****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Hey honey. That sounds like a fab night! I went out last night too. Was great. Tapas and red wine. Good combo! Iv had quite a good day. Been getting ready for a trip to centre parcs. We are going on Monday. It's our first proper holiday with Meri and I'm finding packing stressful! Need to take the full house!

Hope you haven't felt too rough today :)

Hope everyone else has had a good day!

Glad you had a good night hun. Thankfully I felt ok this morning, but that was because I had a lie in and OH got up and gave Max his brekkie :)

We're going to the Longleat Centre Parcs in Dec, I hope you have a lovely time xxx
Ah Spammy I think it hurts us more than them when they fall. My friends little boy seems to manage to fall off everything, he even got out of his highchair! They're just so quick.

I hope everyone else is ok. MrsT and Les - how are the boys sleeping?

Well Max has gone to his childminders this morning for a taster session. I know he'll have a great time but I had a bit of a wobble when I got back from dropping him off. So from next week he'll be at my sisters on Tuesday and the childminders on Friday, where the hell has 9 months gone!!!! xxx

Hi hun, Harry has been a bit hit and miss this week, he woke me up at 5am a couple of days then I had to wake him on Friday as he didn't want to get up! In just glad it's the weekend as he usually goes straight back to sleep after his morning bottle when I'm not at work :-) do you go back to work on Tuesday? I hope it goes smoothly and I'm sure Max will be absolutely fine. Like you said I think mummies struggle more with it xxx
Man have i been away for ages!:eh:

Well, Sebastian is nearly 9 months old already! :|, he'll officially be 9 months old on the 6th!..On Tuesday Seb' had his first ever go on a swing when we went to the park!, we we're on a play date with OH's friend who has a son too (he's 7, maybe 8 months older than Seb')..He enjoyed himself so much and i even managed to get a few pictures of him smiling :D

Also a very big proud mum moment!, Seb' had problems drinking out of a sippy cup!..He plain hated it and would throw a strop everytime it came within inches of his mouth!..Im now pleased to say Seb now drinks out of a sippy cup!!:dance:

I hope all you June & july bug mums are well :D (PS sorry if the pictures turn out huge!!)





Sebbie and his daddy :)
Man have i been away for ages!:eh:

Well, Sebastian is nearly 9 months old already! :|, he'll officially be 9 months old on the 6th!..On Tuesday Seb' had his first ever go on a swing when we went to the park!, we we're on a play date with OH's friend who has a son too (he's 7, maybe 8 months older than Seb')..He enjoyed himself so much and i even managed to get a few pictures of him smiling :D

Also a very big proud mum moment!, Seb' had problems drinking out of a sippy cup!..He plain hated it and would throw a strop everytime it came within inches of his mouth!..Im now pleased to say Seb now drinks out of a sippy cup!!:dance:

I hope all you June & july bug mums are well :D (PS sorry if the pictures turn out huge!!)





Sebbie and his daddy :)

Awwww what a cutie!!! Looks like he's loving those swings!

Oh and clever boy for using a supply cup! Meri wasn't sure about hers to start with either. Now she loves it!
introduced myself ages ago but never posted since, but would love to get to know you all better and have a wee group to share with.
so im yvonne, my sons dexter. hes nearly 8 months old, born 7th july.

this last monnth has seen the arrival of his first teeth.. we have 3 now :)
he can say both mumma and dadda. can pull himself up from sitting so standing. cant crawl yet though.

still having issues with his sleep. hes breastfed. naps in my arms and sleeps in our bed because he wakes the second hes put down and loves to comfort suck. he still wakes every 2 hours at night too. driving me insane. have tried dummies. belly sleeping. different togs of sleepbags. crying it out technique (as told to by health visitors). you name it we've probs tried it. hes never just dropped offto sleep on his own. ever. so thats always our biggest hurdle here. hes just too attatched to me.
introduced myself ages ago but never posted since, but would love to get to know you all better and have a wee group to share with.
so im yvonne, my sons dexter. hes nearly 8 months old, born 7th july.

this last monnth has seen the arrival of his first teeth.. we have 3 now :)
he can say both mumma and dadda. can pull himself up from sitting so standing. cant crawl yet though.

still having issues with his sleep. hes breastfed. naps in my arms and sleeps in our bed because he wakes the second hes put down and loves to comfort suck. he still wakes every 2 hours at night too. driving me insane. have tried dummies. belly sleeping. different togs of sleepbags. crying it out technique (as told to by health visitors). you name it we've probs tried it. hes never just dropped offto sleep on his own. ever. so thats always our biggest hurdle here. hes just too attatched to me.

