****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Ah poor Seb, has the tooth come through yet? Max was quite unsettled at night while he was cutting his first teeth.

Kanga - we'll have to get a date in the diary to meet, hopefully it starts warming up soon so we don't freeze to death going to the park!

Spammy - how you feeling today hun?

Karen - how's that beautiful girl of yours today?

Tabbi - how's Henry hun?

Well thankfully me and Max seem to be on the mend, the only problem is OH has started sniffing and I dread him catching it as you know what men are like when they're ill!! I've had a lovely day with Max today, we went to a cafe as a family for brekkie this morning and he literally ate half of my breakfast, I think i might have to get him his own spoon and fork as he kept pinching my fork and was fascinated by it. He's also got a new noise where he makes a gargling noise in the back of his throat and he's also started to give kisses :) It's very funny he lunges at you mouth open and then pouts after so has things a tiny bit the wrong way round but it's still very funny. He's also started playing peek a boo with the curtain when he's in his walker. Thankfully a good end to a very snotty, ill week.

Hope you all well xxx
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Ah poor Seb, has the tooth come through yet? Max was quite unsettled at night while he was cutting his first teeth.

Kanga - we'll have to get a date in the diary to meet, hopefully it starts warming up soon so we don't freeze to death going to the park!

Spammy - how you feeling today hun?

Karen - how's that beautiful girl of yours today?

Tabbi - how's Henry hun?

Well thankfully me and Max seem to be on the mend, the only problem is OH has started sniffing and I dread him catching it as you know what men are like when they're ill!! I've had a lovely day with Max today, we went to a cafe as a family for brekkie this morning and he literally ate half of my breakfast, I think i might have to get him his own spoon and fork as he kept pinching my fork and was fascinated by it. He's also got a new noise where he makes a gargling noise in the back of his throat and he's also started to give kisses :) It's very funny he lunges at you mouth open and then pouts after so has things a tiny bit the wrong way round but it's still very funny. He's also started playing peek a boo with the curtain when he's in his walker. Thankfully a good end to a very snotty, ill week.

Hope you all well xxx

Henry's good got his 3 & 4 teeth coming through, he's been pulling himself up all day walking around the edge of the settee's. He loves peek-a-boo too, but he uses his blankets or usually a jacket that were wearing...so cute and the smile and laugh are so heart warming. He's back to his little self after the virus loving screaming loudly too lol x x x
Well my good feeling about not returning to work has fallen drastically :( Got the paperwork through for housing benefit today and it is going to be about £40 per week less than expected, doesn't sound much much it adds up :(

Tried phoning my old boss today and see if he had any of my hours still available and go from there. But he wasn't in, buyt he is tomorrow so I was thinking of popping in and asking him in person. Need to sort it out ASAP xx
Oh no sorry to hear that kanga, that must be really disappointing, I hope you get things sorted with your boss xxx
Ah poor Seb, has the tooth come through yet? Max was quite unsettled at night while he was cutting his first teeth.

Kanga - we'll have to get a date in the diary to meet, hopefully it starts warming up soon so we don't freeze to death going to the park!

Spammy - how you feeling today hun?

Karen - how's that beautiful girl of yours today?

Tabbi - how's Henry hun?

Well thankfully me and Max seem to be on the mend, the only problem is OH has started sniffing and I dread him catching it as you know what men are like when they're ill!! I've had a lovely day with Max today, we went to a cafe as a family for brekkie this morning and he literally ate half of my breakfast, I think i might have to get him his own spoon and fork as he kept pinching my fork and was fascinated by it. He's also got a new noise where he makes a gargling noise in the back of his throat and he's also started to give kisses :) It's very funny he lunges at you mouth open and then pouts after so has things a tiny bit the wrong way round but it's still very funny. He's also started playing peek a boo with the curtain when he's in his walker. Thankfully a good end to a very snotty, ill week.

Hope you all well xxx

Yeah his tooth is through but I think the other is on its way.

Sorry to hear that kanga....I hope something comes up for you x

Well I have decided to put seb in his own room for the first time so I imagine I will be up and down all night settling him and putting his dummy in :(

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Hope everyone is feeling better soon :hugs:

Les - it has been really upsetting thinking about having to go to work after I was confident about not having to return. I think I am petrified about having to go back grovelling to my boss :( I was contracted for 28hours and was going to reduce it to 18hours. But I know the guy covering 16 of my hours actually wanted them so he is probably on a contract for those now. It only leaves 12 hours, if not one else has taken them, that I might be able to get. I would prefer to go back there over starting a brand new job though.

Taffy - Harry makes the gurgling noise too, he is starting to learn the growling noise now :) It's so funny to hear.

