May mummies and rainbows to be :)

I think I've had a few prods but nothing strong yet :( mw said the baby was kicking when she was listening in really hope it's not too long I love feeling them move around :)
Further to what happened earlier..... hubby just felt it kick too! It's lying right at the front right now. It's why I've been uncomfortable all day. So glad it wasn't just my imagination before. I have a feeling this one is not going to the be the calm sleepy baby my son was I forsee sleep deprevation in our families future lol.
Wow you guys have been busy! So much to catch up on. Yay for the liking coffee again :) I was so happy when I could stomach tea again lol. Ery that is so cool about feeling baby already. I've felt a few pops tonight finally which was nice, normally it's gas but this time it definitely wasn't haha. I've got midwife tomorrow for my 16 week check up and had my letter through today for my 20 week scan which is on 23 December. Will be so nice to see baby right before Christmas, plus we have our gender scan on Sunday which I'm so excited for! Bump has popped massively these past few days, I took my little girl to IKEA yesterday and she was chatting to bump and asking if they were awake and if they could hear her it was so cute!
Aww fantastic x she's so cute lol. My son's more concerned with how fat mummy's getting lol.

☆updated your 20wk scan ☆
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Thank u xx I am so nervous! I don't know why just scared something won't be right.. can't wait for 2pm!! Taking puppy to hydrotherapy this am so at least can be busy and hubby is off today so more distracting too! Can't believe we are going to find out the sex!!?? Any last minute guesses? Xx
Good luck Lou.
Take water with you to the hydrotherapy, I used to take my dog and it gets very warm.
I guess girly xx
Morning! Good luck lou - I'm not going to guess but I'm excited to find out what you're having :)

I had an energy spurt this morning and actually achieved some things!! Eryinera- I forgot to say but my Edd is now 26th may, sorry to keep making you update my details!!! Xx
Oh and I got a letter through the post yesterday to say I'm very low risk for all the trisomy syndromes :)

Can anyone tell me what else a midwife does at a 16 week appointment other than tell you the screening results and listen to the heartbeat? Xx
Betty they will check BP and urine but other than that not much!!

Lou I think a boy. Good luck!xx
I'll update when I get home x

For me they did BP urine ask how I'm doing check medication and then took blood coz of my itching x

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Good luck this afternoon Lou :) I'm guessing girl too!
Had my midwife appointment this morning - all good, got my screening results back and they were all 1:117000 risk so very low risk. BP has finally normalised after being low for weeks too. She listened to the heartbeat and as soon as she found it she said 'oh that's a boy' haha! My gut feeling from the day I got my BFP was boy so will be interesting to see if she was right, I don't even know what made her say it lol. Have my next appointment on 12th Jan, I seem to be getting them every 5/6 weeks because of the miscarriages which I wasn't expecting so is nice to feel like they're properly looking after me.
Those of you who have suffered recurrent mc's how are you doing? I had 3 whilst ttc for this bean and most of the time I'm ok but every couple of weeks I have a day where I get really anxious that something has gone wrong. I was telling the midwife this morning and she was so lovely and really made me feel better about it and when I left it was the first time I've actually thought that it is actually happening and we're really having another baby. Just wondering if anyone else still has days like that? xx
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Forgot to say BettyHoop that's fab you feel like you've got more energy. I found mine has finally come back from around 15 weeks it's so nice to feel human again and not be going to bed at 8 every night! I actually get to spend some time with hubby now lol x
good luck today lou I'll guess girl lol can't wait to find out what your having :) 2 more days till mine so excited!
I'm feeling baby more today :) on my left side tho but mw found the heartbeat on the right hand side lol so exciting to see all the December babies being born can't wait for that to be us lol
Great new MrsL.
Good luck today Lou.

So exhausted today. Couldn't sleep last night after 2 very stressful days. Then I thought I had a good start to the day being given a seat on a packed tube, but that was followed by some cheating arse who pushed his way passed other waiting to exit a busy station and then pushed me to the side to skip through without pay. I started to go after him before thinking better of it. Damn, all that training and I couldn't risk putting him in his place. I when I got to work the adrenaline rush made me burst into tears. I went straight to the loo and then couldn't stop crying as I thought about the kids I work with and how they are likely to treat people like that. They have been awful lately and completely inconsiderate and made rude comments about the pregnancy.

I am in need to a break. 20 days until the winter break.
Good Luck Lou!!

eee its all so exciting.

i cried this morning cos i saw a cat had been run over on my way to work, all i could think of was its was someones pet and its close to Christmas, what if it had suffered, it was all wet i wish i could have stopped to get it! xxx

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