Hey sweetie!

Dexter is a real cutie. And I'm sure you will crack his self settling at some point. We have been so lucky with that I really feel for you. It must be so hard.

We are always here for a natter and a moan which we all need occasionally. Ha ha

introduced myself ages ago but never posted since, but would love to get to know you all better and have a wee group to share with.
so im yvonne, my sons dexter. hes nearly 8 months old, born 7th july.

this last monnth has seen the arrival of his first teeth.. we have 3 now :)
he can say both mumma and dadda. can pull himself up from sitting so standing. cant crawl yet though.

still having issues with his sleep. hes breastfed. naps in my arms and sleeps in our bed because he wakes the second hes put down and loves to comfort suck. he still wakes every 2 hours at night too. driving me insane. have tried dummies. belly sleeping. different togs of sleepbags. crying it out technique (as told to by health visitors). you name it we've probs tried it. hes never just dropped offto sleep on his own. ever. so thats always our biggest hurdle here. hes just too attatched to me.

Hi Yvonne, hope you and Dexter are well,
It's hard when you get a rubbish nights sleep isn't it? X
its the worst! honestly im loving motherhood. its just that one thing. it makes everything really difficult. because he naps in my arms i cant get anything done. causes so many arguments between me and OH as he comes home and the housework hasnt been done, but sometimes its just impossible with a clingy baby! apart from that dexter is doing just great. dont have time to read back on every post in the thread, but will keep myself up to date from now on so that i know how all your little lovely ones are doing :) x
Hi Yvonne. We went through similar with B, we did a similar version of cry it out and it's worked really well for us but we were lucky that B didn't cry out for more than 2 minutes as I couldn't of coped otherwise.

If you want any help feel free to pm me and can give you a few ideas of what worked for us.
I know what a killer it is - we were up every 45 minutes at one point.

Big hugs and post away, its nice to have our own little chat group.

So as I said B has a bug and its been a really rough few days, I've run out of clothes as I've been vomited on and shat on so many times today.
But to make up for it B has decided to give crawling a go! Only backwards so far but our immobile days are numbered!
Hi Yvonne. We went through similar with B, we did a similar version of cry it out and it's worked really well for us but we were lucky that B didn't cry out for more than 2 minutes as I couldn't of coped otherwise.

If you want any help feel free to pm me and can give you a few ideas of what worked for us.
I know what a killer it is - we were up every 45 minutes at one point.

Big hugs and post away, its nice to have our own little chat group.

So as I said B has a bug and its been a really rough few days, I've run out of clothes as I've been vomited on and shat on so many times today.
But to make up for it B has decided to give crawling a go! Only backwards so far but our immobile days are numbered!

yesssss! please! any advice/methods/tips anything lol.

sorry to hear your wee one is unwell hope hes better soon :( but excellent news about the crawling!
Hi Yvonne. Lovely to see you in here! Glad Dexter's doing well and starting to crawl! Scary stuff, isn't it? Tilly isn't crawling or anything yet - she doesn't even roll. Just happy to sit and play or 'back crawl' a bit. She's a nutter.

Sorry you're still having problems with Dexter's napping and sleeping. I don't really know what to advise because I know you've tried everything. He will grow out of it eventually, but I guess you don't really know where to start. I am wondering about what will happen when I wean Tilly off the breast, because she doesn't exactly feed to sleep any more, but she uses the boob to settle down for bed.

Hope everyone is OK. I have been so busy with work that it's been hard to keep up with things. MrsT - hope B gets better soon. We are fine. Just about to cut her second tooth, top right, so she'll be lopsided with her two right teeth and none on the left! Not much to report here. She's still waking in the night after those four tantalising nights of sleeping-through a couple of weeks ago. We are mid-leap, so I'm hoping it will pass and we get back to sleeping through. xxx
yeah really have tried everything i can think of. im actually considering weaning him off the breast. was going to wait til he was 1 so he could go straight onto cows milk instead of formula. but its getting to the point where hes too attatched because of his breastfeeding. and also his little teeth and giving me problems with biting but mainly just rubbing. so i figure if i wean him off the breast then maybe the sleep will come more natural to him? maybe im just being silly lol.

oh god. 4 nights of sleeping through then back to waking must be such a tease! she will get there though. at least you now know shes perfectly capable of sleeping through :) x
Me: Tabbi
Baby: Henry
Due date: 8th June
Born: 9th June
Weight: 8lb

Can i join

Sorry hun, totally missed this!..Updated you on our list! :D..Seems you have a birthday buddy too :)..Welcome!:wave:

I think ive finally cracked Seb's bedtime routine too!..As before he wouldn't even contemplate sleeping at this time of night or at 9pm, he had his tea and bath and has gone down without so much as whimper!

