Maybe's private appointment

Glad you had a positive appt and excellent news that things are moving along quickly for you.

It is so refreshing to hear of a doctor not spouting off a load of bullshit but then that is the difference when you go private xx
Thanks Vic, yep unfortunately that's so true, I should have gone with my instinct ages ago and I knew I was getting bullshitted, it could have saved months of unnecessary stress.

Hope you're doing ok chick. :)

Yay!! Maybe gets some decent doctoring for a change!!!!!! Shows that you get what you pay for in a lot of cases! Glad the doctor had suggestions/answers! I cant wait to hear when you get your sticky lil bean!! xx
Wow this is very informative. Hmmm really got me thinking now, did you say your doctor is in Manchester?

I'm so happy that things seem to be moving faster, I'm just angry that we can't seem to get care like this on the nhs! Good luck hun xxx
Thats good news Maybe, fingers crossed for some answer, cos answers means solutions, and hopefully that will mean a sticky bean :) xx
Thanks Dani and Dsycochick! :)

Dita, yes he's in Manchester, it may well be worth a trip down the M62 for you, his attitude was forget all the tests lets have a look and rule out anything in the uterus first, which from experience with the NHS I'm a whole year down the line with all the bloody tests which are all good apart from progesterone which is still a ? but needs to be confirmed by 3 tests in a cycle.

He's also said that progesterone will only really help when you get to the 6/7 week mark as it's only then can you get a true picture of whether the pregnancy has low progesterone as before then it can be low anyway.

I'm a little nervous as there must be something stopping my embryo's from implanting properly, I just hope it can be treated ok if there is, but he seem very confident that I'll be fixed up in no time and has no worries about my ability to carry a baby to term.

This is fabulous news! I'm so pleased for you!

I've seen private doctors for other things and I have to say they actually treat you like living, breathing, feeling human beings and really listen.

I've already warned hubby that should we decide to go that route it'll have to be private.

I hope it's something they can resolve quickly!
This is fantastic hon, so excited by how far you are already

And thanks for sharing all this, it really is food for thought
Thanks Blessing. :)

Scotch, I always wanted to private from at least 6 months ago but Hubby really thought we were just being unlucky and I was too busy Googling what might be wrong and basically filling my head full of shite off the internet but when it happened for the 4th time this year he said enough's enough and we've so done the right thing.

How are things with you?

I've never thought of it before, but you've got me thinking - everything's taking so long and it's so hard to be constantly waiting!

I'm ok hon, just can't get the 'whys' sorted in my head. Why have we never even seen a second line?

Still 6 weeks till the sperm test. Feels like forever - it's in the autumn!

Really hope this is it for you maybe and that it's something really easy to sort and you'll have your sticky bean some day soon
Why are you having to wait 6 weeks for the sperm test, it has to be analyzed within the hour, are they looking at the DNA as well as all the usual, if not I'd be asking some questions!

6 weeks till we can hand it in. was over 7 when we booked it so we're getting there slowly but surely...

Tiny hospital in a tiny town combined with summer holidays causing the wait I think
OMG ... I just realised you are having TWO procedures done next week??? wow you are brave,

But as you said better to get it over and done with and hopefully get a diagnosis from it so you can start treating it.

Just had to google them to see what they are

The hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows a surgeon to look inside the womb (uterus) using a narrow tube-like telescopic camera

and the Colposcopy is a medical diagnostic procedure to examine an illuminated, magnified view of the cervix and the tissues of the vagina and vulva.

Are they both in and out procedures or will you be required to stay in hospital ??
I see what you mean about the swift response Maybe!

This post has helped me to make a decision.... following my next appointment if I don’t hear what I want, then we'll be going private. I can see how some people end up buying un-prescribed clomid online. :shakehead:

As far as I’m concerned my case is straight forward and still there is so much rigmarole!! :wall2: I feel for all of you ladies that are or have experienced this....

I hope your procedures go well and that you are able to move forward asap!! :thumbup:
Oh hun Im so glad things seem to be moving forward for you :-)

I know what you mean about being treated better when private... Im from Ireland and the system there is alot more private and health insurance based as there isnt anything in place like the NHS.

Hope everything goes well next week. Im sure it will be something easily treatable and you will have a sticky in no time :-)
Hey maybe! Goin private must be great! I'm sure they treat you with so much respect and consideration :) the good thing is you kno your body and can get things goin by sharing ur answers! I hope it's an easy solution Hun! Thinking of u and hoping u get ur answers xx
Glad to hear it went well Maybe, I'm chuffed that things are finally getting done for you. :) I'm definitely going to ask hubby to find out about his entitlement to private healthcare as when we get the ball rolling at the docs, it sounds like it'd be far better to go private.

Im so glad things are finally moving along for you now, and you seem to be getting the treatment you deserve and have been looking for all this time - its just such a shame that you have to go private to get it. Hopefully you will have some answers soon and can move forward and be much more positive in planning for your baby. Good luck with your procedures sweetheart, hope they go well and you get some positive feedback.

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