****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

It was lush! Went to bed at 11 and slept solid and didn't even move till 6:15 .......turned over and got up at 9:00......bliss :)

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Ah girls how do I get through the next few days? I've had to make the decision to have my dog put down in the morning. He's nearly 17 and his pain killers are just not giving him enough relief any more. His quality of life just isn't there any more. I'm gonna miss him so much.

I had to have my other dog put down last year while I was pregnant as she suddenly became very poorly and that was bad enough. I don't wanna do it. The vet agrees that its the right thing to do now. I know in my head its now the right time, but I don't want him to go. He also has ties to me because he's my first partners dog really, but he died 14 years ago.

What an awful decision to have to make as I can't even ask him what he wants.

Really sorry to hear this hun. We have 2 dogs and they are like our children. Sending big hugs xxxxx
Melissa that sounds amazing. I'm actually finding I function better on little sleep at the moment, I think my body is just so used to it. Even though Max sleeps through I don't think I go into a really deep sleep as I'm constantly listening out for him.

Well today is my first day in the office without Max. He has gone to my sisters for the day and I feel as though I've lost a limb. I know he'll have a great day and I'm trying so hard not to feel guilty. This morning I kept saying 'now mummy isn't abandoning you and I'll be back at 4 to get you'. He just looked at me and laughed. I must admit it is nice to be able to knuckle down and get work done but boy do I miss my baby xxx
Melissa that sounds amazing. I'm actually finding I function better on little sleep at the moment, I think my body is just so used to it. Even though Max sleeps through I don't think I go into a really deep sleep as I'm constantly listening out for him.

Well today is my first day in the office without Max. He has gone to my sisters for the day and I feel as though I've lost a limb. I know he'll have a great day and I'm trying so hard not to feel guilty. This morning I kept saying 'now mummy isn't abandoning you and I'll be back at 4 to get you'. He just looked at me and laughed. I must admit it is nice to be able to knuckle down and get work done but boy do I miss my baby xxx

Totally jealous of your sleep, Melissa. Although if I had one night like that I think I'd want ALL of them to be like that thereafter and one would simply not be enough. T is sleeping through at the moment too, but wakes at 6 for the day.

Taffy - it's silly, missing them, isn't it? Even when you know you're able to get work done better without them. I have only recently started to look after T full time again. OH is back at work and I had to Skype him today to ask 'what the hell did you DO with Tilly when she was awake? I am bored out of my mind' LOL. I can't win. I think I would have OH quit work to look after T full time whilst I work at home if I knew I could keep us all on my earnings alone. Sadly I have serious cash-flow issues because my work is project based and I don't know from month to month whether I can earn enough to pay for everything. Booooo... It sounds horrible, but I do like working more than I enjoy looking after a baby :shock::shock::shock: I love her to bits and I miss her when I've got a lot of work on, but I find babies and the day-to-day drudgery so boring...
I do seem to have an awful lot of time on my hands even though I'm working. I think it's because I am able to actually sit in one place rather than up and down constantly. I know what you mean about cash flow, me and OH own our own business so at least with me back 2 days a week it'll ease the pressure a little as we can work on more so ultimately bill for more.

Also like you say I was getting to a stage where I wanted to use my brain again, I just hate the thought of Max looking for me. I'm happy to be in the office 2 days a week to start with (may up it to 3 in a few months) and then I'll be focused solely on Max the other 2 and plan fun days so I make the most of the days we're together. I am lucky really I can pick my days and be flexible. I just think as mummy's we can't really win xxx
Well me and Max survived our first day apart, so I feel much better about leaving him now. My sister said he was fine in the morning, then looked around and realised I wasn't there so the bottom lip went. But she distracted him and he had a huge nap after lunch and was fine when he woke up. I got the biggest smile when I went to pick him up. My sister has a cough and Max fake coughed the whole car ride home :)

I really looking forward to having the day with him today. We're off in a bit to meet the childminder that Max will be going to one day a week so fingers crossed we all like her. Hope you all have a good day xxx
Glad It went ok taffy!! Must be a relief he was ok.

Who has taken my happy smiley baby and given me this miserable monster?! Seems we are in the next leap. And don't I know it!!! Looking forward to bed time already!

Hope everyone's day is going better than mine. Ha ha
Well if she wasn't miserable before she just fell off my bed! She only cried for a bit and seems fine but I feel terrible! Bad mummy!!
Well if she wasn't miserable before she just fell off my bed! She only cried for a bit and seems fine but I feel terrible! Bad mummy!!

Aww don't worry hun, we've all done this some of us more than once! :roll: x
Well me and Max survived our first day apart, so I feel much better about leaving him now. My sister said he was fine in the morning, then looked around and realised I wasn't there so the bottom lip went. But she distracted him and he had a huge nap after lunch and was fine when he woke up. I got the biggest smile when I went to pick him up. My sister has a cough and Max fake coughed the whole car ride home :)

I really looking forward to having the day with him today. We're off in a bit to meet the childminder that Max will be going to one day a week so fingers crossed we all like her. Hope you all have a good day xxx

Glad Max had a good day with your sister and I hope he liked his new childminder! X
Trying to catch up with everyone!