The health visitor is coming on 6th March to do Sebastian's 8-12 month review, im scared incase they expect him to be doing more at his age :|, he doesn't grab things himself we have to hand feed him snacks and stuff :(, he doesn't crawl or roll over and he's nearly 9 months!..We now have 6 teeth though so i suppose that makes up for how crummy i feel :D

Tomorrow we're going out on another play date to the park with OH's friend and her son again so that should be a nice day! :D

Hope you guys are all well & your little ones too :) x
Ah, Yvonne, I know what you mean about wondering whether or not to wean off the breast. I'm terrified that she just won't settle down to sleep if she doesn't get booby any more. I'm sure you'll work something out in the end. Hugs. Tilly will sleep through one day, I'm confident of that and just trying not to let it get to me. It's tiring, though.

Sebbie's Mum - don't worry about the check. We had our 8 month check a couple of weeks ago and she didn't ask anything. Tilly doesn't roll, doesn't crawl, isn't really even contemplating it and still hates tummy time. I'm trying not to let her immobility worry me. She's only 8.5 months old. I don't think she'll ever crawl, tbh. Glad you've cracked the bedtime routine.

Tilly seems to have caught another cold. She only had one two weeks ago. Never bloody ends! I've got it too. Boooooooo. xxx
Thanks Karen :)

Well just thought id drop in and tell everyone how the health visitor went!, Seb's height and weight we're checked he now weighs 20lb:shock:, and is just over 2 foot tall!..My baby is getting tall!:shock:, the health visitor then said his height and weight weren't a concern as he seems to be following the centile line from when he was last weighed perfectly, so that made me happy :D

She was a bit concerned as she said he was a bit slow with his grabbing and passing from hand to hand :(, maybe this is my fault for not encouraging him enough!:shakehead:, I felt like such a bad mum when she said he should really be doing this and then Seb started watching the tv when she was here and then she said don't let him watch too much tv and maybe at some points during the day we should play with him..Believe me we have tried turning it off but he just seems to go scripto at us and cry, whinge and scream when we turn it off :(, we have a little telly addict..And he doesn't seem bothered with his toys when we try!..But i feel so bad that he's slow with his grabbing as im his mum i should know or encourage him in anyway but he seems to hate having his hands touched never mind toys thrust at him :(

But on the plus side..His Fontenelle seems to have disappeared..Which shocked her as supposedly their not supposed to fuse together until their after a year old or something!..But it seems to have fused earlier than we thought :D..He always has had a massive head bless him:lol:

But yes, thats our appointment really..So instead of his next review being when he's 2, its now when he's 1 instead just to make sure he is starting to grab :(.

I did tell my mum, but shes always hated health visitors even since i was born..They told my mum that i'd be slow in everything and i had a clicky hip but im fine so what do they know eh?..But my mum told me to ignore them as their talking out of their arses half the time:lol::lol:..Can you tell my mum hates them yet?:whistle:
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Awwwwww. Ignore the HV if you can - sometimes I think they feel like they have to find something negative to say just because they'd feel useless - which they are - if they didn't. If mine had bothered to check everything that Tilly should or shouldn't be doing, I'm sure she'd have been concerned that she doesn't roll, won't try to crawl, bears weight on her legs but only if she's in the mood for it. She's daft as a brush and I sometimes wonder if she's either a genius or if there's something wrong with her... Seriously, these milestones are put there just to make us anxious and to keep HVs in a job. I'm sure Seb's doing all sorts of other things ahead of other babies his age and he will grab for things and want to play more when he is ready. Sorry you have to have a review at 1 year.

Can you tell I don't like HV's either?!
:lol:..Well, no i cant tell!..I think their a bane of all mothers existence!! :shakehead:

He can weight bear and stay in that position if we support him..Like lean his bum against the sofa he can stand up that way!..But he just doesn't seem to be interested in playing with his toys, crawling or grabbing anything..But as my mum told me earlier i suppose he'll do it when he feels ready, im not one of these parents who are in a rush to rush their babies to do things. My mother never rushed me..I suppose thats why im so lazy and laid back when it comes to certain things :lol:, i didn't walk until i was 18 months so im hoping Seb walks before then!

But i just feel so frustrated and hopeless that i cant encourage him to do things :(..He gets bored so quickly

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