May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Happy Birthday Kabuk1 !!!

Hope you have a great day x x x x x
Happy birthday kabuk hope you have a lovely day xx

Thanks for updating eryinera. Is anyone else thinking about a home birth? Xx
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A home birth is the furthest from what I want lol. I'd be too worried about what I've got to clean up and what ppl think of my house lol no ty I want to he as relaxed as possible lol
Happy Birthday Kabuk :)

A home birth appeals in one way to me as I hate hospitals but there are a huge number of negatives for us too. We live a long way from the hospital and even further from one with a consultant so I just think after our huge journey to get this far it will be far too risky for us (I have family history of birthing complications). Also I can't be arsed to clean up afterwards and my husband is crap at cleaning too. I'm pretty sure if I said home birth to my parents they would have 40 fits, they have a very low opinion of the NHS and birth. However if this one all goes well and we are lucky enough to have a second I will consider it as a more serious option.
if I wasn't high risk and had 2 c sections already I would of wanted a home birth think it would be easier with the kids as if it happens at night they would be asleep instead of finding someone to come round to look after them. my mum lives an hour away so not sure what I'm going to do about the kids yet when I go into labour
Oh gosh no to a home birth! I haemorrhaged after having my son so I don't think they would recommend it anyway but regardless, it is just not for me. I am actually concerned about having to stay home until contractions are close together as my son won't understand what it going on (learning difficulties), I don't know how he will react to me being in pain :( Oh well, that is far off yet xx
Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!

I'm an absolute no for the home birth. I will be more relaxed knowing that the people needed for an emergency would be near, so it will be in the hospital for me. My mum and one of my sisters needed an emergency c-section and had c-sections for all their kids. My other 3 sisters all had natural births, but not all were easy. I also haemorrhaged when I had my tonsils out, the only surgery I've ever had, so not a great experience. I'm considering a water birth though.
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i would love a water birth! a home birth is a no no! the dog cries for me when i leave the room she has to be near me i imagine she would go mental hearing me and not being there! x
I'm really hoping to be able to have a natural birth, but trying not to think about it too much right now, not until after my 20 wk scan. I don't want to get my heart set on something and then be told that I haven't have a c-section. Really hoping that the placenta is off of my cervix by 21 weeks. So far, I don't think it's moved. Still bleeding daily.
Happy birthday kabuk :)

I had a homebirth with my last. It was a great experience and I went into labour at 39+4 when with my daughter I was 41+1 having a Mlu birth which midwives reckon was just cos I was so much more relaxed about it all because I was at home. There are a lot of other factors at play where I live so I'm not 100% about having another as I have a bit of an anxiety thing going on this time but if its what you want go for it! There is a homebirth group on Facebook which is has loads of advice on x
A friend of my is a doula and has been there for many home births. If it's something you're comfortable with, then it may be the best option. I've heard about many good experiences, but it does come down to what relaxes you more during labour. If you don't live far from the hospital, then an emergency can be dealt with rather quickly. It really is all personal preference.
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I prefer to be in my own when I am in pain, I will struggle to remain calm in a hospital without my comforts around and too many strangers. I have a dog that I have a very close relationship with and I actually want him around when I give birth as I know he will comfort me and I want him to share the experience! I know it sounds a bit ridiculous but I've always had good bonds with animals. I also think it will help him behave well around the baby, I'm sure he will anyway as he's so gentle with my friends kids. I'd like a water birth so that any mess is contained lol! I keep joking with my neighbours that I'll be out walking the dogs in the forest on my own one day and it'll just pop out!!!

I haven't had the greatest time with the NHS lately and I've lost a little faith in them. This is also what makes me want a homebirth. I have faith in myself and my ability to birth but the biggest issue is that I live 30 mins away from the closest hospital. So as much as a home birth is what I want, what's more important than that is the health and wellbeing of my child so I may well end up just having a hospital birth. I will make the final decision closer to my Edd as if everything is well then I might be able to have my wish. A good midwife will know if a serious problem is arising and will call an ambulance on standby, or so I saw in a pregnancy documentary!

My biggest fear is a cesarean section. Obviously if it ends up that way I'll do anything for the safety of this child but the idea of it literally terrifies me. I'd rather have a long painful vaginal birth than that! I haven't experienced either so don't quote me on that!!!! Is there anyone on this thread that's had both? Xx
I haven't had a normal birth but I have had 2 c sections and it really isn't as bad as you think I was petrified however my healing time with the second was a lot longer so I want a natural birth this time. it will be my last baby so I want to see if my body can do it but after my first c section I healed so quick
The idea of a section does scare me. Not only the actual chopping into me bit but also the recovery and not being able to drive/lift for so long would be a total nightmare for me. I don't have a plan or really any idea (ignorance is bliss and all that) so I'm just going to go with the flow...

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