****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

At last! Meri finally rolled over on her own today! It only took 7 months. Ha ha. Clever girl.
At last! Meri finally rolled over on her own today! It only took 7 months. Ha ha. Clever girl.

Yey well done Meri! Harry only started rolling properly about 2 weeks ago and now he won't stop, I find him in all sorts of weird positions in the cot! X
At last! Meri finally rolled over on her own today! It only took 7 months. Ha ha. Clever girl.

Aww well done Meri, there will be no stopping her now lol I regulary 'lose' Harry in the lounge, as at a quick glance he is never in the same spot xx
I have quite a major day with Seb'..OH is very unwell with his anti biotics so ive had to do pretty much everything today so im very tired out

But we had a takeaway tonight and i sat Seb' in his high chair so he could watch tv (or watch us eat as he likes to do that), we recently invested in a doidy cup!..I left it on the high chair with about half a cups worth of juice still in it and the little devil was tapping his high chair with his dummy, saw the cup and proceeded to grab it and tip it up!:shock:..Safe to say the juice went everywhere..Only on the tray of his high chair but it was like a river lol!:lol:

We we're joking around saying 'naughty boy', and he was in tears laughing at us..Me and OH had hours of fun doing this and i think seb did too!:lol:
^ so cute :)

I'm dreading the stage when Cay does something "naughty" but too funny to tell him off :/ :lol:

His amber anklet arrived today...
He's still well to little for it at the moment :) xx
So cute, the tiny babies make me so broody.

I've had a lovely couple of days with Max, he's been such a joy. Going down well for naps, waking up full of smiles, eating well and just happy in general. He's due another leap soon so I'm relishing these days :)

Everyone up to much over the weekend? We've got a 1st birthday party, Max's first big boy party xxx
^ so cute :)

I'm dreading the stage when Cay does something "naughty" but too funny to tell him off :/ :lol:

His amber anklet arrived today...
View attachment 32223
He's still well to little for it at the moment :) xx

He's gorgeous Hun!

B has been a joy recently, we went out for his great granny's 80th birthday lunch today and he was all smiles and ate nicely, only a few crisps made their way to the floor!

Noticed tooth number 5 today - that's one a week so far, he doesn't moan about it really but the dribbling is horrendous!

How's everyone else doing? Anyone else's lo around 7 months - what new joys have I got to look forward to? Any leaps or new tricks lol! X
Taffy we went to a first birthday party last weekend and B loved his party bag! He also has a new obsession with balloons lol! X
His amber anklet arrived today...
View attachment 32223
He's still well to little for it at the moment :) xx

Aw he looks so sweet :)

Drake brought up nearly a full bottle of milk this morning :( not sure why. He's never done that before. Then worried me more because between the first and second nappy change (about 3 hours) he'd only done 1 wee and not his normal poo.

He's been ok since, just sleeping more than normal. He's taken his milk fine since, but he's only done a rabbit dropping poo :(
Aw. Violet. Hope he's OK and it's just an off day. Maybe he's fighting something or got a little tummy bug.

Spammy - has Meri rolled more since the other day? How clever she is. Tilly can now roll front to back but when she tries to roll from back to front, she gets stuck on her side. Silly moo. She's starting to do a bit of back crawling, though, but is very frustrated at the moment.

She has also been a joy for the last few weeks - so smiley and lively. I'm thinking the next leap is starting now, though. She's been a bit moody and odd the last couple of days... she just wouldn't nap this morning and went mad by lunchtime. Crazy kid.

Taffy - not up to much this weekend, I'm afraid. Gotta work tomorrow because I'm behind on deadlines. Boo. Sunday the in-laws are coming and I'm already annoyed before they've even got here. xxx
Hi girls!

Karen - no I'm wondering if it was a one off. Lol. She's so funny. Think she knows she's perfectly capable but won't do anything on demand!

Me and Hubs have come away for a night tonight. Iv left Meri with a friend and boy do I miss her! Although she's absolutely fine and so easy going she doesn't even notice I'm gone! Have had a lovely meal and slightly too much wine with the prospect of a lay in in the
Morning. Wonderful really but I miss my baby! Keep seeing her smiley face and want to kiss her chubby cheeks!
Hi everyone, great to see so many happy mummies! Mrs T I can't believe B has 5 teeth already that's amazing!
Harry had his first settling in day at nursery yesterday and sat up perfectly playing with the toys for over half an hour (never does this for me!) It's made me feel a bit more positive about returning to work a week on Monday x
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Still no teeth here :rolleyes:

Erugh! Weaning poo stinks! I will never moan about milky baby poos again because meat poos are something else! ::eek:

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Still no teeth here :rolleyes:

Erugh! Weaning poo stinks! I will never moan about milky baby poos again because meat poos are something else! ::eek:

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I know what you mean. They make me want to barf :sick::sick::sick:

Spammy - hope you had a lovely night. I've not left Tilly with anyone other than OH yet and I don't think I could. I don't even trust my own mother :shock: It feels really daft missing our LOs when we give ourselves a break from them, doesn't it? Can't help it, though... :)

Les - hope your return to work is OK and that Harry settles well in nursery. Are you going back to work full time? I am lucky that I can work from home, but I will be caring for Tilly full time and trying to work at the same time from Monday onwards because OH's additional paternity leave ends and he's back at work. I am dreading it, TBH. I've got a horrible deadline looming on 25th Feb and somehow I've got to work really hard and look after a baby next week... OMG... breathe... :)

Hi girls

Drake really was having an off day yesterday after the milk incident. Later in the day my parents came round for half hour. Just before they went we all went up to the nursery to see how Drake fitted in the travel cot and then we left him there while I followed mom n dad to the stairs to see them out. Drake really didn't like that idea and started crying which is not like him. So we watched mom n dad leave from the window upstairs and tbh he didn't seem that happy they were going, but he didn't cry again.

He sees them most days, so he's used to them both. Me n OH decided on the evening to drop Drake off at mom n dads while we went and did some shopping. Previously he's stayed there 4 hours or more before wanting us back. Well 1 1/2 hours later we r almost home when my dad calls, "how far away r u? He's really upset n won't settle". Got home and my poor lil man was bright red n blotchy with tears downs his cheeks.

Daddy got to him first and he started to calm a little bit, but I made him turn round so I could see Drakes face and when he saw me he reached out for me. Horrid seeing my lil man sooo upset, but a lovely feeling that he wanted me. He stopped crying, but was doing these sorta hicuppy sobs for ages, even while having some more of his milk.

I know mom n dad will have tried everything they could have thought of for calming him, but it just wasn't working. I wasn't expecting for him to start getting clingy yet, I thought it would be at least another couple of months, since he's not quite 7 months yet.
Aw Spammy I hope you had a lovely evening and enjoyed a nice lie in :)

Les it sounds like Harry is going to enjoy being in nursery :)

Melissa it's not just the poos unfortunately, we've had some awful farts too :(

Karen good luck with returning to work and looking after Tilly :) I know my chronic fatigue slows me down a lot, but as of yet I'm still struggling with doing more than washing bottles or putting a load of washing on during nap times while looking after Drake.
Had a great night thanks girls. Have even just been out for breakfast. Picking Meri up in an hour and I can't wait! Feel like my arm has been cut off. She's not missed me at all mind. She's been fine!

Karen - that's gonna be hard work! Hope you manage ok.
Just have to say I LOVE LOVE LOVE meri's anklet! It's amazing! I took it off today to take her swimming and it was like someone switched the drool tap on! Her cheeks went bright red and she started chewing her fist. Can't believe what a difference it has made. Even hubby has noticed.

I'd recommend it to anyone!
Ah glad you had a good time away with your OH spammy I bet it was lovely to see Meri in the morning :) Also I'm glad to hear the amber anklet is working so well.

Well in a post a few days ago I said max was being a little angel well what a difference a few days makes, we've hit the next leap!!! My content happy baby turned into a crying, clingy baby today where one minute he was fine and the next nothing would make him happy. He even had a meltdown because I coughed! I'm just remembering this is a phase and happens for good reason as he's learning all sorts of new skills, well I'm trying to anyway xxx
Ah glad you had a good time away with your OH spammy I bet it was lovely to see Meri in the morning :) Also I'm glad to hear the amber anklet is working so well.

Well in a post a few days ago I said max was being a little angel well what a difference a few days makes, we've hit the next leap!!! My content happy baby turned into a crying, clingy baby today where one minute he was fine and the next nothing would make him happy. He even had a meltdown because I coughed! I'm just remembering this is a phase and happens for good reason as he's learning all sorts of new skills, well I'm trying to anyway xxx

I know what you mean about the mood-swinging bipolar baby. One minute she's laughing, the next she's whingeing or crying. Sometimes she's crying and I try to make her laugh so she's crying and trying to smile at the same time. It's heartbreaking sometimes. The only thing that cheered her up the other day was having a good bang on our piano. I think we are starting this leap too. I am looking forward to seeing what she learns at the end of it. In past leaps I've not noticed a whole lot of difference afterwards, tbh though.

Spammy - glad the amber has made a difference :):) Hope it continues to xxx
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