Kanga - job sounds brilliant! 10 hours a week sounds ideal as well.
Violet I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Hugs x
Karen I know how you feel about trying to entertain a baby all day - work seems so much simpler and I manage a centre with 70 people a day and a large amount of staff! But one 7 month old can finish me off!

Hmmm mind has gone blank...
Melissa - one word - jealous!
Taffy - it's hard the first time you leave them but I'm glad it went well for you.
Spammy - keep meaning to comment on Meri's pictures - she is gorgeous! X

I haven't gone back any further so sorry if I've missed anyone, I don't mean to.

How's you Les?

We had a successful night last night, B went to be usual time at 6.30pm and normally has us up for the day at 5am but didn't wake till 6.50am!! Naturally I was awake at 5 waiting for him to wake then fell back to sleep resulting in me getting up late and being totally disorganised for work!
Melissa - one word - jealous!
Taffy - it's hard the first time you leave them but I'm glad it went well for you.
Spammy - keep meaning to comment on Meri's pictures - she is gorgeous! X

I haven't gone back any further so sorry if I've missed anyone, I don't mean to.

How's you Les?

We had a successful night last night, B went to be usual time at 6.30pm and normally has us up for the day at 5am but didn't wake till 6.50am!! Naturally I was awake at 5 waiting for him to wake then fell back to sleep resulting in me getting up late and being totally disorganised for work!

Hi MrsT (sorry should really start addressing everyone by their proper names!) I'm ok thanks, day 3 and I'm shattered, Harry decided to scream the house down at 5am so I've been up since then and entertaining a class of 8 year olds is hard work haha! Glad B had a lie in for you this morning, it's so annoying when your body clock is set to their usual waking up time though! Hopefully he will make it a regular thing and you can sleep a bit longer x
Well if she wasn't miserable before she just fell off my bed! She only cried for a bit and seems fine but I feel terrible! Bad mummy!!
Oh no! They always manage to get into trouble just as you turn your back, don't they? Glad she's OK.

Sorry if I keep missing your news, ladies. I do read all the posts but I'm pretty busy right now. Hope you are all doing well. Tilly says hello :wave: xxx
Spammy. - glad she's ok :)

Les - I hope Harry let you sleep better this morning.

MrsT - lol at lying awake waiting. I've done that in the past. Now I tend to lie awake waiting for him to cry for his dummy when I go to bed, and I'm still fast asleep when he wakes.
Ah Spammy I think it hurts us more than them when they fall. My friends little boy seems to manage to fall off everything, he even got out of his highchair! They're just so quick.

I hope everyone else is ok. MrsT and Les - how are the boys sleeping?

Well Max has gone to his childminders this morning for a taster session. I know he'll have a great time but I had a bit of a wobble when I got back from dropping him off. So from next week he'll be at my sisters on Tuesday and the childminders on Friday, where the hell has 9 months gone!!!! xxx
Thanks Taffy. She was fine. She has a little scratch on her nose but she isn't bothered.

Hope max gets on ok! Sure he will. I know what you mean about the time going fast. I keep thinking the same. I feel like iv blinked and missed the last 9 months. Wish I could do it all again. I don't feel like she was tiny for more than 2 minutes!!

Hope your all ok girls and getting plenty of sleep! I'm going out with the girls tonight for tapas and wine! Leaving Meri with daddy. I'm really looking forward to it!
Hey how's everyones weekend going? We went out for dinner last night with friends and I got pretty tipsy on Presecco :) It's the first time I've got drunk since falling pregnant, was a very funny night.

Thankfully Max had a brilliant morning with his childminder on Friday. She did loads of activities with him and he sat with the others at the table at lunchtime like a big boy :) Feel much better about him going now xxx
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Hey honey. That sounds like a fab night! I went out last night too. Was great. Tapas and red wine. Good combo! Iv had quite a good day. Been getting ready for a trip to centre parcs. We are going on Monday. It's our first proper holiday with Meri and I'm finding packing stressful! Need to take the full house!

Hope you haven't felt too rough today :)

Hope everyone else has had a good day!
Hey everyone. Well B has D and V since yesterday morning and its been awful! So far had to buy a new duvet, sleep suits and have the carpet in our lounge cleaned. Never seen so much puke in my life. He's hardly eaten or drunk anything and just whimpers. It's heartbreaking and exhausting. I've done my back in and feel like I'm coming down with something so all fun and games in my house!

Spammy have a lovely time at centre parcs, we went when B was 4 months and had a lovely time. A few tips - the rooms get cold at night so would pack extra blankets. They have high chairs so no need to pack a bumbo etc. the pools are cold so take a towel into the pool area and leave on a chair for when Meri gets out the water. X

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