Today's GP appointment.

Yeah mine hasn't been fully diagnosed yet - conflicting opinions but hey ho jus get on and see what happens x
Today I increase the dose so we will see!! X
Oh right, how did you get onto Metformin, if you don't mind my asking? Hope it does the trick for you! x x
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Thats brilliant news MissJ, finally looks like things are moving for you and you are on track to get your sticky bean xxx
It's a big deal MissJ to feel like you can see the light at the end of the tunnel - finally!

I'm really glad. It's about bloody time :shock:
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Lol Louise it is isn't it? My DH used to be really difficult to talk to about babies, I thought it'd take me ages (well it did really lol) to get him to agree to seeing the GP etc. I remember having to tread on eggshells! So glad that's behind us now and we're moving forwards.

Only.....18 days to go!!

x x
i'm so pleased for you, its about time, it was frustrating reading your journey for us let alone what it must have felt like for you. Just shows how a rubbish GP can effect your life.

You are well on ur way to your bfp, really pleased for you :hugs: xx
Thanks Pos, it was really frustrating but now we've got the new GP everything's so much better and I'm much happier. Really hope it's not long before we've got a bfp! x x
Amazing news

And I know what you mean about reality crashing in - I felt that last night before this appointment
Awesome news girlie!!! Sorry only just catching this thread, laptop broke and doing everything on the blackberry takes ages!!! Much love x
Wow missj, I missed all this. So glad u have an understanding gp and ur getting some tests done. Good luck with ur gyno appt xx
Thanks ladies. :love: x x

Thought AF was here earlier, had some cramping and a small bit of blood but nada! x x
Wow!!! Missj, I'm so pleased for you!! x
This is great news hun! :yay:

I'm so happy that things are moving on for you!!

Do you get a telegram from the queen? ;)

What a nightmare MissJ, i would keep on counting your cramps and bleeds as your period though just so you can still figure when OV might be and make sure you are giving it a shot.

When you got pregnant that time you hadn't had a proper period for a while if i remember correctly?

I'd be going out of my mind if i was you :hug:
I should bloody hope so Lou, there must be something to mark my cycle day! ;)

Hmm I'll have to think back and see if I can remember. We actually told my GP about that and he said that we would have to consider the fact that it may well have been a false positive on a test because of whatever is going on with my body as we've had faint lines on other HPTs as well but no pregnancy. He said that doesn't mean we weren't pregnant but we just can't be 100% sure.

I felt a bit gutted cos I know my bleeding was different and I actually felt a sense of loss too, if that makes sense?

I've actually just got my paperwork through the post for my appointment, I've got a letter to confirm the date and time, a registration form, an 'assessing you for admission' form (not sure whether this is for future admission though...and a another one that's just any other info.

It says I need to bring past scans if I've had any done for the reason I'm seeing the Dr, so I need to phone my GP and ask for copies of my scan that they wouldn't give me proper results for. :rolleyes:


x x

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