May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Hooray, 1 in 24,000 for Downs and 1 in 15,000 for the others :)
I'm feeling baby more today :) on my left side tho but mw found the heartbeat on the right hand side lol so exciting to see all the December babies being born can't wait for that to be us lol

I can wait for that day! :p
i have no idea how baby would feel its my first,

what do i look out for? im deffo feeling bigger today! and im carrying really low, my bump doesnt look Like Erys hers is quite high up mines all at the bottom xx
That's fab about the results. Yes, I get the odd day. Have been a bit anxious yesterday and today. Used doppler and bubs get moving so couldn't get a reading I was satisfied either. Got there eventually but took a long time and plus she was higher than yesterday so had a little panic because was searching in wrong place for a while.
I had 4 mcs and generally I have been ok, it's just been last couple of days. I did have a horrible dream and I think they has set it off xx
Great results, Dov!

Leigh, my bump is low too. There is a pic in the bump thread. It's still rather small, but it's there!
which thread Kabuk? and ill have a look :)

i love rubbing my little bump, not so keen on others coming up to me and having a rub tho lol
get used to that Leigh people seem to think it's OK to come up and randomly start rubbing your belly lol

to start with Leigh it's like butterflies in your tummy or little pops like bubbles lol and then it gradually gets stronger as they get bigger :)
its like woman are automatically drawn to give the bump a rub!!

eee i look forward to feeling it :)
No bump for me yet but anyone who tries to touch me will get ninja'd! I hate people touching me and am not afraid to slap off a hand! I do it without even thinking, it takes great strength not to slap people like midwives....!

I've found a lady local to me who knits baby blankets, so I've chosen some! They are cute, I've gone for greens (no surprise there), blues purples and yellows. The room they will end up in has yellow walls and blue curtains and blue/yellow pictures at the moment, I may change some of the pictures but a few are things like elephants so I will leave those. I'm not minimalist so I have a lot of stuff to choose from to decorate with lol!
Good luck this afternoon Lou :) I'm guessing girl too!
Had my midwife appointment this morning - all good, got my screening results back and they were all 1:117000 risk so very low risk. BP has finally normalised after being low for weeks too. She listened to the heartbeat and as soon as she found it she said 'oh that's a boy' haha! My gut feeling from the day I got my BFP was boy so will be interesting to see if she was right, I don't even know what made her say it lol. Have my next appointment on 12th Jan, I seem to be getting them every 5/6 weeks because of the miscarriages which I wasn't expecting so is nice to feel like they're properly looking after me.
Those of you who have suffered recurrent mc's how are you doing? I had 3 whilst ttc for this bean and most of the time I'm ok but every couple of weeks I have a day where I get really anxious that something has gone wrong. I was telling the midwife this morning and she was so lovely and really made me feel better about it and when I left it was the first time I've actually thought that it is actually happening and we're really having another baby. Just wondering if anyone else still has days like that? xx

I'm having good days and bad days. I thought that once I got out of the first trimester, I would be OK but the further along I get it feels like we've got much more to lose.

Gosh Emily I agree with that. We have both been really scared, I'm not as bad generally now but then I'll suddenly get a moment when I think oh shit what if it all goes wrong now. I'm trying to believe this is the one and I am starting to get more and more excited, which is great but there is always that bit of worry. I don't think it will ever go away so I figure I may as well enjoy this as much as is possible.

Aw Leigh that will be lovely. My MIL was a huge knitter but she died a few years ago otherwise I'm sure she would have done loads for us.

I've pretty much finished my Christmas shopping today (thank you internet!). The only thing I'm missing is a white chocolate orange for my sister, has anyone seen any about this year? I'm wondering if they haven't made them.
I'm not entirely sure but I think I just felt him! Either that or my digestive system is doing something weird that it has never done before.
aw snowbee hope this is the start of you feeling movements :) wonder how lou got on?
I've got a few more to get but I'm pretty much done - just need one for mil and a couple more for my step son. Oh and a shelf full of selection boxes!! Lol! Can't buy them too early though otherwise I eat them and then have to buy more! :blush:

I think I've felt a few little taps today but I only seem to feel them when I'm not concentrating, and then I'm never sure if I've really felt it or not! Then when I concentrate to try and feel it, baby won't move!!

Hope your all ok, sorry I've been offline swapping my broadband xx
yeah I'm having a few little taps here and there that's it at the moment though lol

got the last checks on the house next week and then hopefully will get the go ahead to move. I want to move before Xmas am I mad? oh isn't happy but my argument is if we move before Xmas I've got the whole of the school holidays to sort the new house out without having to worry about school and work!
Busy busy lol. I've updated Bettys due date.

I've had 4mcs in a row between my son and thus one generally I'm OK now but have the odd day especially as I'm getting bump ache dye to so much work I think but i found the hb on my major panic day and as I said earlier.

Hubby felt it kick for the first time!

So that's reassuring lol. It's moved back up and back again now so no more outward feeling kicks for a while i think think it was just due to where is was lying.

Congrats on feeling your first movement Snowbee. With my son it felt like flutters inside or little pops. This one likes doing rollypollys and it feels like when you lose your tummy going over a hill in the car lol.

I hate people touching my bump but it happens so much I'm like grr I don't mind some of my close friends but customers gerrr offffff meeeeee! Lol

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