****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Well we had Max's hearing test this morning. He had to have one as he was severely jaundiced when he was tiny and it can cause some babies to lose their high level hearing. I thought it was going to be a struggle as he's a bit grumpy at the moment but thankfully he was very good, did everything they asked of him and passed :) so that means at times he really is just ignoring me! Hope you're all having a good Monday xxx
Glad it went well Taffy! Is max a bit happier today?

We are having a relatively nice day today. She's been full of smiles and sweetness. Just put her down for a nap. I love nap time. Ha ha.
Ah, that's good news, Taffy. I'm glad you're having a better day.

I'm really struggling today - my first day on my own with T for ages and I'm trying to work too. We both ended up in tears this morning. She was just crying and crying and wouldn't calm down. Made me feel pretty rubbish. I've just put her down for a nap too but she's turned 180 degrees so I can't see her head any more and is blowing raspberries. I like nap time too... if she naps! I need to work!

Hope you are all having a good Monday. It's so sunny here it almost feels like Spring xxx
I love nap time too :) he wasn't too bad this morning but I'm finding he gets very grumpy in the afternoon. How's Meri? Xxx
Ah I know how you feel Karen, I've tried to work from home with max for a few weeks and at times it's impossible. Fingers crossed Tilly goes to sleep and make sure you sit and have a nice cuppa before doing any work xxx
She's ok today. Although she's not napping very well today. Usually she sleeps for a good couple of hours in the day but today she keeps waking up every 10 minutes.

Karen - hugs honey. Sorry your struggling. I'm sure you will soon get in to the swing of it and get in to a routine with working and looking after Tilly. Although it does sound like a big challenge I must admit! Hope it gets easier for you x
How's it going today Karen? Hope your having a better day hun x
Hi hun. I've got hubby at home helping out today - he took the day off because I've got such a tight deadline coming up that I just lost the plot yesterday. My parents are coming tomorrow and my mum will stay until Friday. Hopefully I'll get most of the work done and then I can do a bit more over the weekend and that should be enough. Tilly's a right moody cow today, but at least OH is dealing with it, not me!!!

How's gorgeous Meri? xxx
Oh that's good then. At least you can get on with some work!

Meri is fine today! We went to a kids at area this morning to meet a few friends. It was mayhem! So noisy my ears were ringing. Meri was totally uninterested in playing and not at all phased by the noise. She sat smiling at everyone then went to sleep! Now she's home having another nap. She sleeps so much some days it's crazy! Not complaining though. I love nap time!

Is Tilly in another leap?! Poor little love. Or should I say your poor hubby. Ha x
Haha. Glad she could fall asleep in all that din. I know Tilly would just freak out and go crazy. I'm jealous that Meri sleeps so much! That said, Tilly had a two-hour nap this afternoon. No idea why. I think she's just feeling a bit rotten lately. I feel so bad for her. I think it's teething and she's starting the 37 week leap, bless her... xxx
Poor little lady. Yep Meri sleeps well. She's also started sleeping through again thank goodness! I think she was getting hungry and that's why she was waking up. I started her on hipp goodnight milk before bed and it's magic.

Not looking forward to the next leap! Seems like they just become cheerful little bundles of joy and then they hit another leap and turn in to little miseries again! Poor little mites.

That's nice that your parents are coming to visit! Hope they don't upset you again about the weaning! X
I'm going back to work on Monday full time :-( I know exactly how you feel Karen, Harry has been a real grotbag today, he's cried everytime I've walked away from him/put him down and fussed during mealtimes! I feel completely drained now! X
Karen - Ah I'm glad you OH was looking after Tilly today so you could get some work done.

Spammy - Meri is so cute it's great she can nap in loads of noise etc.

Well my little man is poorly so I think that is another reason he's been grumpy the last couple of days. Today he cried on and off all day which really isn't like Max and was very clingy. Then when I stripped him off before his bath I noticed he had a rash on his tummy and back. I did the glass test and the rash disappeared which was a relief. I did wonder about chicken pox to start with but the doc has said it is because he has a virus and babies can get a rash as well. I feel so sorry for him as I just wish he could tell me what was hurting, so we dosed him up and thankfully he has gone straight to sleep. Hopefully he'll be more himself in a few days xxx
I'm going back to work on Monday full time :-( I know exactly how you feel Karen, Harry has been a real grotbag today, he's cried everytime I've walked away from him/put him down and fussed during mealtimes! I feel completely drained now! X

Ah hun I know how you feel, Max had a meltdown everytime I left the room today and cling to me like a little monkey xxx
I'm going back to work on Monday full time :-( I know exactly how you feel Karen, Harry has been a real grotbag today, he's cried everytime I've walked away from him/put him down and fussed during mealtimes! I feel completely drained now! X

Ah hun I know how you feel, Max had a meltdown everytime I left the room today and cling to me like a little monkey xxx

Oh no! Is this what is known as separation anxiety? It must be hard for them thinking mummy is deserting them! X
He's poorly with a virus so I think that's why he was extra clingy today. I am going back to work 2 days a week in March so I've been going round other peoples houses a lot so he gets used to that but being ill has put him back a bit love him. Is Harry going to nursery hun? xx
He's going to nursery two days a week, my mum and dad are having him two days and my OH will have him one day! I really want to work 4 days but I need to find a new job first! Who is looking after Max? X
Ah that's a nice split. Max is going to a childminder one day and my sister is going to have him one day. I'll probably go up to 3 days in the summer. That will be lovely to go down to 4 days xx
Erugh worst night ever! Sebastian woke at 2 screaming and sweating..temp was fine but he did cut his first tooth today and I'm just at the end of a cold that he's probably getting. He had calpol and 1oz :banghead: then back to bed. Stirred all night and whimpered for his dummy and then he's just woke up screaming and sweating again! After I got him to stop he just went straight back down? :(

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Oh you poor thing :-( but yay to first tooth!
We were up for the day at 5.30 so that's an improvement on 5am! X

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