May mummies and rainbows to be :)

Thanks everyone. We are so excite. We are signing all the legal paperwork today and transferring the deposit. I don't recall ever departing with that kind of money in one go before.

Congrats Nikki! Hope it was in the location you wanted.

I love animals. I wanted to be a vet at one point, but my allergies are so bad. It would still be a dream to own a ranch with a few horses!

Ery, I've missed your funny posts. That would be an awful feeling. It was -2 this morning when I left for the gym. I love the cold. I miss having proper winters with lots of snow. The heats been broken at work and there are 3 of us pregnant. I have to sit there with a small heater near me, but one of the other pregnant ladies has been doing nothing but moaning. She tried to come into the office the other day and take the only heater from there- there were 3 of us, including me, working in the office and they already had 2 heaters out in their space. Nevermind that the back office always has a heater and is nice and toasty, and there is almost always a spare seat. I've just brought extra layers with me and walk around a lot whilst teaching to keep warm.

I finally went shopping yesterday. I prefer shopping for clothes in person so I can try them on, but it seems I'm being forced to head to Oxford street. I so hate that place- I avoid it like the plague. But even Westfield had next to nothing in the way of maternity clothes. I did manage to get a pair of black and a pair of dark blue jeans for under £30 though. I also finally got to play around with some prams. I'm leaning toward the Silvercross Wayfarer. Looks great, solid yet light and easy to use. Plus it's so much cheaper than many of the other brands I like.
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Does anyone have the Oyster 2? I'm wondering if it is suitable from birth with just the pushchair seat as it does say lie flat seat unit, rear or forward facing and I'm not sure if that means suitable from birth or only if you use the carrycot?

I had an oyster max which I think the seat unit is fairly similar? I used it from newborn and it was fine but I was advise getting some sort if head hugger/newborn insert if it doesn't come with one as they are really tiny in the big seat!! Also was a wee bit tricky to strap in such a teeny tiny person but after the first month or two its much easier as they are less rigid and they've obviously grown a bit! We used to put a blanket on and then the straps to try and pad it all out a bit as we had to insert.x


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thank you it's a perfect area for my childminding business I want to set up and close to my kids school and family and friend's. got the guy coming out tomorrow to do the checks on my house
That is great news Nikki, hope it all goes smoothly.

Kabuk it is a bit daunting isn't it parting with figures that huge! I've certainly not spent that sort of money on anything else! I also like the Wayfarer, the only thing that is putting me off it is that if you have the seat parent facing it doesn't fold and you have to take the seat off. The other ones I like are the Oyster 2 and one of the Haucks but I've been unable to see that one in person so unsure how it would compare.

Thanks missyeovil I think they do have the same seat so that is useful to know. I'm just debating whether or not I need the carrycot as I can't see it getting that much use really. I would be more likely to get a secondhand pram with carrycot for when I go up to do my horses as that one will be used every day and if I have two prams it won't matter it getting dirty as I won't have to put it in my car as I can leave it there... So much to think about!

It was -5 when I went out this morning, the frost was beautiful! Our heating still isn't mended (it is now booked in for Feb!) so I'm going to get some extra plug in radiators out today and warm the place up a bit!
I can't believe it is nearly December! When do you all put your decorations up? I usually start the first week of December but as we are in a bit of chaos still from this heating issue I need to put the house back to 'normal' first! I'm also excited about this potentially being our last Christmas without a little one :)
Don't you have to take the seat off the pushchair to fold it regardless of what way its facing? I just assumed? They are quite easy to take on and off so I don't mind either way really.
It is so cold today, I must be mad but I love autumn and winter, I like being all cosy :cold:

I always put the tree up once my son has had his birthday, so after the 10th. I love it once the tree is up.
Must be frustrating not having the heating sorted, ours always used to go, every winter but had a new boiler put in this year so hoping it will be ok xx
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We're settled on the oyster 2 and I'll order it in January so that we can do a payment plan.

