****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Poor Sebastian. These teeth have a lot to answer for!

Taffy - poor max! Hope you have a better day today. How does he seem? Any better?

Iv just dropped Meri off at my mother in laws. She occasionally has her for a couple of hours but she's having her all day today as a practise for when I go back to work in April. She's going to have her for the 2 days I'm working. I'm absolutely dreading it!! I always miss her when she's not with me.

Guess we are all coming to that time and some of you are already there. Where did our tiny babies go?! Only feels like 2 minutes ago that I was finishing work.

Have a good day everyone! I am planning on doing some spring cleaning!
Hey hun, yeah Max was a little better today. He slept 6pm - 7.30am last night so obviously needed the sleep!

How was your day without Meri? xxx
It was productive. Got lots of sorting out done at home but I didn't feel good her not being here. Think it's cos I left her at the weekend too. Felt guilty and like I leave her too much. Which is silly cos I don't but couldn't help feeling guilty and clock watching.

Glad max is a bit better! X
I know how you feel hun, I always feel guilty when Max isn't with me, but I'm trying to do it a bit more so he's used to being away from me when I go back to work. They're no doubt having a great time without us though :)

Glad your day was productive, I desperately need to give my house a really good sorting out xxx
I know I'm going to have to get used to it when I go back to work. I miss her smiley little face when she's not with me!

It's so hard keeping on top of stuff around the house with a baby! I used to be so organised! I barely scratched the surface today. Ha. Oh well they are only babies once! X
I just do the basics around the house, like you say they're only young once.

I also miss Max terribly when he's away from me and I have a fear that he's going to think I've abandoned him :( It really worries me. Thankfully my sister will be having him for one day when I go back to work and I know she'll provide lots of play and cuddles.

When do you go back to work hun? xx
Mid April. My maternity leave finished at the end of this month but I have loads of holiday to tag on the end. I'm dreading it! Only going back 2 days but I don't want to leave her. She is going to be with my MIL so will be just fine. It's me that will be more bothered! Wish I could be a stay at home mummy.
Yeah I'm going back 2 days as well. It's our own business so I can be quite flexible. In a way I'm looking forward to getting back into work, I just wish it didn't involve having to leave Max xx
Me: Tabbi
Baby: Henry
Due date: 8th June
Born: 9th June
Weight: 8lb

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I really feel for all u mummies having to get ready to return to work. Luckily for me we won't be any better off me working and my hours were just not practical for having to look after Harry (4:30am starts). My first day back was meant to be on Monday but I am so glad I didn't have to return. Since I made the decision it has felt like a huge weight was lifted, think it also contributed to my pnd. I've not left Harry for longer than 2 hours and that was because it wasn't planned, was only meant to be gone 15 mins tops. xx
I really feel for all u mummies having to get ready to return to work. Luckily for me we won't be any better off me working and my hours were just not practical for having to look after Harry (4:30am starts). My first day back was meant to be on Monday but I am so glad I didn't have to return. Since I made the decision it has felt like a huge weight was lifted, think it also contributed to my pnd. I've not left Harry for longer than 2 hours and that was because it wasn't planned, was only meant to be gone 15 mins tops. xx

Gosh 4:30am starts sound horrendous hun! Glad you are feeling a bit better, a close friend has just been diagnosed with PND 8 months post birth and I had no idea what she had been going through x:oooo:
Hi Kanga. How you doing hun? It's good that you don't have to go back to work. I know ignore much I'm dreading it so if you have been struggling with PND too it must be a bit relief.

Harry is just gorgeous! Been looking at the pics you added and the one of him asleep in his jumperoo is so funny. Bless him!
Yeah, Kanga, Harry's pics are just gorgeous. What a cute little chappie he's grown into.

So glad that you're happy not to have to return to work. I'm struggling trying to juggle working from home/self employment with looking after Tilly. Let's just say the work is going to have to suffer. I sometimes wish I could just not work and look after T full time, but I know I would be bored eventually and I still want to carry on working. It's just one of those situations in which you can't win.

