May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I am open minded birth wise. I don't have any preferences ie natural, pain relief or c section etc. As long as she gets here safe, they can do what they want to me lol. It's such an unpredictable event, best to be open to anything xx
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best way to be I think lol these babies are so unpredictable!
I know Betty. I can't believe it.
Betty, me and my dog have an amazing bond too, he loves me and dates on me. Me for him too. How do you think yours will cope with seeing you distressed and in pain? Mine is very protective and I think he will get worried :( xx
aw lisey happy 18 weeks lol does anyone else feel like it's going quicker now?
I think animals have a sense about things like birth that perhaps we lack as humans, so I think he'll deal with it just fine. All I imagine my dog will do is want to be near me, as in the past he has done if ive been sad or in pain. He's a springer and so he takes well to authority and commands too so if I need him out the way I only have to tell him. I'll try and post a picture of him in a moment xx
No! If anything I feel like it's going slower each day! I'm sooooo impatient!
It is going a bit quicker for me now.
My dog is like that Betty, if I am sad then he wants to be cuddled up to me. When I am ill, he stays close but doesn't climb all over me, he senses that well. He would get upset if I put him in another room whilst I was in pain though as he would want to make sure I was ok, he doesn't even like it if my OH tickles me (because I scream) and gets v protective xx
Sitting in his toy box xx


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aw he's lovely Betty I've always wanted a springer :) they are lovely dogs.

your at 14 weeks now leigh! hopefully it will start to go a bit quicker for you now :)
I suppose pregnancy starts to feel like it's going quicker once you have more to look back on as perspective like life...

Lisey your dog sounds so sweet, do you mind me asking what breed? If I did have a home birth my dog would stay in the room if he wanted to, but I'd tell him to go and lay down in his bed if I needed space xx
Springers are so loving and intelligent, but they can become out of control easily and can develop neuroses. They are a lot of hard work in that way but well worth it. Most people think I'm crazy having a puppy and being pregnant - my dog is only 6 months old at present. I like a challenge!

So by my new Edd I'm 15 weeks today so also bringing up the rear with you leigh! Xx
do you think you will be a June baby Betty?

i have a pug and she is crazy she is always by my side when im in the house, if i pop out and the OH is in she will cry till i come back in! she doesnt do it when we are both out the house tho and at work its strange. she is very naughty tho and doesnt listen, but will just cuddle into my bump on a night and if i dont feel 100% she just lays on the sofa with me.

i think she will be fine with the baby shes soft as muck! i dont want her to feel left out tho
It could be a June baby! I can't imagine how impatient and frustrated I'll feel if I'm overdue though so I hope it's a may baby! Xx
I also have a dog she's 3 and a half she's a Romanian rescue so she's a lot of hard work I've had her since she was 6 months but she's very naughty and doesn't listen I'm not good at training though so don't really know what I'm doing. I don't think I'd leave her alone with the baby though she's a bit boisterous with my kids
i had my heart set on a may baby then got put to the 2nd June so just missed it, i will probably go over as its my first which will bother me more haha

im so impatient

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