Maybe's private appointment

Catching up on the thread, good luck with tomorrow and Friday, fingers crossed for you. I will be thread stalkikng, when will the results be ready?
Aww thanks Hun, well I'm taking Hubby tomorrow and he's going to ask them to be rushed through as they really messed me around last time, I don't think they'll say no to be honest so about 2 weeks.

On Friday the results will be what the doc sees, I don't think I'll be able to look at the screen as it will make me worry too much.

Hi Girls,

Just to update, my colposcopy went well, I have a shiny new cervix after having my ectopy removed in April and all looked healthy cell wise, I've had a smear but there's a good chance that will be fine as they checked me out with the new colposcope.

Now just my hysteroscopy on Friday but I feel better about that now as today was a breeze.

Good news, fx for Friday now. Hope it goes quickly and smoothly for you
Glad to hear it all went well, best wishes for friday xx
Just catching up on this. I'm so pleased that things are finally moving!! Wow to private healthcare. Great that the colposcopy went well & I'll be thinking of you on Friday. Loads of love xxx
I'm glad you have a shiny new cervix :good:

Friday will be fine - will you get the result from that back on the day too? xx
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Aww thanks everyone, it's lovely to have so much support.:love:

My appointments at 7pm Friday and I'll know the result there and then, I'll get to see it on the screen, i'm going to be brave and look!

So glad it went well hun, and i'm sure friday will be fine too, at least you will know if there are any problems straight away :hugs:

Hey Nurse, thanks! :)

Did you look when you had a hysteroscopy also, when you were going to have your op with the specialist did he say what the chance of future pregnancies were and if you'd need fertility treatment?

Hey Chick

Just catching up on everything.

Really pleased that your first test went well and everything is nice and shiny! !

Fingers crossed for more good news on Friday xx
Hey Nurse, thanks! :)

Did you look when you had a hysteroscopy also, when you were going to have your op with the specialist did he say what the chance of future pregnancies were and if you'd need fertility treatment?


Hey hun, i never made it to the surgery due to this pregnancy, but i was due to have a hysteroscopy under general anasthetic, he suspected i had adhesions from the 3D scan he did, he is one of only 2 surgeons in the UK who have experience in treating this, if this is what you have there is a yahoo group with lots of info and Dr reviews, treatment must be done by an A list Dr as if they are treated incorrectly things can be made worse. Mr Lower is top Dr for it. If treated sucessfully almost all go on to have a sucessful pregnancy :lol:

How does your Dr suspect you got this? they are usually caused by D&C or an infection. Hopefully you dont have this anyways. let us know how you get on and if you need anymore info on this i have LOTS!

Hey Maybe

Just catching up on your thread - sooooo glad there's someone who can help give you answers! You're clearly very fertile & he says you'll have no problems carrying a baby to term, so best wishes towards getting the "non-hormonal uterus" behaving hormonally. I am feeling very optimistic on your behalf now!! :)

Hope your hysteroscopy goes well xx
all sounds so positive - i'm really excited for friday for you
Hey hun just caught up! Glad to hear all is well :) good luck for Friday and heres to private healthcare! xx
Vicky, thanks Hun, I'm feeling all positive as the colposcopy was ok, I hope I'm not being over positive. :)

Nurse, My Doc is called Dr Nardo, I know of your doc and I've done a bit of research and watched a video on you tube.

As far as I can see on my Doc's website he has vast experience in adhesions/uterine surgery, I'm fully aware your doc is the main man in this area and I guess that, if there was something that needed treating on Friday I would be asking a lot of questions and mentioning his name.

My Doc's theory is that it makes sense to rule out anything in the uterus that's stopping the embryo's implanting, not just adhesions a septum or fibroids too but they didn't show on a previous ultrasound so I'm not expecting to see those FX!

He says although I don't have any infections now I could have at one time, he is however pretty confident that my tubes are clear so if I had had an infection then I reckon my tubes would more likely be damaged than the uterus but I'm no expert.

I guess all will be revealed on Friday.....:shock:

Tinsel, Scotch and Apple, thanks, hope you're all ok! :)


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