I've only ever left T with my OH. My mum is staying with me this week to help look after Tilly, but I don't really trust her too much... she would need some serious parenting training for me to leave Tilly alone with her for a whole day, LOL. xxx
Hey Kanga, good to hear from you hun. We should try and meet up and take the boys to the park at some point as we're not far from each other.

That's great you don't have to go back and I'm glad a weight was lifted once you had made that decision. I must admit although I really don't want to be away from Max I am happy to go back into the office a couple of days a week. I enjoy my work and have a few exciting projects on the horizon I'm looking forward to getting stuck into. I also think I'll really relish the days I have with Max and make sure we're having lots of fun on those days.

We as you know Max has been poorly and now I've come down with it. I feel really bad because I feel like absolute death and hate to think Max felt like this last week. My OH left me in bed this morning and worked from home so he could give Max brekkie, etc and I could hear the carnage from upstairs. It doesn't hurt them to realise how difficult it is to work and watch a 8 month old, I have to try and do it everyday. I must admit my OH looked relieved to escape to work xxx
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Thank u everyone :) it's lovely checking in here and seeing I'm not alone with having a whiny clingy baby! I think we have just started a new leap, plus he has a cold and we had 2 teeth come through at the weekend!! So to say he is hard work is an understatement at the mo.

Taffy it would be fab to meet up with u and max, I've met a few ladies from here and it is fab seeing the ladies and babies we went through pregnancy with.

Sorry to hear ur unwell too, I was ill last week and it is tough to look after LO when ur rough. Luckily Harry never caught it from us, horrible to think of them in pain :( hope u feel better soon xx
I'm sure a few months down the line I might change my mind about working, but at the mo I just feel as though Harry is too young to me looked after by anyone but me or DH. I think it would be better if I had family around, but I don't really.

I have my grandma, but can't ask her to look after him. My mil doesn't work, but has epilepsy so don't trust her having Harry alone as she has fits really randomly so won't be sure they were both 100% safe. My sister lives 2 hours away and my dad is 5hours away, so no one that I would feel safe to have him. xx
Taffy sorry your poorly. I feel dreadful today too! My head is pounding and everything aches. Ugh I'd love to climb in to bed but no such luxury!

Hurry up 5 o'clock when daddy can take over!
I'm sure a few months down the line I might change my mind about working, but at the mo I just feel as though Harry is too young to me looked after by anyone but me or DH. I think it would be better if I had family around, but I don't really.

I have my grandma, but can't ask her to look after him. My mil doesn't work, but has epilepsy so don't trust her having Harry alone as she has fits really randomly so won't be sure they were both 100% safe. My sister lives 2 hours away and my dad is 5hours away, so no one that I would feel safe to have him. xx
I feel the same way about Tilly. We live 2 hours away from my parents, and 1.5 hours from in-laws, whom I wouldn't trust anyway. We have such different ideas about parenting that I think they would deliberately do things differently from how I'd asked them. My parents are awkward too, but I can say what I think to them more than the in-laws. I have nobody else around. I could put T into a nursery but I can't get my head around it yet.

Taffy and Spammy - sorry you're ill. I'm coming down with Tilly's cold and just want to go to bed too :nap::nap::nap:
Erugh it's horrible thinking of leaving them isn't it?
I go back to work at the end of march but I've dropped my hours to two 13.5 hour shifts :(
My mum has been really involved With Sebastian from the start so I'm lucky in that way that I really trust my mum and dad with him and my mum will have him while I'm at work. But I would never leave him with oh parents as I just wouldn't feel comfortable....saying that I have a cardiology appt Monday and I don't have anyone to ask other than mil to have him for a couple of hours.

Seb had another bad night and stirred constantly and I think I had 30 mins uninterrupted sleep but I think he's cutting his other bottom tooth. :(

On a happier note we just got back from a jo jingles taster class which he loved so I've booked him on for this term :)

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