Melissa - Harry got his bottom 2 teeth together, just last week it was horrible for him and me. Thankfully I have a slightly happier baby at the mo. when we out Harry into his room on his own, it was only a couple of nights for waking often for his dummy, but now he sleeps much better in there than he did in our room. Hope u have a good night

Only had to get up twice just to put his dummy in and I somehow slept better with him not being there?


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Only had to get up twice just to put his dummy in and I somehow slept better with him not being there?


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He looks really snugly in his cot :-) when Harry went into his own room we both slept better but it's sad not having them next to you anymore :-( x
Lovely to hear all your news, girls. I've been busy working. T is good - very very noisy at the moment. She has just eaten quesadillas and watermelon for breakfast and nearly died with pleasure, I think. She was just shovelling it in. She's just recovering from a cold and is teething so is finding napping difficult, and I think we're moving away from three naps a day now and maybe she wants to stretch out her awake time a little.

Other ladies with babies around 8 months - how much do your babies sleep and nap? Tilly sleeps roughly 7pm-6am, then has three naps a day totalling around 2 hours more or less. She used to be tired after 2 hours of being awake, but I think that's changing. Not sure?
Only had to get up twice just to put his dummy in and I somehow slept better with him not being there?

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Ah, you'll get used to it very soon. We moved T out at 5 months and love it.

His room and cot look SO cute and cosy. I love that canopy you've got. Was thinking of making something like that for T. xxx
Hi girls hope everyone is ok? Harry has a horrendous cold, his eyes and nose are streaming and he sounds a bit chesty. OH had it last week and was so pathetic with it, he didn't get out of bed all weekend! X
Lovely to hear all your news, girls. I've been busy working. T is good - very very noisy at the moment. She has just eaten quesadillas and watermelon for breakfast and nearly died with pleasure, I think. She was just shovelling it in. She's just recovering from a cold and is teething so is finding napping difficult, and I think we're moving away from three naps a day now and maybe she wants to stretch out her awake time a little.

Other ladies with babies around 8 months - how much do your babies sleep and nap? Tilly sleeps roughly 7pm-6am, then has three naps a day totalling around 2 hours more or less. She used to be tired after 2 hours of being awake, but I think that's changing. Not sure?

Tilly's breakfast sounds amazing Karen! X
Lovely to hear all your news, girls. I've been busy working. T is good - very very noisy at the moment. She has just eaten quesadillas and watermelon for breakfast and nearly died with pleasure, I think. She was just shovelling it in. She's just recovering from a cold and is teething so is finding napping difficult, and I think we're moving away from three naps a day now and maybe she wants to stretch out her awake time a little.

Other ladies with babies around 8 months - how much do your babies sleep and nap? Tilly sleeps roughly 7pm-6am, then has three naps a day totalling around 2 hours more or less. She used to be tired after 2 hours of being awake, but I think that's changing. Not sure?

Tilly's breakfast sounds amazing!

Max sleeps through 6pm-7am ish then has a morning nap around 9.30-10, then an afternoon nap around 2pm ish. These times somes change a bit and he naps for around 1-2 hours with each nap but only has 2 xxx
Breakfast was amazing. Daddy and I had tinned refried beans in ours, but T had left-over home-made bean spread, some tomatoes, cheese and spring onions, and avocado slices on the side. No hot sauce for her yet :lol:

Thanks Taffy. I might see about keeping her up a bit longer between naps. She only had half an hour just now... 8.50-9.20, which seems kind of pointless. I wonder if she'd sleep longer if I kept her up longer. Who knows? Trial and error, I guess. xxx
Yeah I think it is trial and error with naps. I used to get really stressed trying to get Max to have naps so I started watching more for signs he was tired and let him dictate them a bit more and we fell into a better pattern xxx
Hi girls. Been away staying with friends and haven't managed to get on for a couple I days.

Taffy - my illness never really amounted to anything. I'm sneezing a lot but that's about it. I had a really long sleep on Thursday night and it seemed to do the trick!
Kanga - did you manage to sort anything with work? Poor you. Must be really disappointing.

How us everyone? Hope you have had a good weekend! X
Hi girls, I'm going back to work full time tomorrow and I'm just sitting on the sofa in years! I've been lucky enough to have had 8 months off but I just feel like in abandoning the baby :-( x
Aww I start back in 4 weeks and I'm pretty sure I'll be the same!
I hope it goes well tomorrow x

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Hi girls, I'm going back to work full time tomorrow and I'm just sitting on the sofa in years! I've been lucky enough to have had 8 months off but I just feel like in abandoning the baby :-( x

Oh honey big hugs. Hope tomorrow goes ok. Will be thinking of you x
Hi girls, I'm going back to work full time tomorrow and I'm just sitting on the sofa in years! I've been lucky enough to have had 8 months off but I just feel like in abandoning the baby :-( x

Hope the day goes quickly for you - your not abandoning him, just setting the foundations for an amazing future for him x

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