sofa in years! I've been lucky enough to have had 8 months off but I just feel like in abandoning the baby :-( x

Big hugs, hun. Hope it's OK. It will get better, I'm sure. xxx

Hope everyone is OK. We are just getting over our colds. SO close to cutting tooth number two! T has been very vocal and laughing lots, but is still making little progress on the physical front - still won't roll, won't crawl, will stand for a bit but is very wobbly and bobs up and down... On the other hand, for a VERY immobile baby, she somehow managed to fall off the bed the other evening after bath time. OH had left her on our bed and she must have thrashed around enough to slide feet first off the bed :shock::shock: but we didn't see her do it. I was downstairs. She cried a little, but mostly from shock. They always do these things when you're not looking :wall2::wall2::wall2:
Aww bless her. She's a tough little cookie!

Well oh slept downstairs last night because he has a horrible cold and after getting up to Sebastian 11 times! I gave up and put him in the bed with me. I hope all this unsettled sleep and stirring will pass because it's driving me mad :/

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Oops! Poor Tilly! They are pretty tough though aren't they Meri is always toppling over at the minute. She sits really well but then she gets excited about something and ends up toppling over. Funny little thing. It rarely bothers her though! Sure they bounce!

Taffy that sounds hilarious. Meri has just discovered how to clap and it's her favourite thing at the minute. She claps at everything!

Have a good day everyone! X
Aww bless her. She's a tough little cookie!

Well oh slept downstairs last night because he has a horrible cold and after getting up to Sebastian 11 times! I gave up and put him in the bed with me. I hope all this unsettled sleep and stirring will pass because it's driving me mad :/

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Ugh nights like that are just awful. You poor thing. Hope he gets better soon!
It wasn't the best night lol. Especially as I'm sat at hospital waiting for my cardio appointment. Hopefully I will find out why my heart has been playing up since having Sebastian.

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I hope Sebastian's sleep gets better for you soon, hun. And I hope you find out what's going on with your heart and that it's OK. Hugs. I've had to have ECGs and echosounds before because I have a murmur.

Tilly was unsettled when she had a cold last week but for the last three nights - and this is where I jinx it - she's slept through from 7pm-6am. It seems to have coincided with her going for two naps a day rather than three, but we'll see... it seems to change all the time.

Tilly is a tough cookie: she's going to have to be around her dad! He's banged her head loads of times and caught her skin in the popper of one of her nappies recently. Ouch. Poor mite.

Spammy - I've been trying to get T to wave or clap or anything but she just won't. That sounds SO cute.

Violet - glad Drake is getting better. It's horrible when they are ill because they can't understand it xxx
How's the work coming ok Karen? You managing ok juggling Tilly and work?
Wow I'm shattered! It wasn't half as bad as I had expected although the children tried to push their luck a bit with me! Oh hope your appointment went ok Melissa? X
Aw, Les, glad it went OK today. Don't let those pesky kids get to you!

I'm coping OK. I had to work pretty much all weekend, but I've finished this current project now and am about to start another, but this new one is just a bunch of crappy illustrations for a language textbook... the things I'll do for money, eh? At least it's not animation, which is very labour-intense. I even managed to get out today with Tilly to meet up with some of my mummy friends. We went for a natter and singsong in the library, followed by a three-mile walk and then a yummy lunch in a cafe. Tilly seemed to really enjoy herself and then when we got home, she slept for two whole glorious hours! Heaven. I'm a happy mummy tonight. I feel like I really did something with Tilly and gave her lots of attention today.

Hope you all had good days too xxx
Glad ur first day back went well Les!

Taffy max sounds adorable, can't wait to meet him :)

Spammy no matter how hard I try and get Harry to clap he just doesn't want to do it lol

I have applied to do an admin/ bookkeeping job as that is where I was trying to study to become before Harry came along and put it all on hold. They emailed back today and say they will contact me within 10 days if they want to interview me! It's only 10hrs a week for now and between may and sept it's 25hrs a week, but for £16000 a year it seems amazing :) never earns that much in my life, my last job was 28 hrs a week for under £10000 a year!! So until I here back from them I am going to put off grovelling to my old job.

Hope all the babies and mummies feel much better soon xx
Karen, Harry's naps vary so much, today he was up at 7:45am, had a 10 min power nap at 10am in the pram. Then had another power nap at 12:30ish (we were out with a friend from PF) then he slept from 2:30 til 5:30 and just gone off to sleep now at 10pm.

Generally he has a morning nap of an hour - 1 1/2 hrs a power nap after lunch and another 1-2hour nap starting 3/4 and bed at 9/10pm. Trying to bring this forward again to 8/8:30pm. So 10/11 hours at night and 3/4 hours in naps xx
Just had to share my excitement!
My mum and dad phoned and suggested I take Sebastian to thier house for the night so i can catch up on some sleep as my mums off work tomorrow so I'm on my way back home to my super comfy bed!! :D added bonus is oh is gonna sleep downstairs again because of his noisy cold ..... win!

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Aww lovely enjoy having the bed to urself and have a good sleep xx
Ah girls how do I get through the next few days? I've had to make the decision to have my dog put down in the morning. He's nearly 17 and his pain killers are just not giving him enough relief any more. His quality of life just isn't there any more. I'm gonna miss him so much.

I had to have my other dog put down last year while I was pregnant as she suddenly became very poorly and that was bad enough. I don't wanna do it. The vet agrees that its the right thing to do now. I know in my head its now the right time, but I don't want him to go. He also has ties to me because he's my first partners dog really, but he died 14 years ago.

What an awful decision to have to make as I can't even ask him what he wants.
Oh violet I'm sorry hun. Big hugs. Must be so sad for you.

Iv never had a dog but can only imagine how attached you are and how awful you must feel.

Loads of love x
Melissa - hope you enjoyed a good nights sleep!!!

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