****Mummy's of Junebugs & Julybugs 2O12****

Awwww! I can't wait for Drake to say mum. Sometimes it sounds like he's saying it, but I think it's just the noises he's making.

I think teething is happening here, red cheeks, dribbling, chewing everything, crying at night but not actually waking much, not eating his usual amounts nor finishing his bottles and a bit of nappy rash.

I've come down with a cough and cold and I'm dreading LO getting it. It's knocked the stuffing out of me. I just hope he deals with it better than me.
Sebastian's gone to my parents for 2 nights...Enjoy the silence!!, gives us chance to work on his room!..Ive already given it a thorough going over and its spotless, all it needs now is a lick of blue paint and its finished!!..Ive been putting the painting off since i was pregnant..Im so lazy :lol:

Seb's started to say 'da,da' so much more now..Bloody charming isn't it..We carry them in us for 9 months, go through the pain and thats what they come out with :lol:..Buggers lol!

So me and OH have decided to TTC again after seb turns 1 :D..Call me crazy but i actually cant wait to be pregnant again! :eek:
Lol I'm gonna try my hardest to make him say mummy first.

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I'd love to TTC now, but I'm still waiting for my AF to turn up. I was combi feeding for 6 months (mainly bf) but started changing to more bottles at about 5.5 months. Now we are down to 1 boob every other day, but still no sign of AF.
Is anyone else's LO in 9-12 month clothes at 6/7 months? The prospect of Harry's consultant appointment is really playing on my mind and I'm finding myself worrying about his size now! He was 21lb 2oz at 25 weeks, is anyone else's baby of a similar size?! X
We have only just started putting Harry in 6-9 months clothes at nearly 7 months old. He was 17lbs 3oz at 26+4weeks, not had him weighed since, weighed in is on Tuesday at 30+4 weeks. xx
I've had seb in 6-9 since about 4 months and now started using 9-12. He's not big in weight but he's very long and off the chart for length but his dad's 6'4" so not too surprising.

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B just going into 9-12 month clothes and he's now 29 weeks. (I think)!

He weighed 19lb 13oz on Monday but he is quite tall I think at 73cm x
Thanks everyone! Billy is a week older than Harry I think Mrs T, so I feel a bit better about the clothes now : -) I just want this appointment over with, I can't stay away from google and it's driving me mad! X
Must be so stressful for you Hun. My friends lo was well over 23lb at our lo's age and was in 12-18 months and had his own percentile line! But shes a paediatric nurse and said he's happy and healthy so that's what matters x
Sebastian's also in 9-12 months and he's almost 8 months..In the trouser department we've had to start getting him 9-12 month clothes as his legs are really long :|, he's always been a size ahead ever since he was about 3/4 months..we're gonna have a very tall baby indeed :D
Drakes clothes are a bit mix n match. He's in a couple of 0-3, some 3-6 and mostly 6-9 month clothes. He usually moves up to the next size about 4 or 5 weeks early. He's got big hands and feet tho.
Tilly is 7 and a half months and is in a mix of 6-9 months and 9-12. The Matalan 9-12 month sleepsuits fit her perfectly everywhere apart from the arms, which are too long. She's a weird shape and not very tall either and weighs around 18lb, I'm guessing? Trust her to be strange... I have got her in some bodysuits that are for 12 months and they are fine!

Les - hope Harry is OK. Big hugs from Tilly and me xxx
I have officially been banned from buying Sebastian anymore clothes since he has a 2 prong rack full of them and a large chest of draws full of clothes :lol:..But when you go out you see something and you just cant resist..:|

Clothes shopping for Sebastian is better than shopping for myself! :lol:
Max is nearly 8 months and is in some 6-9, some 9-12 and some 12 months. Like some of the others he's really long and I found I needed to put him in the bigger sized dungarees to be able to do the poppers up, they don't give you much room at the crouch I've found. It seems like over night he suddenly needed his 9-12 months babygros.

Les - hope everything goes ok at Harry's appointment, will be thinking of you xxx

And yep I agree I no longer go to the women's clothes, it's straight to the baby section :) xxx
I'm the same, baby clothes here I come. I need new clothes and OH does, but I just buy for LO lol.

Drake has really found his voice the last couple of days. It's been great listening to him. He's been getting really loud, but nothing too high pitched yet. The only problem is sometimes he chooses to talk over the tv and we just can't hear it over him lmao.
Same here with clothes! Depends on which shop we are buying from as to the size.

Anyone else's little one started having a mad time of day where they just scream?!! Goodness me from around 4 o'clock Meri has started being a nightmare! Even straight after a nap. She just. Cries at everything! The rest of the day she is smiley and delightful but hit late afternoon and she becomes devil child. Just wondered if anyone else found the same thing!?
Oh, hun. I don't know. Tilly has been moody for a short time at different times of day lately. I think she's frustrated with her toys and that she can't move. She's starting to get the motivation to move and can now stand quite steadily if I hold her forearms, but she's getting increasingly annoyed with life. I don't know what to suggest. Tilly really likes music so sometimes we resort to playing the piano to her and then let her have a go, or distract her with her favourite things like the door bouncer, but if Meri can't be distracted I don't know. For us, usually a meal involving something tomatoey and some melon will cheer Tilly up - sounds terrible, but she likes mealtimes a lot now. Sorry I'm not much help.

I'm the same with clothes - I'll wear rags and just shop for Tilly, although my natural tightfistedness prevents me from going crazy.
Thanks for the well wishes and reassurance everyone! I knew that children caused worry but I am actually a paranoid mess
since having him! He's sitting up, rolling over and trying to crawl (well he rocks on all fours!) so at least he's developing normally :-) spammy Harry is the same, I call it the witching hour! X
Max doesn't scream but he definitely gets whingy around that time. Like Karen I usually feed him then so that cheers him up a bit and if he's still moany after dinner I strip him off to just his vest or nappy and he instantly cheers up - loves being naked my boy! xxx

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