May mummies and rainbows to be :)

just had my test results back baby is fine and low risk such a relief,

20 week scan 17th January, and i have to have a glucose test on the 9th February :( not looking forward to that one.

ive been stressed this week and ive had an upset tummy all week, struggling to eat but OH tells me not to worry and he will sort everything - dont know whether to believe him he is a man after all :)
Excellent news Leigh. I still have that thought and at times can't believe I'm pregnant. I think it will really be real when I can finally feel the little bean move.
I'm being seen at 24 weeks too, which they only see for first time mums or women having closer monitoring.

I still can't believe this is happening either! I still can't believe I might actually be having another baby! I really can't wait to feel more movements from baby. I've felt a couple of little taps but nothing very much yet.

I'm being seen at 22 weeks for some reason! Not sure why as both my previous pregnancies were totally low risk? Maybe a Scottish thing. I definitely didnt get seen as much with my second pregnancy compared with my first but not sure when my appointments were.x
I'm classed as low risk this pregnancy but I'm not complaining about being seen more often. I think I'll find it reassuring and hopefully I'll feel less anxious! Yeah right! Lol!

I was dismissed from work today. I'm one month into my extended 3 month probationary period. Apparently it's not to do with pregnancy!
oh no did they give you a reason?? a girl at my work didn't get past her probation and I reckon it's because she told them she was pregnant
Yea... likely... did you ask for the reasons why you failed your probation. I would demand a reason why! Wasn't it your employer who was being a discriminatory jerk earlier?
OK I've written up the updates to do. I'll pop them on the front page later. I had to go back to page 70 lol this thread moves quick even when we're quieter than usual lol

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Oh wow something happened. I'm not sure if it's in my head but it felt pretty real. Remember how I said it felt like baby was on my cervix?
Well I really needed loo but just wanted to finish updating before I went so I help it for longer than usual. When dashing upstairs I felt something really uncomfy in my uterus areain front of my bladder I guess but right at the front so I put my hand under it and it felt slightly firm and used my other hand to gently prod at it and it moved!!! I felt it both inside and out! It now also feels like baby is no longer sat on my cervix!
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That's exciting ery. I will now hold my wee lol :) xx
Lol that was my thought too :rofl: "wish I needed a wee again!"
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I wanna feel. I wanna feel. I really can't wait for it. It could be a few weeks still. So jealous of everyone who can feel their little bub.

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