I wouldn't normally put my decorations up until the second weekend in December but I'll be putting them up on Sunday. Cam is so excited about Christmas this year and his excitement is rubbing off on me so we're getting them up early. But it's December so it's acceptable! Lol!

mine normally go up first weekend in December but oh is being a scrooge and as we don't know if we will be moving before Xmas yet I'm trying to hold out but I really want to put it up lol
My son is obsessed with christmas (autism obsession) so he is super excited. He has been talking about christmas since January lol. Its finally approaching that time, thats why we wait until after his birthday though as he will want christmas rather than his bday once he sees the tree xx
It is cute in a way but it drives me mad sometimes too as he collects everything to do with Christmas, leaflets, pictures in magazines, gift guides, wrapping paper etc and then goes on and on about it. Autism at its best :) xx
Are you getting the full travel system Emily? That one is on my shortlist and is slightly my favourite over the Wayfarer because of the folding issue. I can't be doing with having to take that whole thing apart all the time, especially as this is Wales it is often raining I don't want to have to mess about in the rain!

As soon as we fill in the holes in the floorboards we can get the carpet back down and then I'll be ready to festive up the house! I'm also really bad at collecting wrapping paper, new or used... It is just too pretty to throw away...
im torn between the two prams also! think i need to go for test drive with one :)

Oh says tree can go up on saturday yey! only been waiting forever to put it up

Hope your all well im dying from indigestion and trapped wind urgh!!! i just want my bed
Are you getting the full travel system Emily? That one is on my shortlist and is slightly my favourite over the Wayfarer because of the folding issue. I can't be doing with having to take that whole thing apart all the time, especially as this is Wales it is often raining I don't want to have to mess about in the rain!

As soon as we fill in the holes in the floorboards we can get the carpet back down and then I'll be ready to festive up the house! I'm also really bad at collecting wrapping paper, new or used... It is just too pretty to throw away...

Yep we're getting the complete one with carry cot and car seat. We'll probably upgrade the car seat to a better one rather than the oyster car seat though. It's one of the more expensive ones we've looked at but as we can do the payment plan it'll make it easier to afford. Plus we've been through hell to get here so I think we deserve a treat! Lol! As the weather should be nice by then, my plan is to try and walk my son to and from school each day, so it should get plenty of use! Well in theory anyway!!

Emily. I have the same theory, we waited 5 years for this and went through alot so we are allowed to go a bit mad :) (any excuse) xx
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I want to check out the Oyster 2 as well, but I haven't had the chance. I do think I'm going to have to take the plunge and venture to Oxford street to be able to play with more prams. I've also had Jane recommended to me, but they are hard to find in local shops it seems. Their carry cot can be strapped in as a carseat too.

I love xmas. I used to decorate the last weekend in Nov- right after Thanksgiving, when I still lived in the states. I now tend to decorate the first weekend, right after my bday. Hopefully I'll have the energy to manage this weekend. I've been exhausted at the weekends. I'm just debating whether I should get a real tree this year.

I already can't wait for the festive season next year. We'll be in the US for a month that will include Thanksgiving and visiting Christmas Village, followed by time in the Netherlands for Sinterklaas and not sure about Christmas yet. I can't wait for the baby's first Christmas.
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It has been a long hard journey for us too and with our problems this could well be our only baby, so a bit of me wants to just get what I want as it could be my only chance. My head however says don't be ridiculous I could do so much with the money! It is a tough one... I'm wondering what we will use the most and then I would be more willing to spend on something we will use all the time. I've got the same dilemma with second hand as I've seen a couple of prams that are in good condition but then I think I would like the excitement of taking it out the packaging! Maybe I just need to go second hand and get my husband to wrap it haha.

Kabuk next Christmas sounds like it will be amazing for you!
Oh I couldn't do Oxford Street, it's a quick train journey away but too hectic. We are driving through in the eve one weekend so son can see the lights without the hustle and bustle.
Have you got a big mothercare by you. I was surprised by how many pushchairs they had in ours.

I am able to take my son the a hydrotherapy swimming pool with lots of sensory stuff, it's for children and young people with disabilities and I think he would like it but I am worried it will be too warm? I contacted them and it's 33 degrees. That's pretty warm, does anyone know the max temp we can go in to? Xx
We found the oyster really light and manoeuvrable. It was soooo easy to put the carry cot, car seat etc on and off too. The carry cot is suitable for overnight sleeping which will be great for when we go and visit family and I can use it during the day too instead of having to get another crib or moses basket for downstairs.

Lol at your husband wrapping it snowbee. Pushchairs do get a fair bit of use. I walked everywhere with my son so it was in use everyday. I drive now so will be less but still a good amount as will take dog for walks etc and when shopping etc.
What about a mid range price one for choosing exactly what you want and for opening :) and second hand for around the farm so you get best of both worlds? Xx
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