Maybe's private appointment

Thanks again girls!

I've woke up feeling really pleased, I can't wait to get fixed up now!

Maybe - i have been following your posts since I joined the forum last month and I have to say you are so honest and open and it is really refreshing! i hope getting the op will sort everything out for you and you get your much deserved :bfp: and h&h 9 months !
How the hell did I miss all this! I'm so pleased that your getting some answers maybe!! It sounds like your doc is doing everything he can and is really nice. This thread has cheered up no end! Get the op over and done with and ou'll soon get that much deserved bfp!! x
I know! Hopefully we'll make it to Tri 1 together, I reckon I'll be automatically be out this month as I OV about the same time as my OP, next OV will be about the 26th September, when's your next cycle?

I know! Hopefully we'll make it to Tri 1 together, I reckon I'll be automatically be out this month as I OV about the same time as my OP, next OV will be about the 26th September, when's your next cycle?

I'm on cd8 of my post treatment cycle and if this is a 29 day cycle as predicted by my app then i'd start treatment again on 25th September so looking at conception about 24th October.

That is if my cycle isn't screwed and my consultant goes for it :oooo:

She said "a few month" when i spoke to her on the phone about a week ago, but she doesn't know me that well... yet :whistle:
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Ahh no way we'll be TTC together then!

I think my cycle's a bit screwed this month because of the progesterone as I've not even got a sniff of a line on an OPK yet my op will be on CD 23, I'd love a late OV and be able to TTC this month but I reckon I won't be allowed, sometimes they put you on estrogen as well so if I get that my cycle will be buggered!

I'm calling to get more info tomorrow as I don't know how long I have to wait to TTC, I guess its a bit like a D&C but the tissue they'll remove isn't vascular (no blood flow) so it should heal very quickly and its only a small section.

I just saw a clip of the proceedure on YouTube but it was a bit crazy - looked a bit like the uterus lining exploded everywhere :oooo:

I was expecting more a reduction in uterus size and stitches rather than all that scar tissue. Does the uterus lining grow over the top of it?

From what i've been reading it's typically a full cycle without ttc after the surgery but the cycle may be long due to the estrogen and the period painful and thing because of the surgery.
lol Lou, it's not exploding, there's saline in there so the tissue is floating away and as I said the scar tissue isn't vascular so no stitches are required.

Mine is nothing like that, no way near as bad.:)

Hey Hun

I am so pleased for you that they have found what the problem is and they can fix it, I reckon you will def be pregnant before Christmas!! :dust:

Hey Hun!

Thanks, I really hope so, I have 2 best friend's wedding's next August and one is in Portugal so I'm just going to have to try really hard to do it for then, me and Hubby are getting really healthy ready to TTC ASAP!

Just seen you've upped your dosage, really hope it works for you this time, did you ask for scans again, you really should push for 1 or 2.

What CD are you?

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I have no doubt that after your op you will be pregnant within a couple of months xxxx

I have a scan booked for cd20 this cycle, they think I will be on cd15 as I knew they wouldnt let me wait that long. I am on cd 13 at the moment.

Got an appt to see my specialist tomorrow, I would like it to be to discuss the next stage of treatment for me, but being the NHS they could just fob me off!
Ah ha! Good girl I like your style! ;)

I don't reckon you'll get fobbed off tomorrow, they only annoying thing is you don't really know whether the Clomid has worked as you don't know whether you've OV'd.

Up here you're allowed a year of Clomid but if they want to progress to ovarian drilling maybe you should go for it as it seems to be quite effective, would they do a HSG before or a hysteroscopy and saline with an ultrasound? Maybe worth asking...

On my first appt they said to me that if the clomid doesnt work then I will need to have my tubes checked, is that a HSG ?? and Ovarian drilling, both of which I would welcome.

Ideally what I would like to happen tomorrow is that she books me in to have the two procedures done while we wait to find out if the 150mg clomid worked. But I have a feeling she will tell me to wait to see if this cycle of drugs is successful first before booking them, I personally cant see any harm in pre -arranging the other treatments while we wait ... but then it is the NHS!!!
Hey Hun,

There's two ways you can check your tubes firstly Hysterosalpingoconstrastsonography (HyCoSy) where they squirt saline through the cervix, I had this but I was looked at with a hysteroscope (camera) usually they do an ultrasound whilst the saline is in.

Then they do HSG's where dye is squirted into the cervix and you're X-rayed.

I reckon the best option would be to be put to sleep and then they could do a HSG, a laparoscopy to look at your PCOS and then the ovarian drilling at the same time, it will just be like one treatment then.

They might not book you in straight away but certainly after your ultrasound they will if they see no follies, ask them what the waiting times are like tomorrow they might not be too bad.

Good luck for tomorrow :)

Oh Maybe, Im so pleased you have some answers! Great news that the treatment is quite simple too. I cant wait to see you with a bump!
Thanks Hun, same to you, where are you up to at the moment? :)


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