May mummies and rainbows to be :)

2 scans doesnt seem enough, i have to book into see the midwife when im 16 weeks, then a scan at 20 weeks!

just counting down till the 21st now, ive invited my parents along as i can have up to 5 people in the room and then i will also find out what im having. really looking forward to it.

hope everything goes well for saturday Nikki, i cant get over seeing it on the screen :) feels so surreal the there is a life in there, they were happy with the fluid etc and no problems.

i cant wait to have a bump it might start for feel a bit more real, or to feel it move xxx
this is my third baby and I still find it completely amazing that we can grow these little people inside us and bring another person into the world :)

I'm taking my kids with me on Saturday so we all find out the gender together :) got my midwife appointment on
Wednesday so busy week this week lol
this is my first but it feels so surreal right now!

oh that will be lovely i will see if his girls would like to come with us also i think - i just need to see if the 5 people includes me or 5 other people.

i cant believe how far on everyone is!
yeah I'm not sure hun they didn't make it very clear about mine either if it includes me or not.

your nearly officially in tri 2 though! it's going a little bit quicker now than the first 12 weeks did lol
how many children does your oh have? are things better now? I know you were having problems
he has 2 - one step daughter and one of his own. erm things go from great to rubbish in minutes, im hoping everything will change but willing and ready to do it alone if i need to :)

when are you classed as tri 2 some sites say 12 weeks others are different.

ive just read the blurb from the scan people and it says 5 people on the top but on the bottom says you can have up to 10 so i might give them a ring :) x
yeah I'm prepared the same way lol oh seems better now but his mim still hasn't contacted me even invited her to the scan on Saturday and she said no. bet she will want to be in her grandchild's life when he/she is actually here though!

yeah Def give them a call :)
he has his moments but then some bad times as well. he told his girls they took it well his ex is heartbroken tho! haha silly woman she put so much strain on the relationship

i will at lunch i think :) xx
I'll have to do a big update tomorrow with all this good news and new scans lol these same long shifts getting in way of talking lol
Just got the news- our mortgage has been approved! This means we should be able to complete and exchange by early Feb, *fingers crossed*. Hopefully we'll be completely moved in by the end of this trimester and I can find a new GP and switch hospitals for the 28 week appointment. Love my hospital and mw team- not keen on the switch, but the sooner the better I guess.
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Thats great kabuk :)

I just got a letter to say that my sick pay will switch to half pay, as of the 8th November, would have been nice to know beforehand!! Oh well, nothing I can do, was lucky to be on full pay for as long as I was. There is no way I could go back so no point stressing. I popped to the shops quickly and felt like I was going to faint several times just from walking (slowly) and standing still! I just hope I can go back in Jan xx
that's good news kabuk. I feel rough today feel really faint like I'm just going to collapse and another headache :(

lisey, really hope you start feeling better soon. I can't even imagine. Although sometimes these kids have me wishing I had a reason to take a few days off. Really hope you can head back in Jan.

Wow, I think this is the quietest this thread has ever been.
Thanks kabuk, it does worry me that it is going on so long. Surely its not normal. The midwife and Gp are not concerned. I am usually able to just get one with things when ill and don't really complain but this floors me sometimes. I have felt so sick since I have been back, its frustrating that I can't even venture out on my own for long periods of time.

The thread is very quiet lately xx
Great news kabuk, exciting year ahead for you!

Leigh glad your scan went well even if it was a bit rushed. Mine took ages as little one wouldn't play ball and get into a good position!

I don't get sick pay at all, but I can make up hours.
never seen it so quiet lol my faintness has gone now I just feel achey
can't wait for bedtime
Does anyone have the Oyster 2? I'm wondering if it is suitable from birth with just the pushchair seat as it does say lie flat seat unit, rear or forward facing and I'm not sure if that means suitable from birth or only if you use the carrycot?

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